2 Sales in 2 Days - Marketing Strategy Ideas To Increase Sales | 136


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there - I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow - a podcast created for ambitious  teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome back to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session. Today's episode comes from actually a question I was asked on a panel that I recently participated in. It was a summit, but this was a live feature of the summit. Every day there was a panel of experts and we got to answer questions. So this is one of those questions and I thought it was really great. 

So I wanted to just chat through other answers I heard that I never even would have thought of myself and then also what my game plan would be. The question was, if you had only two days to make two sales, what would you do? Now, the answers to this question will vary greatly depending on the price point of your offer and depending on the size of your audience, and depending on so many different factors.

If you have 10, 000 people on your list and you want to make two sales of a $27 tiny offer, you send that one email and you will easily get it. If you have an audience of let's say a hundred people and you're trying to sell a $10, 000 mastermind, you're going to have a whole different game plan that you're going to need to use.

So for this example, I'm going to be using my Facebook Ads Sprints, which is currently priced at $1297. It's going to be going up shortly to $1500. So if you're listening to this in real time and you've been kind of on the fence about doing an ad sprint with me, now's a great chance. If you don't already know, just a quick little promo for myself - Facebook Ads Sprints is a six-week VIP experience where we get a Facebook, Instagram ad up and running for your list builders that you're bringing in. Email subscribers every single day on autopilot without you actually having to do any of the heavy lifting. 

At the end of the six-week experience, the goal is that I hand back to you an ad that is working so you can continue to manage that ad ongoing. You didn't have to do any of the hard work, but you got all of the rewards. So that's an ad sprint in a little bit of a mouthful. And that's what we're going to be talking about today. 

So if I needed to sell two ad sprints in two days, here is my game plan!

Number one: pre-work. So, consider creating a flash sale, bonus offer, special discount, or some other type of urgency like doors are closing, prices increasing, and limited spots are available. Urgency really helps to tip people over the edge to buy right now, but it does have to be authentic, genuine urgency. If there's constantly, oh, a discount, a discount, a discount, people will learn that they can just wait for the next discount. Or if the doors are never actually closed, and it's always like, ah, doors are closing, but you can get in behind the scenes this way, or whatever it might be, then it's not as genuine. People start to realize that and the urgency just doesn't work. When it's genuine, then it helps to push people towards that purchase. So just consider trying to figure out a way that you can genuinely create urgency in doing this. So step number one is personal outreach.

This is more important at higher price points. So when I say higher price points, I'm thinking like a four or five-figure investment. So over a thousand dollars. If you're doing that two-day flash sale for a $27 product or a workshop, then you can kind of probably skip this step. But personal outreach is always going to get you better results because it's part of that relationship building. It's part of that relationship marketing and people really feel appreciated when you genuinely are reaching out and saying like, Hey Sarah, I think that this would be a really great offer for you because X, Y, and Z. And you're not just like, Copy, paste, copy, paste, copy, paste. You really have liked having those conversations with Sarah or whoever it is, and you know about their situation and exactly why this offer is going to be really great for them.

So thinking about genuine previous conversations that you had, but also anyone who's expressed interest previously, or if they've previously purchased from you a smaller product or something similar, and that this would be a really great next step. And it can be something just as simple as, I know we talked about this in the past, I just wanted to let you know that right now I'm doing a sale and if you're still interested, let me know. That way, you're leaving it open to them, and you're not pushing it on them inauthentically. So that's step one.

Step two: email marketing. And so this is the bigger your email list is, the more effective this is going to be. But email marketing is one of my absolute favorite ways to build relationships and sell to people. And if you didn't know that, then just go back and listen to a handful of episodes. And I'm sure it comes up at least like 50% of the time, because it really just is a great way to not fight the algorithm. 

I just did stats for the previous month. I'm recording this in the middle of August and so I just ran my stats for July and my open rate in July was almost 60%, which is just mind bogglingly high for me. That is like 60% of people are opening my emails on average, where, what is it on social media, like 4% of people are seeing those posts. And so when you really want to make that big impact, email marketing is going to do the job so much better than social media ever could in today's day and age. 

