The Ins and Outs of Retargeting Ads | 92


If you’ve ever heard people talk about the huge sums of money they make from Facebook ads…you may have wondered how you can get in on the action. What they don’t tell you is that retargeting with Facebook ads is what typically yields those high results.

So, what are retargeting ads? And should you use them? Let’s get into the nitty gritty.

What are retargeting ads?

Retargeting with Facebook ads is when you send ads to people who have taken action before in your business. Essentially, you are targeting a warm - and sometimes even piping hot - audience. 

Naturally, these ads will deliver higher results because the audience is primed and interested.

What people don’t mention though is that retargeting ads are the last layer in your ad strategy. 

Before I ever recommend retargeting ads, I recommend the following in this order -

  • List Building Ads to direct them towards a lead magnet and get them on your email list

  • Spark Ads to build brand awareness and direct cold audiences towards social media content.  This is basically boosting a post, but in the right way

  • Supercharge Ads to direct a warm or cold audience towards content to provide a ton of value and nurture the relationship 

  • Retargeting Ads to show people content/sales pages they already expressed an interest in

Example of retargeting with Facebook ads

Let’s look at how retargeting ads might work. Let’s say you are launching a membership. You decide to retarget a warm audience, so you send ads to anyone who attended your webinar, went to your sales page, and/or went to your check-out page.

The purpose of retargeting is to remind these people, who are clearly interested, about your membership.  It can also help instill urgency in their purchase.  Notice, I didn’t say fear. We don’t want to scare people into buying.

Here are four types of retargeting ads you might run on Facebook -

  • Open Cart - invites people to take part in your offer

  • Testimonial - an ad that highlights social proof of your offer, either a video or image

  • Last Chance - a cart closing ad that promotes urgency

  • Bonus - again instills urgency (and even some FOMO) to get people to buy while there is a fast action bonus in place

Another important thing to note is the lifetime of your retargeting with Facebook ads. With a big purchase like a course or membership, you don’t want to bombard people with ads weeks after the fact. Make sure you also exclude people from these ads once they have made a purchase.

How much do retargeting ads cost?

The age-old question, how much money will this cost me? I want to be really frank with you, so I’m laying it all out.

When I work with clients who have a budget of $1000 or less, I do not recommend that they focus on retargeting ads. Instead, I recommend they put that ad budget into list-building ads. List building is one of the best things you can do for your audience, and so it will always be a priority over all other types of ads.

With a budget of $2500-$5000, I have my clients start spending money on nurturing. However, we won’t be doing every type of ad under the sun. We set a goal and stay focused on growing brand awareness and nurturing relationships.

With a budget of $5000 plus, you can finally start doing all the things. Again, focusing on list building and nurture, but also running various types of retargeting ads.

Want to dive deeper into Facebook ads? I have a podcast episode about Why Facebook Ads are So Expensive and a Behind the Scenes of a Facebook Ad Strategy.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Growth, a podcast created for ambitious teacher entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we hop into the episode, I just wanna remind you to download my free guide to Facebook Targeting Audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm, lookalike, and cold interest-based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that you know you have everything. But as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15-minute zoom call with me, and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only do you have all of the audiences, but they are truly perfect for your business. So head to  to book your free audience audit call today.

 Okay, now into the episode. 

Welcome to Market Scale Grow. My name's Jenzaia, I'm your host, and this is a Saturday strategy session. Today we're gonna be talking about retargeting. And I don't really know where to start because when you see somebody bragging about, I spent a thousand dollars, I made $10,000, or I spent X amount and I had a 700% return, or whatever it is like ridiculous results.

They're talking about retargeting. I spent a hundred dollars on retargeting and they made 10,000, but they're not talking about the whole big picture. And in today's episode, I'm conflicted because I'm just gonna be talking about retargeting ads and I'm not gonna be talking about the whole big picture.

So before I dive into retargeting ads, I just want you to know that they are the last ads I would stack. The first ads that I always, always, always recommend starting with are list building ads. And then the second one would be supercharge ads where you are building your brand awareness and getting people aware of your content, whether it's your social media content or your long-form content, but you're putting out ads, you're paying to drive traffic to your content.

So that's the second one. The third one would be nurture ads where. They're very similar to supercharge ads, but nurture ads, you are again reinforcing and driving more traffic to your content. And I think the biggest difference between. The supercharge and like exposure ads versus the Nurture ads is that exposure ads would be going solely to cold audiences.

