How Many Offers Should I Have? | 94


When starting your business, it can be tempting to offer a wide range of services and packages. In the beginning, a lot of us are still figuring out what we want to focus on and where the money is! But as time goes on, you might realize doing it all is hurting your business (and frankly - really stressful). So, exactly how many business packages or offers should you really have?

First, I want to clarify what I mean by business package. A package or offer if anything you sell to people. Personally, I even consider free items to be offers because you have to actively promote and even “sell” them. Offers can range from digital downloads, memberships, done-for-you services, courses, and more.

How many business packages should I have?

As I said before, when you started your business, I’m going to assume that you cast a wide net. Which makes sense! You are just trying to make money (almost) any way you can. But, having a menu of services isn’t beneficial in the long run.

I highly recommend narrowing things down to one signature offer. And I can already hear you say, “One offer! You are insane.” Hear me out. When you focus and hone in on one signature offer, a few things happen -

  • You get really good at selling this offer. And selling this offer gets easier.

  • You become known for this offer. People will see your name and think, “Oh, that’s so-and-so! She does X.”

  • You can make this offer truly amazing. Instead of bouncing around from one idea to the next because you’re putting all your effort into building something desired by many.

Now, once you have a signature offer that is running seamlessly with minimal effort, you can consider adding a new offer. Seriously though, your signature offer should feel easy to run before you add in a new offer!

What types of offers are there?

There are so many offers out there. They range from free to a few dollars to thousands of dollars. But essentially, there are two buckets - 1:1 offers and 1 to many offers.

I always recommend people start with a 1:1 offer because it comes with a higher price, which means you earn money faster. These are things like coaching, done-for-you services, and more.

Then, as you feel more established in your signature offer, you can offer a 1 to many. This is often (but not always) a lower-priced offer, so it can be more challenging to meet revenue goals if you start here before solidifying your foundation. This can be selling digital downloads, workshops, group coaching programs, masterminds, courses and so much more.

How do you scale your offers?

I know that it can feel scary to narrow down your offers. You might even fear you’ll never find interested clients (been there, thought that). You need a game plan to promote your signature offer and attract potential clients.

This is where a funnel comes into play. This funnel starts with a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free (or sometimes low-price) offer that people obtain by handing over their email addresses. Then, they are led through a series of emails that nurtures them and eventually pitches an offer.

The idea is to create a lead magnet that connects to your business packages in some way. For example, you might offer done-for-you social media management. Your lead magnet could be a few Canva templates for Instagram posts or a social media caption guide. Then, you pitch your done-for-you services.

Again, don’t go crazy trying to create ten funnels. Instead, start with one and really flush it out.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Growth, a podcast created for ambitious teacher entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, and flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we hop into the episode, I just wanna remind you to download my free guide to Facebook Targeting Audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm, lookalike, and cold interest-based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that you know you have everything. But as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15-minute zoom call with me, and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all of the audiences, but they are truly perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit Call today. Okay, now into the episode.

Hello and welcome to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host, Jenzaia, and this is a Saturday strategy session. Okay, so today I'm gonna be answering one of the questions that I've been getting a lot recently, and that is how many offers should I have?

And so first of all, I just wanna talk a little bit about different offers and what the word offer itself means. And then I'm also gonna differentiate between a funnel and an offer and my thoughts on it. So, An offer is basically anything that you're selling people, and I actually even consider freebie offers.

So you can have a free offer or you can have a paid offer. And specifically, when people are asking you this, they're talking about a paid offer. So a course, a membership, a coaching package, a service, something that people are gonna pay you. You can have low ticket offers or you can have a mid ticket or high ticket, and all of those really kind of depend.

Like I have clients who are selling low tickets and it's $7 or $17, and then I have other clients who are selling low tickets at $97. Right? But then the high ticket. Maybe for the people with the $7 low ticket offer, their high ticket is like a $97 course, whereas the $97 low ticket, the high ticket that goes with that is $997, right?

So there's a big range. It depends on your niche, it depends on your offers, it depends on all kinds of different things. , but a paid offer is still a paid offer. So when I'm answering this question for like how many offers should you have, I am specifically gonna be referring to paid offers and not free offers, but we will touch on how many freebies I think you should have when we talk about funnels in a minute.

