How Consistent Marketing Creates Success | 101


In a world filled with gimmicky sales tactics and “20 Days to a Million Dollar Business” videos, it can be easy to lose sight of what your business really needs. I’m going to guess you started your business to make money, and it would be awesome if every business came with a fast track to making millions. However, most businesses became successful through one thing: consistent marketing.

How does consistent marketing help create success?

The first thing you need to get clear on is what type of business you want to have. Do you want a viral business that is here for the short term or do you envision a business that extends far into the future? I think it’s safe to assume you want the latter! (If not, why are you reading this blog?!)

And the tough truth is that long-term, thriving businesses don’t happen overnight. You have to play the long game. That means showing up consistently.

What are the benefits of marketing consistently?

If you are aiming for a fast track to wealth and fame, you’re also on the fast track to burnout. Trying to make it all happen at one time is a great way to lose steam fast and wonder why you ever wanted to start a business.

Consistent marketing is about creating guidelines and expectations for yourself. For instance, you may want to send one email a week. You then build the habits and routines you need to make that goal happen. 

When you show up consistently, your audience also learns to trust that you will show up and provide high-value content. In a fast-track business, you may find yourself racing at times to get things done, then burning out and taking a hiatus before coming back to it. There is no reliability in that relationship! 


Types of Consistency

Hopefully, by now, you are team #marketconsistently. Now, let’s talk about how you can bring consistency to your business.

#1 Set a work schedule. Set business hours and stick to them. You’ll know how to plan your day, and clients know when to reach out to you.

#2 Identify your content pillars and talk about them nonstop! This consistent marketing strategy makes you known for a certain service, product, or content. Just make sure the information you put out there is quality.

#3 Systems and Automations. If you’re manually sending every freebie to a new subscriber or typing out a new email for every customer question, you’re working harder not smarter. Make your business work for you, so you can remain consistent and put your energy elsewhere.

#4 Release content on a consistent basis. Whether this is a weekly email or monthly blog, make sure you stay consistent. Pick the pacing and timing that works best for you and commit to making it happen.

#5 Have consistent branding. Have a clear idea of your brand look, feel, colors, copy, images, and more. This makes you identifiable and helps you market consistently across various platforms and channels.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that if you “slip up” or “fall off the wagon”, it is okay! It’s not all or nothing, and you may have to adjust your strategies and plans according to different seasons of life in order to market consistently. 

Want more marketing advice and tips? Listen to Episode 44 on a Holistic Approach to Marketing and Episode 68 on Three Traffic Sources to Leverage Your Marketing!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm, and this is Market Scale Growth, a podcast created for ambitious Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Growth, a podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, and flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dream.

Okay, so before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest-based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram ads. There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that you know you have everything. But as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15-minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only do you have all the audiences, but they truly are perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit call today.

Hello. Welcome to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session. Today we are talking about one of the keywords in my life right now, and that is how consistency creates success.

So consistency has been this theme that seems to be coming up for me again and again and again, and I just think it's really, really important. And so let's chat about how consistency in your marketing helps to create. So first I just want you to think about what kind of business you are building right now.

Are you trying to build a hot flash in-out, kaboom type of business or a long-term legacy type that provides an amazing life for you, and your family? Not just now, but years into the future. Probably number two, probably the business that allows you the time, freedom, and flexibility to live the life of your dreams now, but also in the future.

And that doesn't happen overnight. And if it does happen overnight, then it probably won't last. Some sort of effort and consistency on your part. So in this episode, we're gonna talk about the benefits of consistency, different types of consistency, ways that you can be consistent, and then what you can do if you miss one, like miss an episode or a post or whatever.

Basically, if you fall off the wagon, how to get back on? Okay, so benefits consist of. It creates guidelines and expectations for yourself. So if you know what you're supposed to be doing and when it's just what you do. Like you can create the habit and then things start to happen little by little.

So for example, one of the things I'm super consistent about is my podcast episodes on Saturday. It happens every single week. Like it or not. I make sure it goes out. And so, because every single Saturday I have my podcast episode, I don't think I've missed any except for my planned vacation this summer because it's just part of my routine.

It's part of my habit, and so I've built up to now 101 episodes little by being consistent. And it's not a question of if I'm going to do it, it's how do I make it? Right. Second of all, you can be trusted to show up, so your audience starts to expect that podcast episode or blog post, or whatever it might be.

When you're showing up consistently, they start to say, okay, she's going to be there. She's going to provide this value, and it's gonna give you momentum, so you'll start to move forward faster. The effects of your consistency will gain traction. They'll, they'll compound over time. And so instead of it feeling like you're stopping and starting and stopping and starting and stopping and starting like in traffic, you are just on the freeway going.

And it's smooth, smoother sailing. It doesn't, consistency does not take out all of the bumps on their road, but it does help with that. It also helps with your clarity and your focus if you're consistently giving the same message again and again and again. Not only will people start to like to know what to expect from you and know your focus, but they'll also be able to know if you can help them or not, and they'll.

