3 Tips for Facebook Advertising in 2023 | 127


Facebook and Instagram ads have changed a lot over the past few years. Gone are the days of long captions and cheap campaigns. Nowadays, to get the most out of paid marketing, you need to be willing to adjust to what buyers are responding to, and that means ditching some of the “old” standards and thinking. 

Here are a few tips for Facebook advertising based on the success I’ve seen with my own clients.

#1 Run Visibility Ads

When you think of ads, you might think of promoting a product or course. But visibility ads are actually very popular right now and tend to perform well. Visibility ads are when you promote your long-form content, like a blog post or podcast episode.

Visibility ads are fairly inexpensive to run which is great because they can help you nurture your audience and get in front of new people. Online marketing has a lot to do with feeling connected and building community, so I think these types of ads will only grow in popularity.

What I also love about visibility ads is that you can layer them on each other. For instance, let’s say you promote a podcast episode. After they click and listen to the episode, it can trigger another ad, like a list building ad. This continues the relationship and makes nurturing effortless.

If you had to walk away with one tip for Facebook advertising, I highly recommend looking into visibility ads.

#2 Use Short Form Video

Another tip for Facebook advertising is to use short-form videos. I’m sure there is no surprise here, but short-form videos are becoming really popular for ads. You can use short-form videos the same way you would use visibility ads, but they can also be used for list building and sales ads as well.

An important tip is to be mindful of the music you use due to copyright restrictions. I like talking head videos, partly for this reason. When you talk directly to your audience, you don’t have to worry about copyright issues, and it’s the best way to target your audience's pain points or pleasure points so that they feel connected and get something of value from you.

#3 Shorter Ad Copy and Shorter Headlines

A year ago, I might have told you long captions were in, but my tips for Facebook advertising are changing! Attention spans are shorter, so you really have to grab someone’s attention quickly, get to the point, and make your pitch efficient.

For ad copy and headlines, I recommend using emojis because it can help breakup text and highlight your key points. I also suggest keeping your headlines about 40 to 50 characters long. Make sure they call out who you’re talking to and speak directly to their pain points.

When we're talking about ad copy, the most important piece is that first sentence, which is your hook. You want it to grab the person's attention and make them want to read more.

Why You Should Invest in Ads in 2023

Having said all that, I think ads are really worth the investment, even halfway through the year. First of all, ads are going to amplify what you're doing organically. If things are going well organically, then ads will be the gasoline that adds fuel to the fire. (And if things aren’t going well organically, you’ll want to check out this episode to see what you can do.)

Ads can also help you to bring in a consistent, constant stream of leads, which is really important in the online space. We've talked about it before, but buying cycles are just getting longer and longer. You need to continuously bring in new leads, so you can spend time priming them. Then when you enter the next selling cycle, they are ready to buy.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there - I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow - a podcast created for ambitious  teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Hello and welcome to this Saturday strategy session. Today we are gonna be talking about three things that are working right now with Facebook and Instagram ads. We are gonna dive into some of the top tips and strategies, exactly what is happening, and what is and isn’t working right now.

So let's just dive in, and then at the end stick around because I'm gonna talk about why you should go all in with ads for the remainder of 2023. And I think that will be some very valuable information as well. So let's start with our three tips first. 

So the first thing that we see working really well in ads right now is visibility ads. These are promoting your long form content or promoting your social media content so that more people are seeing it. And the reason that visibility ads are so popular right now and are doing really well is because it is important to be showing up everywhere and to have what we would call an omnipresence, kind of like being everywhere.

These ads help you do that without you having to actually do that. They are fairly inexpensive to run, which is really, really helpful. They help to facilitate nurturing and relationship building, which are extremely important in the online space. And I think that relationship building and nurturing is just gonna become more and more important for the remainder of this year.

Building community, feeling connected to people has just been so important in like the theme that I've been seeing in 2023. So I think that visibility ads are going to just grow in popularity. The other thing that you can do with visibility ads is create something like a waterfall effect, where someone who's never ever heard of you before can see one of your visibility ads.

So let's just say it's an ad for a podcast and they go and listen to the podcast. And then the waterfall effect is once they do that thing, it triggers another ad to start running and they would then start seeing your list building ad. So you could get them onto your email list, and then once they're on your email list, they would start to receive your emails, additional nurturing content value from you, and they would also be part of your world when you are doing a launch or you're selling.

And so for that smaller price tag, that little cost to get someone into your world, you're now having a huge impact on them, their business or their life, depending on how you serve people. And then they're also having a huge impact on your business as they join your email list and hopefully become one of your loyal raving fans.

The second thing that we're seeing that's working really well, and I don't think that this is gonna come as a surprise to anyone. Short form video. With the rise of TikToks and reels, our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. And I know a lot of people are saying this and feeling this, that this type of short content video is becoming our new form of entertainment.

We're watching less tv, fewer movies, spending more time scrolling through these short videos and it keeps our attention. And so the short form video is a great way to hook somebody in with a low commitment. And what I wanna just say here is you can use short form video for visibility ads, like I was talking about in the previous one.

You can also use it as more of a content type, and you can also use short form video as an ad for a list builder or for a sales ad. There's so much you can do with it. I want you to be mindful of audio that you're using and the copyright, because you don't wanna be running an ad with music that you don't have permission to be using.