So again, the offer is the actual thing that you are selling, that you're trying to get people to buy into. , whereas the funnel is the way that you're kind of drawing them into your world, nurturing them, and then getting them to buy from you. And so I believe you should have one signature offer, one thing that you're selling as you're like, Primary focus for me, it's my Facebook ad sprints.

They are the focus of pretty much everything that I do marketing, and when I hop on discovery calls with people, that's really what I'm talking about. Um, sometimes during the audience audit calls that you can get on, we talk about the ad sprint, if it makes sense. Not always because those are not sales calls.

They are just a free value. But at the end we do sometimes if it makes sense to talk about it. But my Facebook ad sprints are my main focus. They are the primary thing that I am trying to sell, and I really have like laid off of everything else. I do still have dreamless essentials, the course. I also do ongoing ads management, but the only thing that I'm really like concerned about or thinking about not, not concerned about or thinking about, those are the wrong words, but the only thing that I'm marketing actively is the Facebook ads, and that's because I feel like you really need to go all in with an offer and you really need to make it your prime focus to.

For a couple of reasons. Number one, it alleviates the confusion of your audience. They'll know exactly what you're talking about, exactly what you're promoting, and they can kind of start to get in the vibe of it, and when they're ready, they can jump in. I also feel like it's less work and less effort if you're only promoting one thing.

It might be a little bit more boring for some people that like to hop around, but. You don't need as much brain space. You don't need to be putting in as much effort. If you're just constantly focusing on one thing and all of your energy, all of your focus, all of your effort can go to that one thing.

And you're not like switching. Your brain isn't switching between gears. It saves you some of that mental energy. It's similar to when you're multitasking. You lose seconds every time you switch. So, That's why it's really important. The experts say, and I'm not an expert in this, but experts say that you shouldn't multitask.

Most people cannot multitask and they're losing precious time by task switching, and that's very similar if you're promoting a wide variety of different things. And so figuring out exactly how to sell your one thing and then getting really, really, really good at selling it is super important in my opinion.

So, I do really believe that you should have just the one, the one offer. And I know, again, I think I said this already, but I know that it can be really hard. Like you wanna offer different services, you wanna offer different products, You want a course, you want something to serve every single person, and you can get there a hundred percent.

Absolutely you can get there, but if you do, you will get there faster if you focus. Um, And so how do you know when it's time to add another offer in? Is that everything with your first offer is running seamlessly. You're meeting all of your client's needs, all of your customers, all your students, all of their needs with very little effort.

And everything is either automated or you have a team that's doing it, or it's just all set up and it's seamless. Like you're really not thinking about it and you're not putting energy into it, and you're really able to continually promote and effectively. We're able to do all of the things consistently every single week.

So this means post about it, promote it, um, send you emails, like whatever it is. That you need to do for this, this offer, You're able to do it consistently every single week, and you've also documented all of your systems and processes so that even if you're doing it all yourself now, you could hand it off.

Now, I've heard some things like make 200 K before you start adding in another offer or one offer until you've made a million dollars. There's. Different ideas and philosophies going out, and I don't necessarily think that there's a dollar amount that you need to stick with it, but it's just really about that ease.

This is similar to when I talk about holistic marketing and I say, Okay, start with your long form content marketing. Don't add in the next piece until you're consistently able to put out a piece of long form content every single week, and it feels easy Selling your offer should feel easy before you consider adding another one.

and if you're like me and you at one point had a zillion different offers or like four or five different offers, it's totally okay to just pull back, pull back on the other offers, and just decide which one is gonna be your signature offer. Offer, and go all in on. Now let's talk about funnels and how many funnels I think you should have.

So remember, an offer is the thing you are selling at the end of a funnel. And a funnel is what you're, how you're bringing people in, building those relationships, and then offering the sale and helping people decide if the sale is the right choice for them. And I don't necessarily think that there's a right answer here.

I do think you should start with one. And build one funnel at a time until that funnel is running easily. And so a funnel has these different pieces. So it has your lead magnet, and that can be a free lead magnet PDF checklist workshop, or it could be something paid like a toolkit. One of those tiny offers the 27 37 90 $7 offer.

