What is CTR? Why is it important and how can it be used to drive decisions? | 48

In this week's Saturday Strategy Session, we chat about one really important metric that you want to be paying attention to in your ads manager. That is the CTR

CTR stands for click-through rate  and it is the percentage of people who click on your ad.

There are two different types of CTR

  1. CTR (All) which includes all the different clicks (Read More, the image, links, etc)

  2. CTR (Link-Click) which only includes when a link is clicked.

These two metrics can tell you a lot about the success of your ad, including…

  • are your images stopping the scroll?

  • is your headline/hook catching attention?

  • does your ad copy draw people in?

Is the ad successful?

I like to see a CTR (Link Click) of at least 1% which means that 1 out of 100 people is clicking on the link to see your landing page. If it’s any lower than there is likely an issue with your ad creative (images and/or copy) or your messaging.

To ask me questions all about CTR and other ways to look at your ads data, come join me in my free Facebook group

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If you’re looking for support running your ads, I would love to help you. Whether you’re looking for a 1:1 strategy session, to build your email list or full ads management it is my mission to empower ambitious teacherpreneurs just like you! Let’s unleash your limitless potential, turn your dreams into reality and have an even bigger impact on the world!

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Episode Transcript:

Hello, and welcome to Market, Scale, Grow my name's Jenzaia, and this is a Saturday strategies session. Today, we are going to be talking all about CTR, which is one of those annoying acronyms that Facebook has. Well, CTR is actually an acronym that works for pretty much all digital promotion. So you would find a CTR on Pinterest and Google and Tik TOK, but I'm obviously a Facebook ad strategist.

So I am going to be talking about it specifically in the context of Facebook ads, CTR stands for click through rate, and there are quite a few, like at least three or four different CTRs that you can find on. Facebook likes through the ads platform, when you're looking at the data, there's quite a few different ones, but I'm just going to talk about the two that I find the most important and the most helpful to determining whether or not your ads are successful.

So the first one is CTR all, and then the second one is CTR link click. And as the defining attributes, I guess, would tell you the CTR is all of the different clicks that you can possibly make. So that includes clicking on the image, clicking read more, clicking links, clicking anything is the CTR all.

So all the clicks they can possibly make. Whereas CTR link click is only the link clicks, right? These two metrics help to determine if the ad is doing his job, because we're talking about lead generation. So when you're driving traffic to your lead magnet, opt in page, people are opting into your email list and then you're nurturing them from there.

If we're talking about that kind of funnel, the goal of the ad is to get people to click on the link, to go to the landing page. And we want to know how successful. The ad is so our CTR link click really is that metric that tells us if the ad is successful or not. And when you're very, very, very first starting out, if you're only going to look at one thing to determine if your ad is successful or not, then I would highly recommend the CTR link.

Once you have a bit of a better understanding, then we add in things like CPM, CPC and other whatever. Right. But to start the link, click through rate really just gives you a quick snapshot picture of how successful the ad is. Generally speaking, you want your CTR link click-through rate to be at least 1%.

If it is above 1%, then this tells us that the ad is doing its job. At least 1% of people who see the ad are clicking on it to learn more or to buy or to do whatever the objective is. Once they get off of the ad into the secondary platform. If the CTR link click is less than 1%, then something isn't going on.

That's when I personally turned to the CTR, all which helps me to determine if the images or the ad copy or the headline, like what, what really is our issue? And I like to see the CTR all being at least three to five per. And again, I don't look at CTR at all, unless the link clicks CTR is below 1% because it's more like the CTR link click gives an overall picture.

And then that CTR all helps you to pull it apart and really get at it. What are some things that can help you increase the CTR? Now that's where we're looking at scroll sopping images, because people who don't stop scrolling, aren't going to click. And then the headline and the hook are super important because some people will stop the scroll because of the images.

Awesome. And then read the headline and just click right away. Sometimes that hook is what draws people in. They want to read more and then they click the link. So making sure that the image is scroll stopping and that the headline and hook are drawing people in. We also want to make it easy. So I like to include the link in the copy and that makes it easy. People can just like, as they're reading click, of course you want to include the button, like the learn more or buy now button to make it easy and that people aren't having to jump through hoops. Now if the CTR is not at least 1%. We've determined that there's a problem. The ads, then what you need to do is update the messaging first and make sure that the images are scroll stopping.

So trying a different pain point, trying a different angle and really getting deep in that messaging is super important and is going to help you to get more eyes on your offer. Now, where exactly do you find this? On the ads in the ads manager, there's different columns and there's a spot where it usually defaults to performance.

What you can do is change that dropdown menu. It's on the right hand side, underneath the ad tab. So if you're thinking about the ads manager platform, there's a campaign tab as a tab ad. And then underneath that, there's a whole bunch of buttons. One of them is a dropdown button, and usually it says either performance or custom column.

So if you click on that and you drop it down, One place that you can find the CTR link click is under performance and clicks. What I like to do is the very last option is customized columns. And then I pull together the data points that I'm really focused on, and I always make sure that CTR link click is part of. That as well as the number of link clicks that have you got and then cost per link click. And then that allows me with my custom columns that I see the exact data that I want, and I'm not going to get into like all of the columns. I'm just so you know, I do include CTR link click in that set up for myself and that makes it easy, but you can find it under performance and clicks.

You just have to scroll to the right and then it's there. If your ad is getting at least that 1%. But maybe you're not getting people opting in, or maybe your cost is just too high. You need to take a peek at each of the steps people are taking. So the next step in that list builder will be your landing page conversion, and just making sure people are actually opting in and then are people actually getting the email and opening your emails.

 Each step has a metric tied to it. And at CTR, like I said,  a great one for looking at the overall health of your ad. So this is a bit of a shorter episode, just a deep dive into exactly what CTR is. And talking more about the click through rate. I hope that you found it helpful. Don't forget that you can always take a screenshot of the episode and share it on Instagram.

I love to see that you guys are listening and I like to share them back out. I 'm heyitsjenzaia on Instagram and I will be back in your ear next week with another episode.


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