Obviously what I love is talking heads, so that's like you're just talking at the camera. So obviously that's gonna be original audio. You have no problem with copyright there. It also is the best way to just stay on brand, ensure that it's pillar content, and that you're targeting your audience’s pain points or pleasure points so that they feel connected and get something of value from you. And that's really, really important. 

The last thing that has been working really, really well is, again, I don't think this is gonna surprise anybody, but shorter ad copy and very specifically, like shorter headlines as well. And it's the same thing, like our attention spans are just so much shorter. It's so crazy because people just like, I don't wanna say that people are lazy, but like, they don't wanna read, they don't wanna have to focus on something. And they can get a quick win, a quick adrenaline hit, endorphins from the next one, the next one, the next one. So because attention spans are shorter, you really have to grab somebody quickly. Get to the point quickly. Sell them quickly. 

And I say sell even if it's a freebie, or even if it's your blog post that you're promoting. You just have to get to the point quickly. Sell them on why they need to take the next step with you. So for ad copy and headlines, I highly recommend that you use emojis because it can help with grabbing attention and keeping your headlines short; under 40 to 50 characters long. Make sure that they really, really call out the person that you're looking for or speak directly to the pain points and exactly what somebody's going to get.

Then when we're talking about ad copy, the most important piece is that first sentence; your hook to grab the person's attention, make them wanna read more, and really pull them in. And then I always have a long version of copy. But if I think back to a couple years ago when I first started running Facebook ads, what I now call long copy, would've been my like mid-length copy before. We had long, long form content. 

Just having that shorter ad copy, making sure that there's lots of white space and knowing that people are going to scan. So if you scan it, are you still gonna get the main points? Have you highlighted in some sort of way with emojis or white space the really key information that somebody who's just scanning is going to get. Don't forget to use your image and your headline to also help pull out those key details.

I actually have a bonus that we've been seeing working really well recently, and that is longer email welcome sequences. So previously I would've said that the recommendation was like three to five emails in a welcome sequence. We're now seeing welcome sequences go on for three to six weeks of starting at daily emails and then kind of spacing out to an email every two to three days.

And this is continuous nurturing on autopilot. So when I created my case studies, I created a very specific email welcome sequence to go with it. And my case studies document actually has three different sections. So section one is the client success, where there's a client spotlight and three case studies.

Section number two is Market Scale Grow, where I highlighted some of the most popular episodes in the previous quarter. And actually did an article based on the most popular episode from the previous quarter.

Then the third section was Facebook ad tips or ad strategies. In that section, I had some information about ad headlines and examples, formulas that you can use. The top tips from the quarter. So in the email sequence, every single page of the case studies document had an email attached to it. Case study one had an email, case study two had an email, case study three had an email. So that it was continuing to draw people's attention back to those key points, back to the information, back to it. 

So if you want to opt into the case study, you can see examples of me working with clients, the results we're getting, and also the tips and this longer email sequence. You can opt in just to see what we did, how it was all laid out, and then you have that example for you. 

I really love that the relationship building is built into the longer email sequence, and then you can also build in selling. And so highlighting the services or the offer, your signature course or program, whatever it is, weaving that throughout the email sequence so that people are number one, aware that you sell something and number two are getting primed to buy. So it doesn't necessarily need to be like, buy, buy, buy. But just knowing that it exists and that they can buy so that it's in their brain starting to swirl around. 

So just to recap the three things that are working right now in ads plus my bonus are,

#1 - visibility ads

#2 - short form video

#3 - short ad copy and headlines

#Bonus - longer email welcome sequences 

And then just to finish up and wrap up this episode, I said I would talk about why you should be going all in on ads for the rest of 2023. The first reason is that ads are gonna amplify what you're doing organically. So if things are going really well for you organically, then ads are going to be just that gasoline that you can add fuel to the fire and really ignite and move your business forward at a faster speed. It's also gonna help you to bring in a consistent, constant stream of leads, which is really important in the online space. 

Continuing to grow your email list, growing your leads that are coming in makes a huge difference. We've talked about it before, but buying cycles are just getting longer and longer, and so by having a continuous stream of leads coming in on autopilot with ads, you're setting yourself up for success in three to six months.

After the people have come onto your list. Nurture, nurture, nurture, and when you do your next launch or you go through your next selling cycle, they're now primed to buy. And so that's really important. So I really just want you to think about what do you want three to six months to look like in your business?

How do you wanna feel? Where do you wanna be? And if you think that Facebook ads are right for you, I want you to reach out, send me a DM on Instagram. We have spaces available for ad sprints. I would love to work with you if you want to kick your list-building into high gear using paid Facebook and Instagram ads. These are VIP six week experiences where we audit your lead magnet. We get your list building ad created, set up, tested, optimized, so you don't have to lift a finger, and those leads are just coming in on autopilot. So again, send me a DM @heyitsjenzaia and I'd love to chat about working with you!

Thank you again for hanging out with me for this episode! I hope that you had a wonderful day, and I will be back in your ear with another episode next Saturday.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Market Scale Grow. I'm so thankful that you've taken some time out of your busy schedule to make me part of your journey. If you love this podcast, don't forget to share it with your friends. And then head to your favorite podcast app to subscribe so that you won't miss next week's episode or any of the upcoming ones. And if you loved it, be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcast so that other people can find this podcast and we can impact teachers and teacher business owners around the world!


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