8 | The FB Pixel Code and TeachersPayTeachers

In this week's Saturday Strategy Session, we chat about the Facebook Pixel and TPT.  (TL;DR: You should have the pixel, even if you have no plans to run ads anytime soon.)

This new TeachersPayTeachers feature is exciting, important and, quite possibly, a bit overwhelming.  In this episode, I will help you to understand what the pixel is, what it does and why it's important (even if you're not ready to start running Facebook ads).

The Pixel is a piece of code installed into the header of your website. This is something TPT does for you once you’ve inputted your pixel id number, which is nice because that means there’s no coding for you to do!

The pixel tracks visitors to your store. It’s able to track three different actions…

  1. Page Views

  2. Add to Cart

  3. Add to Wishlist

Because TPT is a marketplace, the pixel cannot track purchases, but Add to Cart is a decent representation of people who are interested in buying from you.

Installing the pixel sooner rather than later is important because data isn’t collect retroactively and the more data FB has, the better it can find the right people for your ads.

If you have questions or would like help with installing your FB pixel on TPT, reach out (IG: @heyitsjenzaia) I would love to help.

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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers. Just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Welcome, welcome to episode number eight. Today, we are going to be talking about some Facebook ad strategy specifically about the pixel and of course the Facebook pixel and TPT.

So first of all, what is the pixel? It is a piece of code that is added to the header of a website and it tracks a variety of actions that somebody is taking while they are on the website. So tracks things like page views, viewing of content, completion of registration, so that's like if somebody signs up for your webinar or a lead magnet. It tracks add to cart or initiating checkout. And it can also track purchases though, I would like to note that it does not track purchases on TPT. And I think that that's because TPT is a marketplace where you can put things from different stores into one cart and then make the purchase. So once things are in the cart, the pixel can no longer figure out where the pieces came from. And that's why with the pixel on TPT, it can track up to the add to cart and it can't track purchases.

So a couple of questions I get about pixels all the time are “Who exactly does the pixel track?” And the answer to that is anyone who lands on the page. So if somebody goes to your TPT store and they land on your, your whole store page or an individual product, whichever one, then the pixel tracks that person. The person does not need to have a Facebook account for the pixel to fire. They don't need to have come from Facebook and they don't need to have had any interaction with you on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, anywhere in the past. It's just somebody lands on the page and the pixel goes "Oh here's a person."

Then what happens is the pixel data tries to connect those people to actual people that have profiles on Facebook. And it does it in a variety of ways, but just know that there are basically three different options that can happen. Number one, pixel fires. And then the data is connected to a profile and they go, okay, this person was there. The second option is the pixel fires on your store page and then they can't find the person, but the person actually has a profile. But for whatever reason, the name doesn't match, the email address doesn't match, whatever it is, they can't find that person's profile. And then the third option is that the person doesn't have a Facebook profile. And so if there is no profile, then obviously the pixel can't find them. So that's basically how the pixel works.

Number two, do you need to know how to code? For TPT, the answer is definitely not. However, you should also be installing the pixel on your website and in most cases, you want to be installing the same pixel on your TPT store and your website. If you are targeting the same group of people, you want to have the same pixel. If your website, it really depends on who your website's with. Some of them like Squarespace, it's really easy. You copy paste and it's done other ones like WordPress. You actually have to install a plugin. My personal favourite is Pixel Cat. You install that plugin. And then that makes it a little bit easier, but there are other instances like EverWebinar where you do need to take the code itself and put it in the right spot. So it really depends on the platform of how much coding is involved, but just know that for TPT itself, it's really just copying it from Facebook Ad Manager into the right spot on TPT.

So you're saying, "Hey, Jenzaia, I have zero interest in running ads. It's not on my radar. I have so many other things that I want to do. Why do I need to install the pixel right now?" My answer is, "great question." Number one is the data collection. One day, you may want to run ads in the future, but the pixel does not retroactively collect any information. So if you don't install the pixel until you're ready to start running Facebook ads, then you're losing out on a ton of data that it could be collecting over this week, two weeks, six months, however long between now and when you decide to run ads.

Facebook loves having large numbers, large pools of people to work with, and they aggregate it all and find your perfect people. So if you install it and then want to start running ads, the next day, it's possible that Facebook just won't have enough information to accurately target your audience. Whereas if you had installed it a month before or six months before, that gives Facebook tons of data, that they can then again, aggregate into finding your perfect audience and the people within that audience who are most likely to buy. And that's what makes Facebook ads so amazing that they will actually target people who are more likely to buy. So that's really cool.

So that's pretty much the quick rundown of what the pixel is and why you should be installing it on TPT and then also your website or your blog. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on Instagram. My profile is, @heyitsjenzaia, and we'll make sure it's tagged in the show notes below. I will do my very best to answer any questions that you had in regards to the Facebook pixel and TPT you soon.

Thank you for listening to today's episode today was brought to you by Dubsado my absolute favourite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado for 20% off of your first month. Head to marketscalegrow.com/dubsado that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at marketscalegrow.com/community where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you... See you soon.


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