3 Simple Ways to Boost Sales without Selling | 169


Imagine unlocking the secrets to fueling your sales engine without ever feeling like you're just pushing a product. That's exactly what we're tackling this week, as we reveal how to weave non-selling strategies into your business tapestry to boost sales, particularly when wallets are tightening, and trust is at a premium. We’re not just talking theory; we're giving you concrete, actionable advice to enrich your content, fortify your sales funnels, and expand your reach through savvy collaborations. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these insights are designed to help you cultivate a relationship with your audience that's built on value, expertise, and trust.

In this episode, we chat about…

✨ The Power of Consistent Nurture Content  [05:25]
✨ Growing Your Email List Effectively [08:31]
✨ Leveraging Collaborations for Growth [15:00]

Episode Transcript:

Hello, and welcome back to the podcast this week. I think it's going to be short and sweet. We are going to be just talking about some simple ways that you can increase your sales without actually even selling. As a bit of a backstory, not backstory, but like, disclaimer, I guess something. I, if you listen to this podcast, you've heard me say it over and over and over again.

But, it can be challenging to make sales right now for many reasons. The first one is the economy around the world. He has been much more tumultuous if you will. But more Rocky up and down. The last few months to year two, about a year now, I would say like, prices are going up. There has been talk. Now I've heard less talk of recession recently. But. Over the last year. It's there has been so much recession talk.

Like I said, prices are going up. There's just like a lot of uncertainty with the housing market and yeah everything. So people tend to be more conservative with their money in times like this for good reason, because. You don't know, like, is bread going to be $25 next week? When you go to the store or whatever it might be. So, that's one reason is the economy has put some fear into people and causing people to be a bit more cautious with their money. The second one is trust in the industry.

And I've definitely talked about this before. There are people, unfortunately, out there, that are selling courses or programs that are like $5,000 come be in my aura and you will Uplevel just from me with no strategy now. Anything, no content really behind. That just come be around me and you'll Uplevel your life and people have felt taken advantage of for that because the person is. Very successful or at least puts appearance of being very successful and you know, you want that same success, you purchase the offer and then just being in someone's aura. Question mark.

Does it do anything so trust is low there was a lot of people who came into the online digital space over the last few years, because it was really easy. And so many more people were online. People were trying to make extra income while they were at home and things were uncertain. So, there was a lot of things that were going out that were just kind of garbage or people didn't care and just throwing it out there.

Right. I'm not saying that was you. Or that people were necessarily doing it intentionally. I feel like they just didn't know any better and they were trying their best and people were buying it. And so of course, we're going to sell it if people are buying it, but then the buyers were feeling taken advantage of.

So trust is really, really low. Money is feeling a bit scarce right now. And so buying cycles are getting longer. It used to take I don't know, like 12 weeks. So three months for someone to find you and buy from you on the really long end of the scale. And there was definitely a lot of purchases happening after a 45 minute webinar and that's it.

They would sign up for the webinar, show up, live, watch your 45 minute training. And then buy and that's just not really happening anymore. Buying cycles are so much longer because people want to trust you. And they want to know that if they spend money, it's going to be money well spent. They don't want to throw a couple hundred or a couple thousand dollars out there. And get nothing in return.

And so. We're noticing that people are sitting on email lists. For significantly longer, 3, 6, 12 months before they purchase, they're going to multiple webinars. They're going to multiple live trainings. They're reading emails, listening to podcasts, going to like summits where the person's presenting making sure that they really feel like they are going to be taken care of. And so because of that, A lot of people are feeling a little bit of a stickiness in their sales that it's harder. And that it's taking longer. And that it just isn't going as well as they want.

And so today's episode, we're going to talk about three ways to increase your sales without actually selling. Now these won't work. If you're not also selling. At points. But it will help increase yourselves. And so the three ways are number one, consistent nurture content. Number two. Consistent lead generation.

