Three Ways to Use Testimonials in Your Facebook Ads | 22

Testimonials are an extremely powerful form of social proof and should definitely be used in your marketing strategy from IG posts to your website to FB ads to your sales page, make sure you're using them! When we see testimonials, the power of social proof builds up more and more. Quite often, it’s that social proof that pushes us over the edge in making a decision, so use it to your advantage!

First of all, be sure to set up systems that allow you to regularly and efficiently collect testimonials from course participants, members and clients.

This can include sending participants and members a feedback form after they complete the course or have been a member for a predetermined time. With my clients, I regularly send feedback forms with different questions to elicit fresh testimonials. And don’t forget to have a system in place to capture and store love notes in FB groups and IG posts. I recommend you screenshot these and put them in a specific Google folder!

Now, on to the good stuff…

Here are my 3 favourite ways to use testimonials in your FB ads
1. Video testimonials from past participants, members or clients. When we see and heard someone they are automatically perceived as more trustworthy and their opinion more valuable. This makes video testimonials some of the most powerful you can possibly collect.

With video testimonials, I like to include ad copy that introduces the person and gives a summary of their testimonial in the copy because some people won’t actually listen to the video (Don’t forget to caption the video!!). Using their testimonial in the ad copy is a great way to reiterate the key details!

2. Carousel ads with 3-4 testimonial quotes. If you have lots of written testimonials, this form of ad is a great way to showcase multiple testimonials at once. Seamless carousels are quite popular right now and are an easy way for viewers to scroll through quickly.

TIP: Use pull quotes that are 2-3 sentences max. Too many words will cause the ad to be deemed low quality.

3. Testimonial quotes sprinkled through your ad copy. Adding testimonials directly into your ad copy is a great way to sprinkle in the social proof at multiple points in the customer’s journey. Be sure to select quotes that address the objections and pain points of someone at that particular step. For example, if it is an abandoned sales page ad, try to pull a quote that mentions visiting the sales page multiple times or being afraid to take the plunge, and how their life was impacted positively by finally joining your program.

In summary, be sure you’re using testimonials throughout your customer journey to build up the social proof and help your potential clients see the benefits of your offer long before they make the decision to buy from you!

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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is Market, Scale, Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook ads. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them, and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences, this freebie is for you. I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest-based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie. Head to to grab your copy today.

Hello and welcome to Market Scale Grow. My name is Jenzaia, and I am so excited that you are joining me for today's Saturday strategy session. I think it's going to be a quickie today, but I'm going to be talking about one of my favourite types of ads that you can be running for your course or your membership. Specifically in an open cart period.

So if you have a live launch, this would be after your launch event. Remember, a launch event is a webinar or a challenge or a video series, whatever you're doing to really get people excited. Then at the end of it, you're going to pitch your program. So after the pitch, your cart opens. This is one of the ads that you can run during the open cart. Now, if you have a program on Evergreen, what I would suggest is to run these ads after somebody has hit your sales page, but not bought.

So what kind of ads are these. Testimonials. So a testimonial is when a previous client or a previous student or previous member has left you wonderful, kind words. Sometimes we call these 'love notes' or just 'client love' or testimonials. So I have three different ways that you can use testimonial ads or use testimonials in your ads.

The first one is actually video testimonials. So if you have somebody who has done a video testimonial, you can actually run that as an ad. Now I do recommend that you stay around the minute mark for video testimonials. So you could cut their longer testimonial down and just pull out some really key quotes, or you could specifically ask them to keep it around a minute. That's a good length that I've found to keep people engaged and to really get your point across. So you're going to run a testimonial ad, and the ad copy that I like to use with video testimonials is starting with like, "Hey, meet Susie. She is the founder of X company." Then basically in the ad copy, just writing out in a bullet point format with emojis and all of those really important pieces, the key points from her testimonials. Also, the video should be captioned. So whether the person actually listens or reads the video itself, the ad copy will also kind of tell the same story and maybe fill in some little blanks. If it is a video testimonial that you've cut down, then you can use the longer video to spruce up and expand on that ad copy. So that's testimonial ad number one.

The second way you can use testimonials is if you have quotes from clients, then you can put those into images. One important thing is you don't want too much text on the image because they will often be reported as low quality, speaking from experience. This has happened to me when the quote is just too long. So the best way to handle that is to do 'pull quotes' where you take out 1, 2, or maybe 3 sentences from a longer quote that really have the most powerful words of the entire testimonial. What I like to do with this is a carousel, one of the seamless carousels. So when people scroll, then they'll see the next quote and the next quote and the next quote. I like to start the first page on the carousel of something like 'what are happy members are saying' or 'why our clients love us' or something along those lines that let people know that it's testimonials that are coming. Or like 'hear what our students are saying' and then you have three or four slides as part of the carousel that people can read those testimonials. So a carousel post with pull quotes or shorter testimonial quotes is my second suggestion.

The third way that you can use testimonials in your ads is to put them in the ad copy itself. Now, this can go with the other two ways, or it can be completely separate. What I like to do is grab some emojis again, I use the star emojis, so either just the plain star or there's a glowing star. Then I'll do three stars or five stars. I like three because it's not so long, but then I don't want people to think it's three out of five stars. Four stars is good, too. I wouldn't do anything less than three. So 3, 4, 5 stars. I definitely wouldn't do more than five stars. Then put the quote in parentheses. You can use the quote at the beginning of your ad copy to draw attention in, or you could use it lower down as just a connection point.

Testimonial ads are so, so valuable because of the social proof. So whether you're using the video testimonial or a carousel testimonial ad, or you're just sprinkling in testimonials to your ad copy of any of the other ads that you're running, these are all really good ways for people to feel connected and relate to your program more. These are really, really good ads for warming people up and nurturing them and keeping yourself top of mind and that program. You really want to lean into the benefits that people are going to get. So if you have a testimonial, that's saying, 'this is how my life or my business changed because of your program', those are really good ones because they can really get people to see themselves in that position. It can help push them over the edge of actually purchasing the course, because they said, 'oh, so-and-so' even if they don't know that person 'gave this glowing review.'

So make sure that you are asking people for testimonials when you've completed a service, or as they're leaving, once they completed the course. I personally send out a feedback form once a quarter to my clients. I find that's a really good way to collect testimonials. Anytime somebody says something really kind about me and my business in a Facebook group, I will ask permission to screenshot that testimonial and to use it. So make sure you're collecting those testimonials so that you can be running testimonial ads.

Also, this isn't really about Facebook ads at all, this piece of advice, but sprinkle those testimonials throughout everything you do- on your Instagram, and your Facebook page, on your website, and of course, of course, of course, on any sales pages that you have.

I'm just going to quickly recap those three ways to use the testimonials in your ad. So, number one is video testimonials. Number two is a carousel post with some quotes from your clients that they've written for you. Then number three is to sprinkle those testimonials in your ad copy for testimonials ads and in also other ads that you're running.

If you have any questions about this, or you want somebody who can implement testimonial ads and other ads in your business, I would love to chat. So reach out on Instagram. I'm @heyitsjenzaia and I look forward to chatting with you next week.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by Dubsado, my absolute favourite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado. For 20% off of your first month. Head to that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you... See you soon.


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