So it can be a sale of something that people are buying from you, but the goal of it is to bring new people into your world. And attracting new leads. So get one up and running. So start with a checklist maybe, and you, So you have your landing page, you have your thank you page, you have your email sequence, the nurturing one that's specifically designed to go with that freebie.

And then once they're into your regular emails, they're starting to get those sales pages for your signature. And then once you have that one, your first lead magnet up and running, you can move to your next one. And so some different types, I already named a couple, but some different types of lead magnets that I really like are those checklists or eBooks, PDFs, guides, those kinds of things.

You could also do either a masterclass, a workshop, or like a video series, or you can do a toolkit, um, a paid workshop, something of that variety. And all of them are great. I personally think that you should build in that order too. The freebie, the checklist, PDF guide, um, ebook, something like that, and then move into a bigger one.

Um, like masterclass, webinar, uh, video series challenge, and then move into those paid workshops, paid toolkits, the bigger, more robust lead magnet, if you will. But each, oh, quizzes are another really good one, and I would put that in that first bucket of freebies. But it's really, really important that you've tailored your nurturing and your welcome sequence to that lead magnet, because that's gonna help you to speak directly to the people who are opting in and joining your email list, introducing yourself, and then starting to direct them towards the sale.

And depending on what they've opted into, the sales pitch could be slightly different because you'll start. Understand and realize how these different lead magnets are attracting different people. But again, build one funnel at a time to the point where it's easy, you don't really have to think about it.

You're able to promote it consistently without struggling. Every single week, you're able to consistently post about it or create talks, or pin it, whatever it might be, before you start creating another one. And before you know it, you'll have this spider web of funnels that are all leading towards that signature offer, and it's going to compliment each other.

But if you try to do it all at once, it's just not gonna. Okay. The last thing that I wanted to chat about was different types of offers and how I recommend you move through offers. So most people, I highly recommend that you start with some sort of one to one offer, whether it's one-to-one coaching, one-to-one strategy sessions, one-to-one service, and really start by booking out your one to one service.

First before you start to transition to a one to many model. And the reason for this is you can get a higher ticket, like a higher price tag for this. Like a six month coaching package could be like 5,000, $10,000, right? And so yes, it might be harder to get somebody to sign up for it, but you really only need that one person and.

You can start to fill your roster and start to bring in money a bit faster. Typically, with this model, you just have to be telling people what you're doing and getting them into your world and continue to make those offers and people will start to bike. . Once you've maxed out that offer and you're full and you're content and you're happy and like things are going really well, you might decide that it's time to move to a one to many model, and you might not.

You might decide you wanna just stay with the one-to-one model, and that's perfectly fine too if you decide that you're ready to transition to one, too many. I personally like doing live group programs or masterminds that are very hands-on, and high touch because you continue to get that feedback directly from the people and it is a really good way to refine your procedure, refine your framework, and to really.

Know what people are needing from you in this different format, because likely in your one to one services or one-to-one coaching that you did, you'll start to realize that there's a framework or a procedure that you do with a lot of people. And so your one to many offer will be that procedure, that framework, but you're now teaching it to multiple people at the same time.

And eventually that group program or that mastermind might be able to shift into a completely hands off program and that allows for scalability. But that's kind of the transition that I would go from one to one coaching or service to one to many, a live group program, mastermind style. And then transitioning into a one to many course that is much more hands off and much more scalable.

So that is my thoughts, my long rant about how many offers you should have, funnels, the different types of offer, how to transition through it. I hope that you found this episode helpful. Like I said at the beginning, this question I've been getting a lot more recently, and so I just thought I would answer it and give you my two.

So have a wonderful day. I will be back with another episode next Saturday, and if you like this one, don't forget to take a screenshot, share it on Instagram. I'm at hey at She. See you next week.

Thank you so much for listening to Market Scale Grow. We would love to partner with you if you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot. Our growth package is perfect for course creators. Service riders and coaches look to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet, you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today. Head to, fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with Team JD.

Thank you again for listening, and I look forward to working with you.


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