The Three Mindset & Gratitude Activities I Do Each Week | 91


As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you probably learned something pretty quickly: there are lots of mental hurdles to overcome in your journey. You may not have expected the imposter syndrome or anxiety that can come with starting your own business. When I first started out, I heard about mindset exercises and was immediately turned off.

As much as you might hate to hear it (I know I did), mindset exercises really are the key to letting go of the anxiety around your business and pushing towards your goals. If your mindset is clouded by anxiety and fear, how can you move forward in a productive way? (hint: you can’t.)

Mindset Exercise #1: 3-3-3

This first one, I modified from a mindset exercise that Sabrina Philipp shared. I complete this mindset exercise each day, and I typically document it in Asana. I set it as a recurring task. However, pen and paper work great, too.

Here are the three components:

  • 3 things you desire

  • 3 things you grateful for

  • 3 ways you show up and serve (adapted from Katie Fleming)

For any of these items, you can write down personal or business related items. Also, when you write about things that you desire - don’t shy away from things you already have. This can make you appreciate your life even more!

Second, when I say “show up and serve”, I mean how are you literally serving others. In your business, that might be showing up on Instagram. In your personal life, it might mean making dinner for your family.

The goal of this exercise is to help you cultivate more appreciation for the life you have and the one you're building. As entrepreneurs, we are often looking and planning ahead - and struggling with stress and anxiety. This can help us sit in the present, smile, and appreciate what we have.

Mindset Exercise #2: Mountains Moved

For this particular exercise, I only complete it once a week on Saturdays. You can pick the time and frequency that works best for you. This exercise also comes from Katie Fleming - definitely check her out.

This exercise is simple. At the end of the week, track the accomplishments and progress you have made in your business. These can be really small or big items. The idea is that when you track your progress over time, you can look back and really see how far you’ve come.

Often time growth happens so steadily, we don’t even realize it’s happening in the moment. This will help you celebrate your successes more.

Mindset Exercise #3: I Noticed…

This is another once a week exercise… The goal of this exercise is to do some future projecting and notice patterns that occur in your thoughts. What are some items you continually desire or want? What items did you once desire, that now you have?

To complete this exercise, you can make a list of “I noticed” statements. These statements are not true…yet. Instead, you’re laying out your desires. I noticed my calendar is booked a month in advance. I noticed I exceeded my monthly income goal, etc.

Like I said at the beginning, we won’t make moves in our business if we are sitting in fear and anxiety. We also can’t move forward if we have no idea where we want to go! Start by choosing a mindset exercise (or two) and seeing the difference it can make in your business.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there. I'm Jenzaia. This is Market, Scale, Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just wanna remind you to download my free guide for Facebook Targeting Audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest-based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that, you know, you have everything, but as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15-minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all of the audiences, but that are truly perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit call today. 

Okay, now into the episode. 

Hello and welcome to Market, Scale, Grow my name's Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session. Now don't get mad at me, but this strategy session is a little bit different than most today.

I'm gonna be talking about the three mindset and gratitude activities that I do every week. So it isn't really marketing, but it has. Really changed a lot for me. And it's really had a very positive impact on my life and my business. And so I thought as one co to another, I would share these activities that I do and why I think they're important and a little bit more about them.

If you wanna start implementing something like this in your business. So first of all, I use a sauna. And so these three activities are recurring tasks in my Asana. I have a board called Jenzaia and , um, or I guess it's a team called Jenzaia and I'm the only one who has access to it. So it has my mindset tasks, and it has my personal things that I put like personal appointments and that kind of stuff on it that I don't need bogging down.

Like other people. Asanas. So anyway, that's where my mindset tasks and my gratitude tasks. So the first one that I wanna talk about is 333, and I modified this from Sabrina, Phillip. I got it from her and changed it. It's something that I do every single day. So the first three are three things I'm grateful for.

The second three are three things I desire. And then the final one that I do is three ways to show up and serve. and I do this every single day on the weekends. I only do three things I'm grateful for. And then Monday to Friday, I do three things that I'm grateful for, three things I desire, and three ways I'm gonna show up and serve.

And so this, I really love doing it in the morning and just whatever I'm grateful for, whatever I'm feeling at that moment. And just remind me of what I'm thankful for. Then the three things that I desire are either personal or business. Sometimes I like to add in the three things that I desire that I already have.

And I picked this up from Brooke Castillo. Who's the founder of the Life Coach School. And she talked about how desiring, like deeply, deeply desiring things you already have, make you even more grateful for your life and for you to see. And. Often I'll put things like I desire happy, healthy children, which I have two happy, healthy children.

And so I'm very, it just adds that thankfulness, that gratefulness, and just grounds me in. I already have these things that I really desire and I don't need more than my life as it is. Is extremely fulfilling. And so I'll sometimes put business things. I'll sometimes put personal things and then again, I'll sometimes put things that I already have that I'm not necessarily working towards, but that I just, I wanna continue to desire.

