Tips for Avoiding the Summertime Slowdown in Your Marketing | 172


Balancing work and family life during summertime can feel like a high-wire act without a safety net. In this episode, I share my personal experiences and strategies for maintaining marketing momentum amidst summer breaks and maternity leaves. You'll hear firsthand how I've navigated the challenges of pausing initiatives like podcasts, yet found ways to keep the business pipeline flowing. If you've ever wondered how to manage your marketing efforts without losing traction during busy seasons, this is the episode for you.

In this episode, we chat about…

✨  The Impact of Pausing Marketing Efforts   [4:39]
✨  Strategies for Maintaining Marketing Momentum  [10:56]
✨  Leveraging Support for Business Continuity  [18:52]

Episode Transcript:

Hello, welcome back to the podcast. I'm super excited that you're here. And we are going to be talking about some of your time as summer is not. My favorite season. Spring has always been my favorite season, but I do love. Everything that comes with summer. Longer hours that we can hang out outside. The fresh air.

I love gardening. We finally were able to plant our garden. Well, actually, so I planted it like a week and a half ago, maybe two weeks ago now. And then we had a frost warning yesterday and I was so upset cause I. Have vegetable gardens that are not at even a little bit at all frost tolerance.

Okay. So summer. Summer's coming. And Ontario for teachers summer officially starts in July, right? Most schools go to the very end, like the Thursday or Friday, the last 1st of June. Somehow my son's school actually gets out on the Wednesday is their last day. And then Thursday's a PD day and Friday is a board holiday.

So. Summer will not be here for like another month. How ever, I do know that a lot of people. Have already been experiencing the first couple of weeks of summer as I'm recording. This is the end of may. And so I know that. Across the United States and other parts of the world, the sum, the summer vacation starts earlier. Beginning to middle of May, sometimes beginning of June, just depending on where you are.

And then I also realized that that means you're going back to school. In August, right. So summer might already be here or maybe it's coming. But we are going to talk about my marketing tips for summer, and we're going to do it by looking back at the last few summers that I've had and what has happened and just talking about how these times of year can impact your business.

So. I tend to put the brakes on either intentionally, like a couple of years ago, I was off on mat, leave a hundred percent off and I went back to, I was, I knew I was going back to school two days a week in the fall. This was. My second year of maternity leave. If you don't know my story. I had my daughter in May of 2020, and I'm in Canada. So we get 12 or 18 months of maternity leave paid by the government. And so I was choosing the 12 month option. But because that would have me go back to school in May. I decided that I would extend it to 15 months and do three months unpaid.

And so I was off May, 2020 until September of 2021. And then in September 2021, I decided to only go back two days a week. My school board has a really great maternity leave policy where I can actually pick what I want to go back to. If it's one day, two days, three days, four days, five days, zero days, I can extend my maternity leave for up to four years. And so year two, I went back two days a week, year three, I went back one day a week and then year four, which is the school year, I went back one day a week. So that September of 2021, when I was going back to work, I've been off on maternity leave for a year and a half at that point, basically 15 months plus I don't know if you remember what happened in March of 2020. When the whole world shut down. And so I've been teaching at quote unquote teaching because at that point we didn't even need to be live with our students. So in March and April and May of 2020 I was home, so I have been home with my babies for over a year and a half, at that point, it would have been like 18, 19 months.

So yeah. And I knew I was going back two days a week and I was terrified of what it would look like to go from full-time working on my business and full-time momming. Cause I was on maternity leave and that was my job right. To full-time business. And mom. And mom duties for two. And also Teaching two days a week.

So in August I kind of like put the brakes on. I stopped advertising my business. I stopped. Like quote, unquote, trying to get new clients. Just because I didn't want September to be overloaded and jam packed and yeah. Which was great because September was a little bit busier and there was a lot of pieces moving parts that I needed to work out but we got through that.

We got through it. Okay. And. I felt the dredge of not having new clients. And not having like a pipeline, like nobody was in my pipeline because I had stopped in August. And then. November December, like it took three to four whole months before I really felt like I had people in my pipeline again, and that everything was moving, how I wanted it to. And so that was really, really hard. Because it was the right choice in the moment, to put on the brakes and to slow down and not be trying to get new clients for September. But it really, really impacted me for a lot longer.

So then summer of 2022, I was more intentional attentional about what I did. And I did not put the brakes on now. I was also going down from two days a week to one day a week. So I knew that I would have some additional time and that it would be a bit easier and more manageable. Because I again, would have an extra day back for my business. And so I Was able to just continue on. But I did put a pause on my podcast.

We went away on a family trip in August. I believe it was August. It might've been like end of July, beginning of August of that year. And I decided to put a pause on my podcast for all of August. And then come back in September and that also caused a bit of a stall in my business, even though my other marketing, my list building my promotions, like all of that client building continued into like throughout August and into September, even when I was gone. My podcast kind of slowed down.

And so I didn't so much see that the drag and the drip of. Trying to rebuild momentum like I had in 2021. But I remember with my podcast it did take some time to rebuild those listeners who had been in the habit of listening before then I went on a month long break and they're no longer in the habit.