We're trying to draw in new people to your funnel, whereas nurture ads are going to warm traffic to help warm them up even more. The fourth type of ads, the last one that I would layer in there is retargeting ads. Now, there's other people that might have different ideas of how to do things, and that's totally fine, but.

I don't know if I've ever seen anyone who layers in retargeting ads of anything other than last. Some people do brand awareness, those exposure ads first. Some of them also put the nurture ads first, uh, and then list building would be kind of in the middle there, but, but layering in the retargeting, the sales ads comes last.

Again, the bigger picture. You wanna be drawing in fresh people, you wanna be converting them onto your email list and then layering in those retargeting ads. So when exactly, when do you use retargeting ads? Actually, let's back up even further. What is retargeting? A, So retargeting ads are when you take somebody who.

Seen something and you target them again, you show them another ad, like a different ad, and so there are different types of retargeting ads. For example, those nurture ads I was talking about might be considered retargeting ads because we're taking your warm audience. People have engaged with you in some way already and shown them.

Fresh content, we're targeting them again with something different. But typically what people are thinking about with retargeting ads is they've seen your sales page, or they participated in a webinar, or they showed up for your live challenge, and then you're gonna retarget them with sales ads to sell them.

Or if it is. They're, they went onto your sales page, you're gonna retarget them and say like, Hey, a little birdie whispered in my ear and said You were interested, but you didn't take the plunge. You know, And it can get super, super creepy. I've seen ads that are like, You had this product in your cart, but you didn't buy it.

Come back and buy it. And you're like, Oh, that's too much. I'm a fan of the more gentle. Retargeting of, Hey, you might be interested in this and I know you're interested because you were on the sales page and you didn't buy. But I don't say that, that little like the lower part that I just said. Right? So that's what a retargeting ad is.

And specifically those retargeting of sales ads, I would layer them in very last because you want to build everything else out first. So you're gonna be retarding people who have taken an action of some sort that tells you they're interested. In your offer, let's just say you have a course, it's a 9-97 course, and you have a webinar or a masterclass that people can participate in.

Some of the actions that people are gonna show you that tell you they're interested are signing up for the webinar, showing up for the webinar, whether live or prerecorded, and going to the sales page. That's a huge one. If someone goes to your sales page, then it's a very huge indicator that they're interested in purchasing.

And then even more than that is actually going all the way to the checkout page and not buying. And so it's a great idea to have a set. Different ads. Once you're ready for the retargeting to set up ads that draw on your audience of people who've been to the sales page, draw on the audience of people who've been to the checkout page but haven't purchased.

And so you would set up 30 day, 14 day, seven day audiences for your sales page, for your checkout page, and then make sure that they exclude purchasers so that anyone who purchases in that same period wouldn't be also seeing these ads. and it's just a reminder to keep them fresh. And we all know, like, we're so busy, you watch the webinar or part of the webinar and then your, your kid was pulling at your leg and you, you open the sales page, you're like, Oh, look at it later.

But then you never got back to it. Or you have 17,000 tabs open and you just never went back to it. Right? So retargeting ads are great because they bring that thing back into the person's focus. So that's a little bit about what they are and when I would recommend using these types of ads. Now, another piece of the, when is your budget, If you have an event coming up, like a live, A live launch, so you have your masterclass and then an open cart period.

If your budget is about a thousand dollars, I would recommend that you spend pretty much that entire budget on getting registrations for your live master. getting people signed up to show up to live in the room. As your budget increases above the thousand dollars mark for your event, that's when you can start layering other pieces including the retargeting.

and really you don't really need retargeting until about $2,500 closer to $5,000. Before that, I would recommend adding in the list, like the registration ads. Of course, you want to spend the bulk of your money on registration ads and then nurture content that is going to get people really, really ready and warmed up for that live event for your masterclass, so that when they arrive there, they.

Have been primed and they're, they already are in tune with who you are and your content. Once you're crossing that 2,500 to $5,000 mark for your budget, for your live event, then you definitely can be layering in those retargeting ads once the cart is open and you can have one that's just a reminder, like a cart's open, check out the sales page kind of piece.

