Bust Through These Common Facebook Ad Mindset Blocks | 45

There are some common topics that come up frequently when I chat with people about Facebook ads, especially newer business. Often they are all the feels about why Facebook ads don’t/can’t/won’t work for this particular business. Like so many other things in business, these are (predominantly) mindset blocks. Many teacherpreneurs fell into their business kind of by accident, so the paid marketing piece can feel really hard. This episode, we chat about 4 common mindset block when it comes to FB ads and how you can bust through these blocks to take control of your marketing!

Four of the most common mindset blocks I see when it comes to Facebook ads are:

1. My business is too small for paid ads.

  • Remember, marketing is essential in ALL business types from day one. You may be putting in the time equity, the sweat equity or the financial equity… marketing is what will sustainably grow your business long-term.

2. FB ads don't work for me.

  • Marketing can always work. It’s just a matter of spending the time and effort to get it there and make the right changes needed to optimize your campaign. Follow the data and make strategic decisions about what to promote and when.

3. This is too hard.

  • Well, this may be true, but start with small baby steps and your confidence will grow over time! There is no reason for your to know every single thing the very first time you run ads. Start small and simple…. you can do this! Listen to Episode 37 for more tips when FB ads feel too hard.

4. It's too expensive!

  • It's SO important to have a marketing budget for your business…just like in tip #1, it may be time, sweat or money that you’re putting. And it may start out really small, but slowly the budget will grow with your business. It’s also important to know your goals and expectations going into your campaign and use your data to make decisions. This will help you lean into what’s working and shut off what isn’t working.

Which of these mindset blocks resonates most with you? Be sure to take some time to journal and/or meditate on the thoughts and feelings that are coming up most often for you.

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If you’re looking for support running your ads, I would love to help you. Whether you’re looking for a 1:1 strategy session, to build your email list or full ads management it is my mission to empower ambitious teacherpreneurs just like you! Let’s unleash your limitless potential, turn your dreams into reality and have an even bigger impact on the world!

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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market, Scale, Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams. Okay, so before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook ads. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them, and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences, this freebie is for you. I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie. Head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Okay. Hello friends. Welcome back to Market Scale Grow. As you know, I'm, Jenzaia, your host, and this is a Saturday strategy session. I am really pumped for this one. I don't know why, but my mojo is going and I'm, I don't even know, just on the ball, on fire, ready to record this podcast.

So I recently joined a 12 month group coaching program, mastermind program. I'm not really a hundred percent sure what it officially is classified as, but I'm going to go with group coaching program. It's called The Breadwinner Energy, and I am really loving the coaching aspect of it and the beginning phases that I'm in. So before we actually start the course and the phases that she has set for us, she wants us to do all of this mindset and personal work, which is not something I was keen on when I saw it. I was like, "ah, come on!" But I decided that I was committing fully to the process and the program, so I've been doing my best to work on that stuff. A few of things that I've implemented recently are journaling and meditation. I'll be fully transparent. When I say implemented meditation, I really just listened to a meditation app while I'm falling asleep, and 9 times out of 10, I don't get through the introduction because I'm tired. So I might not be doing the greatest job of meditation, but I'm really trying to also work it in at other times during the day. So I'll get better. It just takes time and practice. But the journaling I'm doing really good at, I do like journaling. I've always liked journaling. I've never been consistent at it and I've never used it for my business.

So I love the challenge of journaling for the first 90 days of the program and helping me work through some of the mindset pieces that came up and what it's inspired with me or in me, and the reason that I'm doing this podcast, is there's a lot of mindset issues surrounding Facebook ads. I really wanted to talk in depth about some of these major mindset blocks that I encounter with my clients and people I do strategy sessions with, and also people just in my audience that I have these conversations with on the regular. So if any of these mindset blocks resonate with you, then I really suggest you spend some time thinking about them and trying to figure out exactly why the blocks coming up for you.

You can try that journaling or meditation, talking through it with your biz bestie, or if you have a coach, and definitely feel free to send me a DM. If there's something that you're like, "oh, this totally resonated with me." I would love to chat through it with you and help you figure out why and how to move forward because busting through these mindset blocks is going to help you grow your business more effectively. And while, yes, we are talking about like Facebook ads specifically, there is a lot of holistic marketing that is going to come up as well. So let's dive in to the four mindset blocks that I experienced most commonly.

The first one is that my business is too small for paid advertisements. And maybe, maybe I don't recommend you starting at paid ads like on day one. Marketing though is essential from day one. You should definitely very, very, very early on in your business journey, have a marketing plan that involves content marketing, email marketing, building a community, and then eventually layering in paid advertisements. I do think from my experience working in the teaching niche, but also with clients outside of it, is that teacherpreneurs tend to wait significantly longer than other entrepreneurs to dive into the world of paid advertisements. I'm not sure why. I don't know if it's a lack of understanding or knowledge because that's what it was stopping me when I first started. I had no idea where to even begin with marketing my business and the idea of paying for it just terrified me.