I want to continue to be part of my life. And then the final one is three ways to show up and serve. And so this will be things like my podcast, episode or Instagram, post IG reels, um, stories, emails, Facebook. Lives, those kinds of things, whatever it is that I am, however I'm showing up and serving my community, serving my audience that way, I want to take note of it, recognize, and just remember that those are the focus for the day.

These show up and serve, help me to stay accountable for actually. Showing up and being present. One of my mentors, Katie Fleming, says there's so many name drops that I'm doing right now. But anyway, Katie has a program called Everyday Payday. And it's talking about how you can show up and serve and sell every single day.

And so often my three show up and serve come from my everyday payday list. So that's the first one. The second one that I do, and is a weekly activity that I do on Saturday. The mountains moved. This also came from Katie and it is throughout the week. Huge accomplishments that I had so that every single week I'm noticing these big accomplishments, these big ways that I and my world have moved mountains.

And so that I can go back and I can read these and just see the great things that have happened over time, that I have the ability to think about. And remember. Collect evidence for how my world is just shifting and growing and changing and becoming so much more amazing. And if you think about how mountains are created, it's slowly over time, little shifts, little changes, and the pressure and the.

Those shifts and changes that are happening have created mountains because they're growing by like centimeters every year. And so it takes millions of years. And now I don't want my business to grow at that slow rate, but just to remind me that these things don't happen overnight and business doesn't grow overnight, but all of these shifts and changes and accomplishments compound on top of each.

And if I look back on all of them, it's amazing how far I've come. So that's the second one. Again, I do that on Saturdays, and I should have mentioned this at the beginning, but they're recurring tasks in Asana and I actually note it in the Asana description. And so I can just scroll through the description, uh, and see the entire history of it.

And so the third one, again, I do this in a sauna in the description is I notice. And right now I am blanking on where I noticed it came from. It might also be Katie. She's a mindset and energetics coach and business coach all wrapped up in one. So it's highly probable that the, I noticed also came from her, but this is again, something I do once a week.

And I write down 10 things that I notice. Now the caveat here is that these are not true statements. These are things that in the future, I want to be aware of in my business and I wanna be able to go back and say, Ooh, I do notice that that is true. So it'll be things like, I notice that, um, all the spots for me.

My program is filled. I noticed that I launched with ease this time. So it's, I'm writing it in the present tense, but it's about things that have not yet happened and things that I'm noticing are starting to happen in my business, in the future. And so I write 10 different things that I notice. And again, I do this once a week and I really like this one because.

It's me projecting where the future's gonna be and me reminding myself of what I want to be true in my business. So if I notice that I'm writing again, I notice I launch with ease. Then my mind is still focused on this, and it's something that's like circling and turning in my brain.

And, if it's there as a thought, a recurring thought that I'm having, then the small steps that I'm taking are moving me closer. Step. And so one of the things that I, that is no longer on my I notice list have I noticed my client roster is full. I now have a full roster of ongoing ads management clients, but it wasn't always full.

And so when I started that list again and again, and again, I was writing, I noticed I have a full roster of clients. I notice I have a full roster of clients. And so the actions that I was taking a day to day and week to week were pulled. And pushing me closer to having a full roster of clients. And so I really like this one.

It's simple. Again, I do this one on Mondays. I notice it's on Mondays and weekly accomplishments on Saturdays. My 3 33 is every day. And so those are the three different ways that I show up in my business. They could, when I first started doing 3 33, I was actually doing it. Pen and paper. And so I had an entire notebook before I shifted to Asana.

That's full of 3 33, and I was actually less consistent with it. I mean, I started out pretty consistent, but then over time I got less and less consistent, but since I shifted to Asana and just typing the answers because it's a recurring task that comes up every day and I go into Asana every single day, I see it.

And it reminds me of that. I need to do it, and it doesn't take very long at all because it's just three things I'm grateful for. And I don't even write full sentences for that. I do write full sentences for my mountains move and I do write full sentences for them, I notice. Um, but 333 is just like a quick, sometimes it's one word, like grave four.

We're grateful for socks. that one comes up surprisingly often. So if you're looking for easy ways to add a more mindfulness mindset, and work gratitude into your business, maybe one of these three activities would be great for you. I would love to hear about the mindset and graduate activities that you have built into your business to keep you moving in the right direction, and to help you have a positive mindset.

Send me a DM on Instagram. I'm @HeyitsJenzaia and let me know about the mindset activities you have in your business. I will be back in your ears with another strategy session next week. Thanks so much for listening.

Thank you so much for listening to the Market Scale Grow. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. Of course, creator. Service riders and coaches look to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to, fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session, to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JD.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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