There are bonus ads you could add in, like if you have a mid-cart bonus or a fast-action bonus, you could totally have ads about that. My other favorite one, To use. There are two, I have two favorite ones that I would use. Uh, testimonials where you have either video testimonials or written out testimonials in the image, like as a carousel sometimes, um, or you have your students, previous students actually talking to the camera and just, those are great for OpenCar period because it gets people the social proof and they might not be the ones that result in people clicking and buying, but they're the ones.

In the back of the mind, people are going, Okay, they got success from this. So I can too, that person. Okay, here's another one, Another example of someone who's caught success testimonials work, social proof works. So that's one of my favorite retargeting ads for an open cart period. And then my other favorite type is the last chance, like doors closing or cart closing, whichever terminology you're gonna be using.

Last chance, 24 hours. Sign up. Before you miss out. And so that's another great one because it capitalizes on the FOMO. And I'm not a fan of FOMO marketing, do not get me wrong here. I really think that it's important in your marketing that you're not trying to scare people in or get them in because they're afraid.

But what I mean here is those people who want in, who are ready, who are totally invested in it, but they. Just need that extra little push at the very end, that little extra reminder. So those last 24-hour ads are like, if you don't get in now, you're gonna have to wait until the next round. And so those people who are already ready, already committed, already invested, but just haven't pressed purchase, that's, those are the people you're trying to get in these.

Those last-minute, last-chance ads. So those are my two favorite types of retargeting ads, the testimonials, and then the last chance ones. And I also mentioned that you can run just like a general open cart, add through the entire open cart period. And then if you have any bonuses, you might wanna add those in.

But those would be like bonus ads would be like the last one that I'd be adding. . So those, that's what they are when you're running them, what kinds you're running them. And there is so much power to retargeting ads because you're capitalizing on people who are so warm already. They went through your masterclass or your challenge or whatever that event was, and they visited your sales page so they're ready.

And that's why you see. Ads or people's posts that Facebook ads, I had such a huge return. I spent a hundred dollars, I spent a thousand dollars, and I made X amount back. And it's these insane returns on investment because they're talking about and promoting to not just warm audiences, but.

Piping flaming hot audiences, people that are like super, super primed to buy already. And so that's just like smart marketing, right? You're, you're gonna bring in people who are so, so, so ready to buy already. It's such a great technique. One thing I do want you to think about is, let's just say you're out shopping.

for, I'm thinking of a wedding dress right now. I don't know why, but let's just say you're out shopping for a wedding dress. I have been married for five years. I'm not looking for a wedding dress, so it's not like my personal thing. But anyways, you're out looking for this wedding dress and you go to a couple of different bridal stores and at like the third one, you fall in love with a dress, and the next week you go back and you try it on again, and you're like, Yes, it's, it's this one.

Let's just say that Bridal salon number two calls you. And says, Hey, we just wanna follow up, wanted to see if you wanted to book another appointment. You really liked this dress and we just wanna get you back into it. And they like it, they've left a message. You're not answering the calls cuz who answers the call?

The number that they don't know anymore. Right? So this number, the calls, that's the message they leave. That's like, I don't know, a week after four, four days, a week after you went the first time you didn't answer, you don't call back cuz you fell in love with this dress at a different salon and you're, you're in and you're fine.

So, Another few days, four, seven days go by. So we're now like two weeks since you've been there and they call again and they're like, Hey, we're just following up. We wanted to see if you wanted to come in and try the dress again. We know you really loved it. Let us know. We'd love to get you in. And here's our number.

And you still don't follow up. You don't call back. They call back again a week later, and then they call back again a week later and I call back again a week later. Like how many times are they gonna keep calling? The first time, I totally understood. The second time, I totally understood. But most people, and I could be wrong here because I know that there are some people who like window shops for dresses or end up shopping for them for years, but I would say that most people are looking for a bridal dress for like their gown for like a month, two months.

Three months and we're starting to push it, right? Like there's a very pretty finite time period where you're looking for that dress and if they continue to follow up and continue to follow up and continue to follow up and continue to follow up and continue to follow up and continue, at some point you're gonna get like annoyed and you're just gonna say like, Oh, MG leave me alone.

I had a really, really, really bad experience with this when we were buying our car. So this is back in 2018. Uh, I had narrowed it down to Toyota Corolla, Mazda five, I think, and Honda Civic. I think it was those three. And I had a great experience at Toyota, a great experience at Mazda. Got to test drive the cars.