So over the two days, I would try to send four emails.

Number one is all about the offer. 

Number two, frequently asked questions. 

Number three, paint a picture of before and after. And if you want more details about that, I did an episode about painting the picture and evoking emotions. Episode 133. Highly recommend that you go listen to that as well. And it will give you more ideas and information about exactly what I mean when I say, like, paint the before and after picture. 

And then your last email would be the last chance. Like, hey, doors are closing, bonus expires, whatever it might be, flash sales ending in two hours. Don't miss out. Make sure as much as you can that the emails include actual client stories, testimonials, case studies, wherever they're available and possible, and that they make sense.

You don't want to just stick them in there awkwardly, but if you can weave them in, in an authentic way, then it really just adds to the value and people love to see other people who've succeeded, it gives them proof that you can have success as well. And then I wouldn't change this based on price point.

So the previous one, the personal outreach, is more important the higher the price point. But the emails are equally important no matter what the price point is. Whether you're doing a low ticket offer of like $27 or this is a $10, 000 mastermind, email marketing is still so, so high on my level of importance. What will change based on that price point is what your call to action is. So if you have a $10, 000 mastermind, then the call to action might be like booking a call to chat more or fill out an application. Whereas with a $27 micro offer or $27 workshop, the call to action would be buy now. So for my $1297 Facebook Ads Sprints, I typically have people jump on a 15 minute discovery call is what I call them.

And those are free calls. We typically talk about what your business is like, how I can help and is the Facebook ad sprint the right fit for you and your business where you are right now. And so my call to action would be to book a call. Now the goal is two sales in two days. If your call to action is booking that call, making those two sales in the two days might actually be very challenging because finding a time that works for people. Two days is a very, very short period of time, so also keep that in mind. 

And then step three could potentially be running Facebook ads. This, again, will possibly change a little bit based on what your call to action is. Booking a call versus sending them to a sales page versus sending you a DM. There is an option in Facebook for them to send you a DM as the action that they take.

So, Facebook ads are a really, really great way to drum up the interest and stay relevant and top of mind. So, while you're doing the other pieces, The personal outreach and the emails, if they also are seeing advertisements for your offer popping up in their newsfeed or their instagram feed, then they're gonna be thinking about it more.

My only like caveat here is that these ads should be going only to your warmest of warm audiences. People who are definitely leads to you. People who have definitely interacted with your business recently. The reason for that is anytime you're selling something, a warm audience is going to convert better. And this type of two day push, two day bonanza, if you will, should be for your warm audience. And those are the people who are most likely to convert. If someone who's never heard of you before, Here's about your offer and it's a $27 product. Like that's great. And they might buy, they're much more likely to buy, but if it's like $1,300 ad sprint or a $10, 000 mastermind, those are bigger purchases.

And yes, sometimes people will jump in right away. I signed up for a $16,000 mastermind having only known the coach for a few days. I know that it happened, but also most people take time to warm up and that buying cycles are getting longer. And so these ads, you really just want to focus on drumming up the interest, staying relevant and top of mind to your warm audience.

So again, those are my three ideas for things I would do if for whatever reason I needed to make those two sales in two days, I would do some personal outreach. I would set up some sort of email promo where I was really focusing on the ad sprints over the two day period. And depending on how those first two steps were going… I obviously am a Facebook ad strategist - I love Facebook ads… so putting them in the mix, getting a bit of attention that way is also a great idea. 

So thank you so much for being here and I will be back in your ear with another Saturday strategy session next weekend!

Thank you for listening to this episode of Market Scale Grow. I'm so thankful that you've taken some time out of your busy schedule to make me part of your journey. If you love this podcast, don't forget to share it with your friends. And then head to your favorite podcast app to subscribe so that you won't miss next week's episode or any of the upcoming ones. And if you loved it, be sure to leave a review on Apple Podcast so that other people can find this podcast and we can impact teachers and teacher business owners around the world!


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