Level Up ✨ The Importance of Focus in your Teacher Business | 23

Your ability to stay focused on your ONE THING will have a huge impact on the long-term success and sustainability of your business. But how do you find that one thing and how does your focus on your ONE THING shift as your business grows? Listen to today’s episode to learn more about how your level of focus will shift and change as your business grows.

What is your ONE THING?
Your one thing is what will take you to great heights and allow you to truly scale your business.  It could be a course or a membership or a signature service. 

As you are just starting your business, you will likely have many ideas that you're testing out and trying to see which one really fits you and your growing audience.

Just Starting Out

You’re likely throwing spaghetti at the wall trying to find the content and offering that feels authentic to you and resonates with your audience. The sooner you can zero in on your ONE THING, the sooner you'll see scalable results! Use all of your content (long-form, short-form, social media, EVERYTHING) to help you figure out exactly what your audience needs from you. Don’t forget to use the data to help you (numbers don’t lie).

As You Grow and Scale
Focusing on your ONE THING becomes essential to your success and will help you in more than one way.

  1. It allows for an easier allocation of your time and energy

    Bouncing around between offers doesn’t give you the time to focus on anything and to truly give that offer your all. Course and memberships often need multiple launches to really gain momentum. It takes time to create long-form content. Don’t give up on something too quickly.

  2. You and your audience will have more clarity surrounding your offer

    Jumping around between different offers will leave your buyers confused and confused people don’t buy. By staying focused on one thing will allow you to fully nurture your audiences over time. Remember that it can take some people 6-12 months of consistent nurturing before they buy from you!!

  3. You will be able to dial in your messaging and your client/members needs 

    Use the numbers and data surrounding everything you do to make improvements over time. Each post, promotion and piece of content will help you tweak and develop your messaging, your offer and the direction of your business.

Be careful! There will likely come a time that if you aren’t focused on your ONE THING…

  • you will get pulled in too many directions and you may start dropping important tasks

  • your current clients/members may start to feel the effects of your lack of focus

The easiest solution is to stay focused and to start hiring people to help take you out of the day-to-day. Eventually, you’ll be completely removed and then you’ll have the time and energy to pursue new adventures.

How focused are you on your ONE THING?

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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is Market, Scale, Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams. Okay, so before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook ads. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them, and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences, this freebie is for you. I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest-based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie. Head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Hello and welcome to Market Scale Grow. My name's Jenzaia, and I am your host. Today is a Saturday strategy session, and we are going to be talking about how to level up your business and specifically how your focus changes and levels up with you.

So when you're first starting your business, your level of focus is going to be a little bit like throwing spaghetti at the walls. As you're launching your course or membership or signature service for the first time, it's really important that you are trying to figure out what is authentic to you and what resonates with your audience. This is especially important in your long-form content. So whether you choose to have a blog, a podcast, or video content, refining those content buckets or content pillars that you talk about again, and again, will get easier and easier if you are really paying attention to what resonates with your audience. Again, putting it through a filter of what is authentic to you, because just because something really resonates with your audience doesn't mean it feels authentic to you. So you need to kind of find that balance between being authentic because that is going to keep you in integrity and it will just help you be true yourself, and grow more in the long run.

But also you want stuff that resonates with your audience. So it's really important to be dialed in to all of the content you're putting out in those first few months to ensure that you're figuring out what your content buckets are, what you talk about on repeat, that is going to draw people in, and nurture them so that they become warmer leads and that they are interested in buying from you.

But in those first stages of your business, the first little bit of your business, it really is going to be throwing spaghetti at the wall. You're going to try this topic and that topic and this angle and that angle, you might create a mini-course and another one, dabble with the idea of a subscription box or a summit. It's going to take a little bit of time to really figure it out, and that's okay. That makes sense because it can be hard to really truly be dialed into what your audience needs. Now, it doesn't mean it definitely will. There are people who start a course and as the first thing they do, and then that's it. They don't ever bounce around. But the sooner you can get to that point where you figured out what your signature thing that you're offering is, whether it's a signature course or a membership or a service, the better. I'm not saying you can never have any other offers, but I really think that it's important to focus in on your one thing.

Here's why. Number one, it allows you to better allocate your time and energy. If you're bouncing around from this mini-course to that mini-course, to this membership, to that summit, to this, to that, you don't really have time to focus on it and to give it all of your energy and to make it the best that it can be.

My second reason is clarity. If you have so many different things, in one month you're promoting this course, in the next your promoting that course, and then you're over here and you're over there and you're over here. It doesn't necessarily give your audience time to get fully nurtured and warmed up to purchase your signature offer. They're going to kind of be bouncing back and forth and they will get confused, and confused people don't buy. So if you are really focused in on your one thing, and you're continually promoting that one thing and all of your content, whether it's an actual promotion or not, if all of your content really zones into your one thing or laser points into your one thing, then people will know what your long-term goal is, where they're headed, and they won't be confused. It gives them the time that they need to be fully nurtured and to be fully ready to buy when you open those doors or you open the cart for your program.

Then my third reason to get really, really focused is that it gives you the ability to start dialing in on your messaging and your client's needs or your customer's needs, or your members' needs. With each promotion that you do, each post, each long-form content, for everything that you do, if you're really zoned in on that one thing, you can tweak it and use your numbers. As you know, I'm a data nerd. So looking at what is resonating with people and tweaking it for the next time, and for the next time, and the next time. Each time you're getting a little bit better and a little bit better and a little bit better. You can easily do that if all of your energy, all of your time, all of your focus is on your one thing.

So again, at the beginning of your business, when you're in a startup, you are definitely gonna be throwing spaghetti at the walls. And what sticks, you're probably going to take that off and you're going to throw it again and see what sticks the second time. Then take that second set of stuck spaghetti and throw it and see what sticks the third time. Each time, fewer and fewer pieces are likely going to stick. That's what's going to help you become more and more and more focused on your one thing.

There will probably come a point in your business where you're getting pulled in too many directions. That's when I really think it's important to stop and analyze what is happening and what directions you're getting pulled and how you can simplify what you're doing and really zone in.

If you don't, there might become a point where not only do you feel pulled in many directions, but your current members, or your current clients, or your current customers might start to feel like you're not giving them enough time. They might feel like the expectations that they had going into your program just aren't being met. You really don't want that to be happening. You want to make sure that you are able to meet their expectations. By zoning in and not getting pulled by every single shiny object is really going to help you do that. Doubling down allows you to put everything into it.

Of course, there comes a point, it's almost like a bell curve, where you've hired people and you bring more people into your business that you can start removing yourself without it impacting your current members or your current customers or current clients, and that's okay. I highly encourage you to hire people to help you grow your business, but just doing it a little bit at a time so that it doesn't impact the experience that your current people are getting.

So just to recap, you're definitely going to start by throwing spaghetti at the walls, but the faster that you can zone in on your one thing, the better, when you are focused on one thing, you can better allocate your time and energy. You will be more clear on what you are offering to people and give them the time that they need to get nurtured in order to buy. You'll really be in a better position to update and dial into not only your client's needs but also your messaging, which will just create this snowball effect of getting more and more people into your one thing.

If you have any questions, I would love to hear from you. Screenshot this episode, share in your stories, or DM me on Instagram with your questions. I'm @heyitsjenzaia and I can't wait to connect with you. I will be back in your ear next Saturday.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by Dubsado, my absolute favourite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado. For 20% off of your first month. Head to marketscalegrow.com/dubsado that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at marketscalegrow.com/community where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you... See you soon.


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