Level Up ✨ Using Facebook Ads To Amplify Your Online Course Sales Funnel | 17

Facebook ads can be a great way to amplify what you’re doing in your business. But it’s essential that you have a sales funnel in place first because that is your plan… your blueprint on how customer’s move from never having heard of you to loyal, raving fans!

First of all, what are the steps to designing your funnel? Below are the three steps I take when planning out funnels with my clients.

  1. Start with the end in mind. This means picking your signature course, membership or service where you’ll be driving all of your traffic. Keeping focused will help increase clarity and simplicity in all of your marketing efforts.

  2. Commit to nurturing your audience. This means creating long-form content and regularly focusing on building your brand.

  3. Attract new people into your orbit. To grow your brand, new people need to learn about you. So sparking the interest of your ideal people is essential to growing!

Once you’ve created your funnel, here are my three tips for using Facebook ads to amplify your success.

   Tip #1 - don't run ads to an offering that hasn't been proven yet
   Tip #2 - brand awareness and visibility are essential to brand growth
   Tip #3 - a customer's actions should spark the next step in your sales funnel

I hope you’ve found this episode helpful for designing and amplifying your sales funnel.

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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers. Just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook ads. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them, and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences, this freebie is for you. I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie. Head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Hello, and welcome to Market Scale Grow. My name's Jenzaia, and I am so excited that you are joining me for this Saturday strategy session. Today, we are talking about leveling up your sales funnel using Facebook ads. As a quick disclaimer, this episode is for teacherpreneurs who have a course, membership, or a signature service that they offer. What I'm talking about won't work the same if you have an e-commerce store, so something like Teachers Pay Teachers or an Etsy shop, or if you're selling products from your own website. There are different strategies and a different kind of mentality almost that goes into that type of sales funnel versus one for a course or a membership or service that you're offering.

So, with that in mind, we are going to first talk about creating that sales funnel in your mind. We're not going to dig too deep into it, but we're going to talk about the different parts of the sales funnel. Then at the end, I have three tips for you that will help you to amplify your sales funnel with Facebook ads. So let's jump in.

The first part of the sales funnel that you need to think about is actually the bottom of the funnel. We are going to start with the end in mind. You need to have one course or one membership or one signature service that you are offering, and that is it. That is all. All of your energy and all of your work, everything that you are doing is with the mentality of getting people to purchase that course, getting people into your membership and finding clients for your service. Obviously I don't want you to become a sales robot of like "buy, buy, buy, buy, buy from me", but as we'll talk about it in the next couple of steps, you're going to be creating content and you're going to be nurturing and you're going to be growing the relationships with people, with the intent of helping them solve a problem. By having a single focus at the bottom of your funnel, it helps to ensure your messaging is crystal clear, what you offer is crystal clear, and that you are able to really get in the head of your ideal client, and that you're able to really just be clear. If you have multiple things that you're offering and you're kind of promoting this sometimes you're kind of promoting that sometimes, it can get like muddy water. It can be confusing not only for you, but for the client or the customer, not really knowing what your direction is. You really, especially at the beginning, want to be really, really clear and focused of what's at the bottom of your funnel.

So, once you've identified this signature offering at the bottom of the funnel, the next step is the middle of the funnel. This is where we nurture people. You're nurturing your audience from getting to know you, liking you more, and then really trusting you as the expert in your field. You do this primarily through long form content, so your blog, your podcast, or video content. There are other ways, Instagram stories for example, Facebook groups. Those are other forms of nurturing that you can do, but here, you really want to focus on serving your audience, showing up and being visible so that people really can get to know, like, and trust you. The next step is to pick, or to commit to, your long form content.

Then the final piece of the sales funnel that we need to plan is the top of the funnel. That is attracting new people. How are you going to get fresh eyes on your content, fresh eyes on your offering, fresh eyes in your funnel, so that you can continue to grow and scale your business? The primary ways to do that are Instagram, Tik Tok, Pinterest and Facebook ads. There's obviously tons more that I didn't mention, but those are the primary ones that I think of first for growing your fresh eyes on your content. So once you've picked I would say one platform, one social media way that you are going to attract new people. Again, it's making that commitment of how often are you going to show up and what you're going to do and how often are you going to do it, to attract those new people into your business.

So, how do we amplify this sales funnel of attract, nurture, sell? How do we amplify it with Facebook ads? So my first tip for you is actually don't run Facebook ads until you have an offer you know converts. If you've never sold your course, you've never welcomed somebody into the membership or you've never completed that signature service for a client, you shouldn't be running Facebook ads to the offer. Yes, yes. I totally believe that you can use Facebook ads as a data collection and that you can pay to figure out where there's leaks in your funnel. But if you have an offer that nobody wants and it's not proven, then you're going to be spending a lot of money. It's so much better if you prove that offer first, if you have people organically buying into your offer initially. So, a couple of ways you can do that are through a beta launch, you can have a founding members launch, you can do a couple of just organic launches where you're launching to social media and your email list, Facebook group if you have one, those things before you start running ads.

Tip number two- focus on brand awareness and visibility. So this is having new people get to know who you are and become part of your brand. They're going to start consuming your long form content, interacting with you on social media and just really forming relationships with them. I recommend that you spend about 10% of your ad budget on this piece. So, getting more people to look at your long form content and potentially also engagement ads on Instagram, which would bring fresh eyes and fresh people into your brand. So I would recommend about 10% of your ad budget go to these type ads.

Tip number three is to strategically create audiences based on the actions that people take. If somebody likes your Instagram posts that you're promoting, what happens next? What is the next step? Each step or each action somebody takes should spark another action or another step for them to take. So if you're promoting that Instagram post and somebody likes it, that would spark them to start seeing your blog post. If they look at that blog post, then that should spark another step for them, maybe your webinar, maybe they would see ads for another blog post. But every single action somebody takes should spark the next step. So this is similar to creating an email marketing funnel where somebody opts into your email list, and then you have a welcome sequence. Then if somebody within the welcome sequence, they can watch a webinar. Then with the webinar, after that, there's another email sequence where they can then go to the sales page and they buy. So each action that somebody takes is sparking the next step. You can totally use Facebook ads in a similar way so that their actions spark the next step. That's going to help nurture people and move them through the funnel quicker and more efficiently than if you're just hoping that they will somehow stumble upon on your content.

So to recap, with your sales funnel, start with the end in mind, pick that signature offering, decide how you're going to nurture people and move them from the top of your funnel, to the bottom of your funnel. Then third, at the top of your funnel, how are you going to get fresh eyes on your brand, fresh eyes on your business.

To use Facebook ads, to level up your sales funnel, my first tip is don't start running Facebook ads until you're offering converts. Tip two, spend about 10% of your budget on building brand awareness and visibility and getting people through and nurturing them, new eyes on your content. Then step three is to have somebody's action spark the next step in your funnel.

I really hope that you found this episode helpful and that you're going to take it and run with it and grow your business. If you have any questions, please reach out on Instagram. I'm @heyitsjenzaia, and that is linked in the show notes. I again appreciate you being here today and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Thank you for listening to today's episode today was brought to you by Dubsado my absolute favorite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado for 20% off of your first month. Head to marketscalegrow.com/dubsado that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at marketscalegrow.com/community where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you... See you soon.


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