Plus. Life's crazy in September with going back to school and kids going back to school and all the other things, right? Like activity, start back up, everything just gets busier. And so I find that having stopped my podcast really caused that part of my business to lag for a couple of months. Flash forward to summer of 2023.

And I really, really tried to learn from those lessons. And continue my marketing and continue my podcast. And at that time I had a team, I had a podcast manager and I had a copywriter that I was working with. And so I was very, very supported in my business. So even though we were away for quite a few different weeks, In the summer last year in 2023, I was still able to pre-record content.

Get it out there. And I had, like I said, my team working and helping me, so I didn't have to take any breaks. And honestly, September was a little bit hard, but it was harder to different way. It was just hard and in a different way. But I didn't feel that same, like pull. And I didn't feel that like lack of people in my pipeline and clients, because I was able to keep everything kind of flowing. Even, well, I was able to step back. And so the real impact of hitting the brakes. Is that it seems like nothing at first, or it gives you that desirable impact that you want it to like back in 2021. I wanted to temperature be slow. So the brakes either we'll do nothing at first because you already have people in your pipeline.

And so it's like, okay, well I hit the brakes or I stopped my marketing. I'm not running ads. Like it's okay. People are still coming in. They're still like buying from me. I'm still having positive results. Or in, like, in my case, I stopped my marketing. I didn't get any clients and that's what I wanted.

So it can feel positive or neutral even, initially, but it will start to show up further on down the line, especially if you don't. Really kick your marketing efforts back up. Immediately as soon as you're done that, like desired slowdown. Getting back into your marketing as soon as possible is the most important thing because, and we talked about this so many times on the podcast, but the customer journey is three to six to nine months long.

And so it takes people like three to six months moving through your pipeline. Getting to know you. So the pipeline I would say is getting onto your email list. Consuming your emails, checking out your offer and then buying from you when they're ready and not can take three to six months. Right. So what happens when you stop ads or you stop your podcasts?

You stop marketing is initially there's some people who are at month three or month, four or month six of that pipeline of their journey and are basically ready to buy. And they do. But then if you don't bring anyone new in, and so now they're suddenly nobody at month one, and then two months later, there's nobody at month, one or two or three.

And then. Six months later, there's nobody at any of the phases. And so the results of stopping your marketing efforts can be delayed. And so we don't want your choice or our choice, I guess, cause I have to make the same choice. Right? We don't want our choice for some are marketing to impact us in September, October, November, December, and just drag for ever and ever, and ever, which is what it felt like it did for me back in 2021 with my entire business.

And then in 2022 with my podcast. Because it can feel like such an uphill battle to get back in and to really rebuild the momentum you had. So a really great. Analogy that was given to me. By one of my coaches and I took that to heart was don't turn the furnace off. Like don't turn the pilot light off.

You want to keep things burning, even if you're turning off the light, main burner, if you will, but keep the pilot light on, continue to do the basics. And so what you really need to do there, here are some steps and take what works for you. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind. In fact, I would highly, highly recommend that you take one or two things that you can really, really, really focus on and do well. And then kind of let the other ones go because you may not. Yeah, you may not be able to do all of them. We're just one person, right? So some of the things that you need to do are prioritize, identify, and this one is an everybody one, but identify what are the most important marketing channels for your business?

So for me that we, my podcast and my weekly emails. I do not want to let go of my podcast. I do not want to let go of my emails. Now you might be listening to this and say, Hey Jenzaia, I have, but I haven't got an email from you for the past couple of weeks. That's true. Absolutely true. It was a Canadian long weekend, a couple weekends ago.

And then it was American long weekend. And I didn't send any email on either one of those. It just like completely slipped my mind with it being long weekends and a big smile. Maybe they'll come back. Life has been a little bit crazy around here. It was my daughter's birthday. We are going through some potential changes in my house.

Anyway, prioritize, figure out what the most important one to may be three things are and let everything go. If you follow me on social media, you'll notice that I do not post consistently on Instagram. It is not a priority for me, not even remotely. But my podcast goes out every single week. I think I've only missed one. And my email. Typically, except for not right now. He goes out every single Monday.

So prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Step number two is once you have identified those priorities is to determine how you're going to be able to not lose momentum.

The first recommendation I have is to batch as much as you can. If you are putting out a podcast, like I am try and batch three or four episodes at a time. That way. You don't have to record more later. If you're writing blog posts, same thing. When you sit down, get in the Headspace to record blog posts, then you can continue like record blog posts.

Write your blog posts. You can be in the Headspace of writing those blog posts, you can get through four blog posts and then you don't need to do it again for another month.

Batching is something that if you go back in the archives of this podcast, I've not always been a huge fan of in fact. I don't know if I ever said like, don't do it. But I definitely said I don't do it. And then I've tried to do more and more of it as my business has grown. And as I've tried to streamline my processes and it really does work for me, it really helps me to stay on top of things.

So I highly recommend that you batch as much as you can.

The second thing that I recommend that you do is utilize past content. So that could be rehearing previous. Episodes of your podcast as like MVP episodes or just re PA co what are they called? Or over recast. Really had a hard time there, a recast. Or pulling out those blog posts from the archive as like. Either revamping it, especially at blogposts like, you may not be able to just like repost the exact same blog post, but revamping it, and same thing with a podcast, you might not want to post the exact same. But pulling out. The podcast and maybe rerecording an episode. On the same topic. You could always do that.