Internalize your message and exactly how you can help them so that your words become more powerful because you're saying the exact same thing again and again and again. Right Now. One thing I do wanna just say about this is consistency can be confused with quality, and just because you're you or someone else is consistently saying the same thing again and again and again.

That doesn't mean. High quality. Now you can absolutely use this to your benefit and just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over again, and people will internalize your message. But please, please, please make sure what you're saying is valuable and high quality, and that you're not just throwing garbage out there to throw garbage out there.

Right? Okay. Number two, the types of the consist. So the first one is in your schedule. This is something like setting business hours and actually sticking to them. Now, I don't really do this very well because my family is my priority right now, and if things come up like a hike or going to grandpa's house or whatever it might be, I prioritize my family, but that is one type of consistency in your schedule. And I make sure I always have working hours. So for example, right now it's 10 o'clock at night. My kids are in bed and we had swimming lessons this morning. And because my family's my priority, That swimming lesson is what happened, and now I'm working right?

So while I don't have fixed business hours as I would in a nine-to-five, I do make sure that I get my work done when it needs to be done. So, in a way, I guess I do have business hours. I work quite a lot after my kids go to bed. The second type of consistency is in your content. You wanna let your content do the heavy lifting for you.

You wanna repeat those same messages, and this is why having content pillars that you talk about again and again, and again and again is really, really helpful. So people start to recognize what you talk about. Like I said before when they start to internalize your message, and that's how it's, your content will do the heavy lifting for you.

And then the final type of consistency comes from systems and automation. So that way you're not relying on your energy levels or your motivation every single time. When somebody signs up for your email list, you shouldn't be relying on your motivation to send them the freebie. It should be automated so that consistently, if somebody signs up for that freebie, they get that email.

You're not writing the email every single time. So having systems and automation in place is going to help you because then you don't have to do it, and you can be consistent with the content that you're sending out, with the emails that you're sending out with all of the different pieces of your business that are automated.

Next ways to be consistent. Number one, long-form content strategy. This is the way that you're consistent here, a couple of things. Number one, you're putting out consistently, like you're putting out content every single week. If that's a little bit too frequent for you, you could do it every other week or every month.

But I do highly recommend that you work up to high-quality content every single day. And then the other way that you need to be consistent with your long-form content strategy is consistency in the quality of what you're putting out. So putting out high-quality content is really, really important. It helps to place you as an expert in your niche and for people to turn to you for that content.

Okay. Your email marketing, again, is very similar to your long-form content, you need to be emailing your list consistently. If you only show up when you have something to sell or when you remember or think about it, uh, maybe I'll send an email this week. People will not recognize your name in their inbox, and our inboxes are cluttered enough, so you need to make sure that they are going to recognize your name in their emails so that they actually open it and they don't just say, I don't know who this is, and either ignore it completely or uns.

And then the other way that you need to be consistent in your email marketing goes back to what I said before with your automation and your systems. So making sure that your welcome sequences are automated using sequences to ensure that people are getting emails consistently from you. If you're gonna do something like a promotion of some sort, a holiday promotion or a birthday promotion, or whatever it might be.

Setting up a sequence so that the emails go out on time. And you're not relying on yourself to do it. It's all set up already. Okay? Now, this is a little bit more of a mindset piece, but another way that you can be consistent is to know your motivation. So this goes back to your vision, your mission, your goals, and knowing what those are.

What is your big vision for your business in five or 10 years? What are you trying to achieve? That is going to be your benchmark for pretty much everything. Somewhere I heard, and I have no idea how true it is or not, but Elon Musk runs every single decision he makes through the filter of Will this get us to Mars?

Now, I don't know how I personally feel about us going to Mars depending on the day, if I like the idea or if I hate it. But that is apparently on this thing that I read his filter. Your vision needs to be your filter. Is this going to get me closer to whatever your vision is, your vision is, how you are specifically trying to achieve your vision right now?

So for example, my vision is to help teach your business owners to have a bigger impact on the world with their online business. And my mission is to support teacher business owners with marketing strategies and Facebook ads to grow their online businesses. And so my vision is bigger. I wanna help teacher business owners have a bigger impact on the world.

And my mission is more specific right now, and how I'm doing that is with marketing strategy and Facebook. And then your goals are what you're really working towards, right? So they are, could be smaller, could be larger, depending on the time frame, and that's where you're gonna start. Knowing what you are working towards.

And then working backward from there helps you to create smaller action steps, daily tasks that are gonna help you keep moving forwards, knowing that you're moving towards that greater goal. and that can help you stay motivated because it's that bigger, that bigger vision that you really wanna get to. And somewhere I also read that we're a lot better at predicting our five-year, and 10-year plans and what our life's gonna look like than even just our one year.