Um, my husband came in with me, test-drove the cars, all of that. I did not have a great experience at Honda. They were questioning my budget and questioning this and that and whatever because at the time, we did not have any children. We were two of us making relatively good money. My budget was, I want this car, You tell me how much it's gonna cost, and I will make it work.

Which was a really great place to be, let me be honest. But Honda did not like that. They did not like a woman coming in by herself, basically saying There were no budgetary constraints and I didn't have my parents with me or my husband with me giving me permission, blah, blah, blah. It was terrible. But what was even worse was that the salesperson called me and I said, Well, we've chosen to go with Toyota or Mazda.

Thanks for liking, and thanks for reaching out. I even answered this call the first time I've chosen to go with Toyota Mazda. Thank you so much for reaching out there. You don't need to follow up anymore. And then she called. And she called again and she called again and I was like, Uh, and then they started emailing and I sent the email back and I still, I still have it because sometimes I like to stumble upon it and it makes me laugh.

But I responded to the email by saying, We act. We already purchased the Toyota Corolla and I've requested multiple times for you to stop contacting me. This is like a terrible experience. And then they sent me another email and I just, Lost it. And so when we were looking for, um, our SUV, I didn't even entertain the idea of going to that Honda dealership.

Now we went to a different one. We're pretty fortunate that we live in an area that has, like, a couple of big cities close enough to us that we can go to like all of their different dealerships. So if we don't like the Honda, The one city we can go to the other city's Honda. And that's what we did.

Because I did wanna look at the Honda SUVs, but I refused to go back to that same dealership, even though they're about 10 minutes away from our house. And the other one is closer to 45. So my husband was not pleased about that, but that's what retargeting ads are very similar to the follow-up that that bridal salon might be doing or that the dealership was doing.

In that, there's a certain finite amount of time that I was looking for a car. There's a finite amount of time that you're looking for that gown, and so you need to take this into consideration. Here's me getting to the point of those long rambles. You need to take that in consideration when you're setting up your retargeting ads.

Now, what do I mean by that? So if someone goes to your sales page, they probably still have it in their mind for the next week, maybe even two weeks, but if you. If they send out ads that continue for months and months and months down the road, then the person is probably gonna get annoyed and frustrated and just ignore them and possibly even report them as.

Whatever, like annoying, um, spam potentially depending on how annoying they are, right? And so you need to take into consideration your customer journey when you're creating these retargeting ads cause you don't want them to show up for too long. My cousin is a real estate agent. and, I went to his website, and then I saw his ads for like three months after that, despite the fact that I intentionally never clicked on them, and I never went back to his website.

He is the real estate agent that we would use. We used him to purchase this house. We would use him again to purchase another house. So I was like, I don't need to see his ads everywhere. He's already my realtor of choice. So his ad strategy did not take into consideration. Me. And maybe it takes into consideration, I know the buying cycle of someone who's purchasing a house is much longer than those other things that I was talking about, the buying the car or the wedding dress.

And so maybe three months is a reasonable amount of time for the realtor to have their ads popping up. But I just want you to think about it like, what is this person's journey? How long does it make sense for them to keep seeing these ads? I remember hearing one time that you should have the ads kind of match up to any email sequence you have.

So if you have a webinar that someone is signing up for, and as part of that there is an email sequence attached and they get emails for the next two weeks, then your ads should follow that same two weeks cycle. If. Your emails go on for a month, then your ads could go on for a month, so take into consideration how long you're going to be emailing them and then sync up your ads to that same amount.

I hope that this was helpful. Again, my recommendation is really to start with that list-building. And then to layer in supercharge ads where you're getting more exposure, you're getting more branded awareness, and you are bringing in a wider audience. Then layer in nurture ads where you are retargeting people back to your content.

And then the last layer would be sales and retargeting ads. And that's what we talked about most of this. My other big tip for you is to. Really, really consider your customer journey and have your retargeting ads match up with that customer journey so that they are seeing ads in a timeframe that makes sense.

You never, ever, ever want your ads to annoy people for them to say, Oh, they're showing up too often, because then you get people hiding them, and that is bad for the algorithm and bad for your ad account in general. So I hope that these hips were helpful. I hope that these tips were helpful, and I will be back in your ear with another episode next Saturday, so stay tuned for that.

Thank you so much for listening to Market Scale Grow. We would love to partner with you if you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot. Our growth package is perfect for course creators. Service riders and coaches look to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today. Head to, fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JD.

Thank you again for listening, and I look forward to working with you.


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