Honouring Clients Where They Are In The Buying Cycle | 69


The marketing space is changing and it is more important now than ever before to honour our clients where they are in the buying cycle. This is the why behind holistic marketing. When you’re focusing on honouring the customer where they are you realize it isn’t important whether or not someone buys from us, that’s ok either way –  our job is to empower them to make the right decision for themselves. 

Seriously!  They should feel confident in their decision to buy or not buy… and be comfortable with coming back to buy in the future whenever they are ready.


First of all, it’s important to understand that there are 2 types of customers and our job is to help both simultaneously. 

  • tortoises: question, think and learn as much as possible before buying 

help tortoises by layering in live Q&A, live educational pieces, posts, emails that will help them reach a decision

  • hares: say yes this is for me, and jump in right away. 

help hares by putting in fast action bonuses: deadlines, sign up by a certain date and receive a bonus

Some people only need a few touchpoints before buying, others need multiple and will read/watch everything out there more than once.  And both are okay… if you’re creating content with both of these buyers in mind.

Remember: This also applies to people who have already purchased from you. They are all in a different place in the buying cycle/customer journey. 


The customer journey:

1) aware - just learning about you and your brand

2) interested - like what you have to say and are consuming some of your content

3) subscribed - the first major hurdle is to get them on your email list

4) engaged - either emotionally (interacting with your brand) or financially (purchased from you)

5) invested - both emotionally and financially invested in you.  These people will become your loyal raving fans


How do you honour all of these customers?

→ with your FREE, high-quality content ←

  1. Think about your content pillars.   How do the different pillars apply to people at different stages of the customer journey?  How can you create content within each pillar for people at different stages?

  2. Create a variety of content that will nurture people who are in different places on that customer journey from those who are new to your brand all the way to those who have already invested. 

  3. Really sit down and think about what someone needs to hear that will nurture them to do the next thing in your customer journey.  Meeting people where they are and giving them what they need is the best and most effective way to move them through the journey quickly.


Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!




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Episode Transcript:

Jenzaia: Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand-new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook ad, if you dabbled in Facebook ads or done them and tried them and just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences, this freebie is for you. I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups.

for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer from warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences to cold interest-based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Hello and welcome to Market Scale Grow. My name is Jenzaia, and this is a Saturday strategy session. Today's episode is something that's been like swirling around in me for the last little bit. We're going to be talking about how you can honor the clients where they are in the buying cycle. This really, really ties in to the importance that I place on holistic marketing and empowering buyers to make the right choice.

So, the first thing that I just want to make sure it's clear. Is that whether or not somebody buys from us, both choices are okay. Our job is to really empower them, to make the best choice for them, whether they choose to yes buy from you or they choose to say, no, thank you. This isn't a good fit for me.

We really want our buyers to feel empowered with that decision that they've made the right decision and if they do choose to say no, that they can come back and change that decision and buy from you at a later date. And that's part of honoring the buying cycle. When I first started. Kind of piece of my teaching preneur business.

When I first started running Facebook ads for clients, I remember hearing the phrase that some clients are tortoises, and some are hares. And by that I need some clients will do the tortoise thing and they will slowly and steadily collect information and pro and con and learn as much as they can and learn as much as they can and learn as much as they can, until they can feel a hundred percent confident in their decision.

And other buyers are hare's where they will say, yup, this is for me right away no questions I'm in. What we need to do with our marketing is to help both the tortoises and the hare's make that decision in a way that fits them. And so for something like a live launch, Where you have your webinar or your challenge, and then an open cart and then it closes for the hare's we put in place. Those fast action bonuses sign up before day two is done, and you will get an extra coaching session with me or this free bonus, like mini course or this Q&A or whatever it may be but sign up quickly and we'll get something extra.

And then for the tortoises, you have to layer in tons and tons of live Q&A and live the educational pieces and lots of posts and emails that are going to help them reach their decision. So that by the end of the cart, when you have that closing cart bonus of last chance to get this template or last chance to get this extra bonus piece, which obviously everyone is going to get, but that, that bonus will then push the tortoises over to buy because they have all that education, all of the information, all of the knowledge that they need.