And number three is increasing the collaborations at your part of. So let's dive into each one of these separately and we'll talk about why they're important and how they work together. The first one is consistent nurture content. And then this one to me is by far the most important. This is going to include long form content like blogs, podcasts, or video content. Pick one, you don't need to be everywhere. You can repurpose for example. This podcast is also turned into a blog post. So that if someone is Googling it, then the podcast might show up. I also have every intention of using Pinterest, which we'll talk about in the next section. But using Pinterest to expand its reach. We'll get there one day. If you know anything about me, I have a love, hate relationship with Pinterest. It's all my list of things to do. Let's just leave it there. Uh, you also want to have some sort of short form content. Which would be your social media, whether it's Instagram or TikTok or a Facebook group. One of those places that you're also showing up consistently.

I know reach is down. Engagement is down. But I do still think that it's really important that you're showing up somewhere. Because just having that presence is going to be important. You want to really, really focus in both that long form content and the short form content on nurturing and building. The trust with your audience by showcasing your expertise. This is done by creating extremely valuable content that is going to make all of the difference. You want to tell real stories?

Talk about case studies mention clients and student success casually. You don't have to name them, but just. Like last week I was working on it ad sprint and we blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? In context, you want it to be casual and in context and very, very relevant to whatever you're talking about.

Otherwise, because you don't want to be pushing it into people's faces and you don't want it to be awkward or weird. I'm like, why are they talking about that? You also don't want it to be braggy, right? It needs to be valuable. But also showcasing the successes you've already had. It's also a really great way to plant the seed of your offer and casually remind people that it exists and that they can also have that success.

By mentioning those case studies success stories. It's not necessarily going to sell directly, but it's just adding to their bucket of like, Ooh, if I need Facebook ads, Jenzaia ran this ad for someone and was getting this amazing cost per lead. I need to remember this right. Do you just want to like drip by drip, add to that bucket. So that when they're ready for whatever you offer, whether it's Facebook ads or something else. They are going to have your name in the forefront of their mind.

You really also want to make sure, like I said, it's not too frequent and it's not over the top. You're not gushing about it constantly. I honestly could probably do this more often. I don't really ever do this. But it is a really great way to just keep it in the forefront. Not only that you help people in that specific way, but that you're successful with it.

The second simple way to increase your sales without selling is to consistently be generating new leads. Growing your email list is going to create consistent, long-term sustainable growth for your business. You want to be growing that email list? You also want to be regularly clearing it out, like scrubbing your list. Because that will get rid of people who are no longer engaging, maybe the content isn't right for them. Maybe they subscribed and it's just no longer relevant or there's a mismatch in your personality or whatever the reason might be. Taking people off of your email list, scrubbing them, is going to keep your email list, highly engaged. And going to make sure that it's the right people who will buy for you, you, from you when they're ready. The one example that comes to my mind is my own personal email list habits.

When my kids are young, I signed up for a whole bunch of email lists for feeding experts and sleep experts. I was really, really, really concerned about ensuring that my kids were sleeping well. And also that they were eating well. So I signed up for a whole bunch of them. I have really great sleepers.

Thank goodness knock wood like. But that doesn't change. I also have really good eaters again. Knock wood. Though we have had to work really hard and had pediatricians and dieticians involved in our journey to get the eating, but we have really good eaters at this point and we have support system in place if that ever reverts to previous situations. So we're really lucky on that. Regard, but because I know not longer need sleep training. Experts or like baby led weaning experts. I don't open their emails. And I probably should just unsubscribe, but I don't. So they like clog up my email. So I'm actually thankful when somebody scrubs me from their lists like that, because I'm no longer opening. These sleep experts, emails, and I'm just ending up with like thousands of emails in my inbox. And then it's a pain to just go through and delete them. So I really appreciate it. When the emailer does it on my behalf. Now back to the point.

If you have a list full of people who are actually opening your emails and they're actually engaged, they want to see what you have then more sales are going to come from that. Right. You need to be sending out consistent emails. So that's at nurture content. When you post a new blog post or you publish a new Podcast episode. Sending it out to your audience and continuing to nurture them, reminding them of that amazing content that you're creating is going to be a really great way for you to continue to nurture and build those relationships.