So while your business is still a little baby business in those first steps, you're going to be spending more time than money, but I really want you to get past the idea that your business is too small for marketing. From the very beginning, having a marketing plan is what's going to help build your business, grow your business and get it off the ground successfully and sustainably. Then as soon as you can, starting to put a little bit of money behind an email opt in to get people onto your email list or some brand awareness and visibility ads where you're sparking your audience and supercharging your nurture is a great strategy. One I highly recommend. You don't need to be spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars a day. Some of the strategies, like the spark and supercharge strategy, you can spend as little as $5 to $10 a day, growing your email list, $20 a day. You don't have to be running these all the time. So you can start sooner than I think commonly is done in the teaching world.

Number two is that they don't work for me. I hear this one most often from people who boosted a post and have no idea how successful a boosted post was because again, thinking back to my pre Facebook ad strategist days, I boosted posts and I had no idea what was going on with them. It's confusing. I don't think Facebook necessarily wants you to understand what's happening. There isn't a lot of options, and there's so many different acronyms that, of course it doesn't make sense, and of course you don't feel like it's working for you because nobody clicked on the link in your Instagram post that you boosted and nobody bought, even though, secret, that's not the goal of the ad when you boost a post. That's not what Facebook's trying to do. Facebook isn't trying to get people to click on the link and buy your thing. When you're boosting an Instagram post or a Facebook post, the goal of that ad is to get more people to engage with the post, to like it, comment, share those kinds of things.

So I always got tons of likes and comments on the post, but I never got what I thought was the goal. I thought the goal was to sell more products, but that's never what happened. So it's easy to feel like the ads aren't working for you, but it's also important to know that marketing does work. If you're willing to put in the time and consistency and effort to get there and to have specific expectations so that when it's not working, you know what you need to tweak and test and refine to get it working because it's a process, and if you go the steps of the process and you follow the data, then it will work.

Mindset block number three is that Facebook ads are just too hard. I will be the first to admit that they're not easy, but if you are not doing Facebook ads because they're too hard and you're not open to them and learning about them, then they'll always be too hard. So my recommendation here for this one is that instead of looking at it like you have to understand everything that's happening right now, that it's a learning process. Each time you go in and set up a campaign, or each time you run a new promotion, that you're trying to learn one or two new things so that you can better understand the platform and exactly what you're doing over time. Don't start by trying to run a hundred different campaigns, doing a hundred different things. It just isn't going to work, start with one, take little baby steps, and especially at first, maybe your goal is to just learn and to figure out what you're doing. Each time you can try something new. That's a better way to go into it, and you'll feel more successful if you're able to say, "did I learn something? Yes. I finally learned what CTR is," which is 'click through rate', the number of people that click on the thing, whether it's the link or the images and all of that.

Mindset block number four, Facebook ads or paid advertisements in general are just too expensive for me and my business. Every single business that I can think of that's wildly successful out there in the world has some sort of marketing budget. They are all marketing. They're planning to market and they're budgeting for it. Whether it's billboards, TV, radio ads, Facebook ads, Google ads, Pinterest ads, whatever it is, they have a marketing budget because that is how you grow awareness of your brand and you bring more people in to get more sales.

It's essential. A marketing budget is essential to your business and definitely needs to be a regular expense that you have in your business. If you feel like Facebook ads are just too expensive because you're spending money and you're not making sales, you have to remember that it is a marketing budget. Putting the money in is important. Over time, you're going to learn what works and what doesn't work and you'll be able to refine and test and follow the data to get that marketing to be more like an ATM machine than roulette. We don't want to be just throwing the money at Facebook having no idea if it's working and sometimes it working and sometimes it's not, and doing nothing at all to get it working better.

The best thing to do is to start, before you even start your campaigns, is to set your expectations and your goals so you know what success looks like, because if your goal is to get leads for $3, great. If your goal is to get leads for $10, great. Both of those, depending on the product you're selling, are perfectly acceptable goals. Now, if your results are $5 leads, well the first goal, $3 per lead, and you're now paying $5, that's not great. But in the second scenario where your goal was $10, but you're paying $5 a lead, well that's amazing. So having that goal set in place before you start, will help you to know if you're successful or not and then it won't feel as overwhelming or as confused because you'll be able to say, "okay, this campaign is working and it's working really well. So we're going to keep doing it." Or you can say, "this campaign isn't working, we're not hitting our goals. So we need to stop, readjust, and then try again."

Like I said at the beginning of this episode, if one of these four mindset blocks really resonated with you, then I want you to sit with it, think about it, and I really challenge you to figure out why it resonated with you, why your body reacted potentially to it. People will contract, they'll get frustrated. You can see their body language changing when we start talking about these things. If that happened to you, then that's okay, but it won't get better and you won't be able to move forward in your business, in this aspect of your business specifically, until you really look at your mindset blocks. Figure out why and address it. Then once you do, or at least once I address my mindset blocks, I always feel so much more powerful and more in control and ready to take on the world.

So I encourage you to do that. Do some journaling, meditating, chatting it through with your biz besties so that you can get through it and add the paid marketing into your business, because it really is going to amplify all of the amazing things that you're doing, the ways that you're changing the world with your course or your programs or your services. I know you can do it. Thank you so much for joining me today. I will be back in your ear next Saturday with another strategy session.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by Dubsado, my absolute favourite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado. For 20% off of your first month. Head to marketscalegrow.com/dubsado that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at marketscalegrow.com/community where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you... See you soon.


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