That's not really going to save you as much time as a recast where you're just like taking the previous episode and saying, like recording a 32nd. Hey, this is one of our favorite episodes from June of 2023. I hope you really like it happy summer and then just playing. The episode as it was. So you can kind of decide how you're going to do that.

But using that past material helps you cut down on the amount of content that you need to create to continue having your priorities, your non-negotiables continuing on.

Next thing that I would recommend if you have the budget for it is ads. Ads can run in the background when you're not there. The two types of ads that I would want to be using for this situation. Number one is a lead generation ad. I always recommend lead generation ads. Bringing people onto your email list. Every single day for very cost effective.

So you're not going to be paying a lot typically for lead generation ads. They get a freebie and then you put them through a nurture sequence where they get five to seven emails from you. That helped them get to know you, your brand, what you offer. There's probably going to be some sort of sales email in there.

So you might make a little bit of money. And then they get put onto your main email list and continue to get weekly emails from you from then on. So that's a really great way to continue the marketing continue your business without you having to be on is to run those ads, grow that email list. And then in three, six months, there'll be warm. Ready to buy your big, amazing offer. The second way you can use ads is to drive traffic to your content. You can either pick new content that you recorded or those past, or when I say recorded, I also mean like wrote so like blog posts or so videos, blog, posts, whatever it might be, whatever your long form content is. You can drive traffic to the content.

And this works really well because you're able to get more eyes on the content, get more people. Seeing the content is a really great way to warm up audiences, nurture audiences. And it's even less expensive to get people into your audience. Now you don't get their email address with these types of ads.

You just get them into your orbit, aware of you, increase your visibility. Which is very, very important. I do like to couple the two of them together, you're going to want to go back to last episode. Two episodes ago. Episode 1 71. So last episode, you're going to want to go back to the last episode and listen to the waterfall strategy.

This actually talks all the way through how I utilize the lead generation ads with the visibility ads and how they work together. So definitely recommend one or both. Of these ads so that you can keep your business going in the background.

The third tip that I have, that could be very useful is something I talked about a little bit, but it's hiring a team. It's very hard to keep things going by yourself. When all you want to do is sit by the pool, sipping, whatever drink of choice you have. It can be really, really hard if you're enjoying the summer with your friends, with your family, with your kids, whatever it might be.

And then also be like, oh, I have to go report that record, that podcast episode, or I have to write a blog post or, oh, I have to like write the email.

So considering hiring a team will help you to make your workload more manageable. Now I'm not the expert on this by any means. Melanie is my girl for all things hiring highly recommend her. I will link her in the show notes. But if you're looking to hire getting rid of some of those tasks can be a really great way for you to free up some time and continue to get the content out.

Continue to grow your list, make sure that people are served and nurtured.

The other thing that can be really, really great about hiring a team is if they give you deadlines. To help with that batching process. So like, let's just say all of June's episodes need to be recorded by May 15th, and then you have that deadline. That you're not slacking on. All of July's episodes need to be recorded by June 15th.

So, you know, you can find that time to get it done, get it done early, and then you don't have to think about it. That's one of the things I really loved about having the podcast manager, she had that firm deadline for me and made sure like, if I didn't get it, I had to pay late fees. I always had to like, be ready. So That's another option for you.

So, I would just like to kind of go back through that. It's really important that if you're going to put the brakes on, you have thought through like what the potential consequences are of that. It could mean that downline, there will be a gap and it will be a little bit hard to rebuild that momentum.

To prevent that I recommend you figure out what your non-negotiables are, what your priorities are. Pick one, two, maybe three things that are non-negotiables that are priorities that you're not going to let go. And then everything else kind of takes a back burner. And then to make sure things keep going batch ahead of time, use ads, consider hiring a team. And just, you know, be able to enjoy your summer.

Now, if you are looking to run lead generation ads, I do have an exciting promotion going on right now that we are offering a free visibility ad to go along with the lead generation ads, you get the lead gen ad as well as the visibility ad combined for the current price of $1297. And then in September, The price is jumping up to 1497. So until the end of June. The ad sprint includes that second extra ad.

You'll get your lead generation ad up, going optimize. All of the heavy lifting is on me and my team. And then we give it back to you with a completed, ready to go campaign. You don't need to do any of the hard work it's all done for you. And then in this case, with that free visibility ad, same thing. Pick a piece of content.

We create the ads. We optimize the ads, do all of the testing. And then we run it for you for four weeks so that, you know, it's up and running and like going well. And then at the end of the four weeks, we transitioned both those ads, the lead generation ad, and the visibility ad back to you. So you and your team can continue managing it long term. No heavy lifting all the good staff.

And it is an investment of at $1297 until the end of June. Well, the price is until the end of August, but the special with the extra add is until the end of June. So if you are interested in that, reach out on Instagram, I'm @heyitsjenzaia and I'm super excited. Thank you so much for being here and listening to another episode of Market Scale Grow.

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