And then when you do have something to sell, like you have a spot. Or you are launching something, then they're already warmed up. You do not want to grow your email list and ghost them because then they will get cold. I get thousands of emails in my inbox on a regular basis. Not my, not my business email address, my personal one that I use to sign up for these things. It's absolutely insane how many emails? I, I'm not even kidding in a week. I probably get a thousand emails. 'cause I'm just like opted into so many email lists. And The ones that I actually open, the ones that I want to engage with, the ones that I. Yeah, I still interact with. When they have an offer that meets my needs, I sign up. Absolutely. So, Yeah.

So it's really important that you are nurturing so that when it's time to sell. And the same concept goes back to what I said before, including those testimonials, including success stories and including options and opportunities for people to work with you. At the bottom of every single one of my emails, it has my pricing guide and a link for people to like open that up so that they can see current prices. So that if they're interested in working with me, it's really easy for them to start the process.

You also want to be using different methods to grow your email list. So some of the best ones are Pinterest. You can pin blog posts or podcasts episode, which is a great way for more people to see your content. You can post Instagram like you can link back to an Instagram post. You can probably also link back to a TikTok, but I'm not a hundred percent sure. I've never done that.

I'd never seen it done, but I imagine you can do it. And you can, which this one might be the most relevant for our little sub topic that we're talking about right now you can link to your lead magnets. And then pinterest, we'll send it out. And when somebody searches on Pinterest for whatever the topic is of your lead magnet, people will see that pin and be directed to opt in to your freebie.

So it's a really great way to get your content and also your lead magnet out to more people. I also am a huge fan of paid promotion. I think that 80 to 90. Or even a hundred percent of an ads budget, your marketing budget should go towards growing your email list. It is the best way to consistently be growing your email list without fighting the algorithm without fighting viral trends that you don't want to participate in without. Stressing yourself out posting multiple times a day.

Paid promotion really, really can help shorten the amount of time it takes to create that sustainable email list growth. And I do want to just remind you that it honestly, isn't guaranteed that if you grow your email list, you're going to make more sales without step number one, or tip number one, which was creating that consistent nurture content. Like I already said, if you're ghosting people, if you're not providing highly valuable content in your emails and outside of your emails. Then it's not really going to make any difference if you have 500 people or 5,000 or 50,000 people on your email list. Because they'll forget who you are really, really quick.

And then the last simple way to increase your sales without any extra selling is to participate in collaborations. By working with someone else it helps expand your network and establish your trustworthiness, which is really, really great.

And it's easier because the audience already trusts the host. The podcast host or the membership hosts or whoever it might be like they already trust that person. That's why they're listening to the podcast. That's why they're part of the membership or part of the program. And if you can collaborate and be a guest on the podcast or if you could be an expert within the program then your trustworthiness is increased because of their trustworthiness.

And that's a really great way to just grow your audience, grow your network, and interact with new people that you wouldn't have had the opportunity to interact with before another really good one is summits or conferences. If you can be a speaker at one of these events, whether it's a virtual one or live in person. It's also going to be a great way to expand your network and grow who you have access to and who knows about you?

Who knows you exist? Because people don't know you exist, then there's that thing. It doesn't matter. Uh, it really also helps you to become the go-to person in your niche. Like I said before, about that, like drop by drop in the bucket. You want your name to be out there? In Facebook groups, Instagram, if someone asks for an expert within your niche, you want it to be your name that is pushed out again and again and again, because that again establishes you as an expert as the go-to person in your world.

So as a recap, the three ways that you can increase your sales without actually selling are creating consistent nurture content. Developing that valuable content that positions you as an expert is by far the number one step you can take. Number two is consistently generating new leads for your business. Growing that email list. And then nurturing them with that content. And then, uh, step number three or suggestion, number three is to increase your collaborations and get yourself in front of new audiences network with new people. And really, again, build that credibility. Establish yourself as an expert nurture, nurture, nurture.

So I hope that this was helpful. I appreciate you being here being part of the journey and I'll be back in your ear next Saturday with a brand new Saturday strategy session.

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