And a lot of things will change, but if we hold that vision for what our life is gonna look like in five or 10 years, and we use that as the filter. Then all of our decisions become easier. So just a word of advice. And then the final way to be consistent is to create a brand guide. And this is gonna have words, phrases, and topics that you speak on to make sure that you're consistently speaking, but it also will have the feeling that you wanna evoke with your brand, the color.

Designs and fonts are going to help you evoke those emotions in your audience and just help you create a consistent brand that people will start to recognize. Now, last but absolutely not least, what to do when you quote unquote miss one, like, miss a podcast episode, miss an email, Mrs. Whatever, or just generally fall off the wagon completely.

My very, very first tip for you is to get back. Do not let the fact that you've fallen off the wagon cause you to delay any longer. Once you realize that it happened, accept it, and then start back up again, and I don't even feel like you need to send an email that says it's been so long, or I've been gone for ages, or do that social media post.

That's, you probably miss me because of Unfortu. Nobody misses you, only 4% of your social media followers see your posts at any given time, and only 30 to 50% of people open your emails. They might not even notice that you were gone. And if somebody does comment, you can just say, yep, and now I'm back. But the biggest and most important step, if you fall off the wagon, if you miss a podcast episode, you miss an email, you miss a whatever, is to just get back to it.

If you've been consistent and then have a temporary lapse, you miss one or two episodes, whatever it might be. That fall is not gonna cause everything to come to a screeching halt. It absolutely isn't. If you miss a single episode, it's just gonna be a blip. In the bigger picture, yes, people might notice.

Might stop following you or whatever at that moment. But in the greater scheme of things, it really is just one single episode that was missed. It was just one email that wasn't said. And life will continue and the collection of your consistency will support you. So if you have a week when you get sick or your family members get sick or something happens, you're in a car accident, whatever it might be.

Don't, do not stress, and don't turn the molehill into a mountain. So don't let that one missed episode. Turn into 10 missed episodes because it's just a blip in the map if it's one. But if you let it get to 10-20, then it gets so much harder to get started again.

Remember too, that it is a lot easier to get the ball moving and stay consistent when you know what the expectations are and what you need to do. And what I mean by that is if the expectation, the standard, the normal is I put out a podcast episode every single week. You miss that one week, and your expectation still stands as I put out a podcast episode every single week.

It's a lot easier to get back to doing it and knowing what the expectations are and what your consistency standards are will help you to get back into it. Now, I'm not saying do not make mistakes. If you are feeling burnt out and you wanna burn your whole business down and you really just feel like you need to take a step back, then that's okay.

Do. Think that Jenaya is saying you have to consistently put out a podcast episode every single week. You're not allowed to ever give yourself a break. You're not allowed to ever stop because that was the expectation you set. You do need to evaluate the moment and just give yourself the flexibility and the freedom to take care of yourself, but be careful if that starts to become a consistent pattern.

Okay. The next way that you can get back on if you've fallen off the wagon or if you've missed an episode or missed something, is just to take small steps toward your vision. So hold that vision in your mind, journal about it, and then take small action steps towards your vision the small steps, build on one another and will become much bigger and more powerful.

Then you expect faster than you expect. Now, also, consider if you have an all-or-nothing mentality. This can come from the feeling of needing to be perfect and having perfectionism as a part of your personality. And so sometimes we have this all-or-nothing mentality. I'm gonna do it all and I'm gonna do it perfectly, or I'm just gonna do nothing.

What happens if you just do it? So if you realize, I have that all-or-nothing mentality, consider what would happen if you just do some. If you just do those small little steps, what would happen? More than likely it will move your business forward more and likely having to do everything or all of it is more detrimental.

Making and taking those smaller steps and just doing those little pieces consistently will move your business forward more effectively than feeling like it's all or nothing. So this is something that I've had to journal on. I feel it to my core and just know that knowing where it comes from and then really, really challenging yourself to do less can be very helpful.

And then the final one. Schedule in breaks and white space. So for example, coming up in a couple of weeks, the podcast is going on a break for the winter holidays. We're taking, I think it's two, it might even be three weeks off, just to give myself and give my team a break white space so that we can spend more time with our families and that we can just enjoy that time and also to prevent the burnout.

The falling off of the wagon, so. That is all I have for you about being consistent. Why I think that is really, really important, and I just want you to remember that small steps toward your vision will add up quicker than you believe, and I totally believe in you and I know that you're making a difference.

So I hope that you found this episode helpful. What. I would love, love for you to share one way that you are consistent, so in your business one way that you're consistent in your business. So head to Instagram, screenshot this episode, then head to Instagram. Tag me, I'm at heya, and share your story.

How you are consistent in your business. And until next week, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week. I'll be back in your headphones next Saturday with another strategy session.

Thank you so much for listening to Market Scale Growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you.

Our growth package is perfect for course creators, service riders, and coaches who are looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people. This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today.

Head to fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JD. Thank you again for listening, and I look forward to working with you.


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