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Podcast Shownotes

Grow Your Visibility and Income as a Guest Speaker with Jenn Espinosa-Goswami | 139
When you think about getting visible, guest speaking might not be your first thought. However, guest speaking opportunities can not only increase your visibility but also generate additional revenue for your business.

Building a Sustainable Business with Multiple Streams of Income with Jillian Fernandez | 122
If you are a teacher business owner, you might think there is only one way you can make money outside of your teaching job: selling resources. However, building a sustainable business means having multiple streams of income, so you are never reliant on one revenue stream. On episode 122 of the podcast, I talked with Jillian Fernandez about sustainable business ideas, and how to diversify your income.

12 Questions for Goal Setting in Your Business | 112
If you’ve listened to my podcast before, you know I am big on mindset and reflection in business. It’s really easy to keep chugging along with our business and never take time to stop, reflect, and shift as needed. But these moments of reflection are exactly what we need to grow. So, to help you fine-tune your business, I have twelve questions for goal setting to help with the reflection process.

A Home Base for Your Marketing Plan | 104
When creating content, there should always be one big question in your mind: “what’s next for the person consuming this?” Without a clear next step or Call-To-Action (CTA), your audience won’t know what to do and their excitement will fade. To keep you audience excited and engaged, we need to ensure they are saying “yes” again and again. This is where a home base can be extremely useful.

Goodbye ICA... HELLO Audience Personas | 84
You’ve probably heard about Ideal Customer Avatars, but I have some shocking news - I hate them! Seriously…
I want to give you a simple breakdown of how to write Facebook Ads using audience personas because it’s much easier than you might think!

Level Up ✨ A Holistic Approach to your Marketing Strategy | 44
A holistic approach to marketing is essential in today’s digital online space. It is vital that you have a strategy that nurtures your audiences through high-quality free content, in your community, as well as content behind an opt-in wall (aka only available to your email list).

Level Up ✨ Facebook Ad Creative Design Tips for Teacherpreneurs | 41
One of the most important parts of a Facebook ad campaign is the creative. Ad creative may be still images, carousel images or videos/GIFs. They are essential to grabbing the attention of your audience. They need to stop the scroll and get them…

Plan with Me 📝 Diving Into My Business Finances | 32
Let’s real talk for a second… I went years, yes YEARS, in my teacherpreneur business before I gave my finances even a second thought. The money went into PayPal and then when I wanted to spend it on anything, I did. Without considering the impact or taxes or anything really… I just spent the money…

Level Up ✨ The Importance of Focus in your Teacher Business | 23
Your ability to stay focused on your ONE THING will have a huge impact on the long-term success and sustainability of your business. But how do you find that one thing and how does your focus on your ONE THING shift as your business grows? Listen to today’s episode to learn more about how your level of focus will…

Level Up ✨ Using Facebook Ads To Amplify Your Online Course Sales Funnel | 17
Facebook ads can be a great way to amplify what you’re doing in your business. But it’s essential that you have a sales funnel in place first because that is your plan… your blueprint on how customer’s move from never having heard of you to loyal, raving fans!

12 | Level Up ✨ Your Email Opt-in Strategy for Teacherpreneurs
Are you making the most of your free lead magnet? Building your email list has a ton of benefits as your grow your business. No matter what happens to any other platform, that email list is yours! You can use it to nurture. You can use it to sell. You can use it to build relationships. Here’s my top 5 tips to make the most of that free lead magnet.

4 | The Phases of Business Growth for Teacherpreneurs
As your business grows, you’ll go through different phases that require new focus and will challenge you in ways you never expected. This episode covers four common phases that digital businessed go through as they grow.