So that they are ready and so keeping that in mind, when you are structuring your customer journey is really important that some people are only going to need two, three touch points with your brand, and then they'll feel ready to buy. There'll be like, this person is exactly what I'm looking for and other people are going to take 20, 30, 50 touch points.

They're going to consume all of your blogs twice. They're going to listen to all of your podcasts. They're going to reach out through Dm’s and ask you 5,000 questions and then they'll feel ready to buy and your job is to honor them. So, whether someone is ready to buy immediately or not, we need to have pieces in place.

This does not only apply to people who have never bought from you before. This also includes honoring people where they are in the buying cycle after they've purchased from you. So, my image or my visualization of the customer journey has five steps aware and trusted, subscribed, engaged, invested those last two steps, engaged and invested I talk about how someone can be engaging with your brand on like an emotional level. So, they are consuming your content. Maybe they're in the DMS with you. Maybe they're sharing your things with other people they're engaging emotionally, or they can engage financially where they purchase something from you.

And at that engaged level, they are either engaged emotionally and they're connecting with your things and interacting with your brand, or they're engaging financially and they've purchased, but they aren't doing both to move to that invested level. They're now invested both emotionally and financially.

So, they've purchased from you, and they are connecting with you in consuming your content and engaging with that content and sharing that content. And it's those invested people who have purchased from you and are engaging with your brand emotionally, that will become your raving loyal fans and that's kind of our goal.

So how can we also be honoring those people at their spot? So, we continuing to try and get them to engage financially with us and also trying to get them to engage emotionally with us continuing to nurture that. And this ties into the upper level too, of people who have never bought from us and are not engaged emotionally in our brand.

How do we honor all of these people and it's with our free content. So your likely blog podcast or video content, whether it's live videos or a YouTube channel, this is where we honor all the people, at the point that they are, and we have to create that high quality content that is going to nurture people and not everything is going to nurture everybody.

Right? So, making a variety of content that will nurture those people who are at the top of your funnel and are just getting to know you and also content that will nurture people. That's lower down in the funnel that know who you are and are closer to that buying piece and that investment into your business piece. And so being conscious of creating content for everyone in that cycle, so that people feel included and that they are feeling empowered to invest and engage in your brand.

A couple of tips about free content. So, your blog post, podcasts, or video content. The first one is to figure out what your brand pillars are, what your content pillars are. So, for me, I talk a lot about the foundational pieces of marketing, your customer journey, holistic marketing, and messaging. Those all fall under my first pillar of your foundation.

My second foundation, or, sorry, second pillar that I have is my build your list, and so I talk a lot about the importance of building lists and growing your email list, and the tech that you have to do in the data that's involved in that and all of those different pieces and why it's so important to build your email list.

So that's my second pillar. And then my final pillar is scaling and optimizing and selling more. And so each of those pieces, at least in my mind, cater to a different person in my buying cycle and it helps to nurture people, whether they're just starting out with Facebook ads or they kind of know what they're doing, and they're really trying to dig in deeper to those campaigns or yes, they're in, and they are wanting to really, really scale what they're doing and make it more impactful.

And so having those different content pillars now, maybe your content won't sync up to the buying journey in the same way. And maybe instead within a pillar, you have different types of content and different angles that you would take that would target people who are just getting to know you versus people who are already more invested and more engaged in your business.

So, I really hope that this was helpful. My goal for you today or my like actionable steps that I want you to take away is really sit down and think about where people are in the buying cycle and how your content, how you can create content to nurture people where they are. So, what kind of content for the next month or maybe the next quarter, can you create that is really going to target those people who have just found you, those people who you're trying to get onto your email list, and then those people who are ready to buy or engage more with your brand. So, I really hope that you found this episode helpful, and I will be back in your ear next Saturday with another strategy session.

Thank you so much for listening to Market Scale Grow. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. For course creators, service providers and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to marketscalegrow.com/worktogether. Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JD.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


The Life Cycle Of An Ad | 70


The Three Traffic Sources to Leverage in Your Marketing | 68