2021 in Review - A look back on Year one of JD Teacherpreneur Marketing | 56

In this week's Saturday Strategy Session,  I take a walk down memory lane and recap 2021! We are so close to 2022, but before we ring in the new year I share with you how my business grew in 2021. 

We chat about...

  • Highlights from each quarter this year, including my intentional rest during Q3

  • All that I have learned about growth and marketing this year and what I started doing in 2021 that helped my business boom

  • Why this episode will be my last for 2021!

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Episode Transcript:

Hello, and welcome to market scale grow. This is a Saturday strategy session and I am your host, Jenzaia. I am so excited today. I even messed up my intro, but I'm so excited because the doors to the dream list essentially are open. This is a six-week group program, specifically designed for ambitious teacherpreneurs that want to grow their email list full of dream clients on autopilot every single day, by using Facebook and Instagram.

I am so pumped about this. It is going to be live like I said, so we'll be on zoom chatting. There'll be a coaching portion of the call and Q and A's. Plus there are even two weeks scheduled out to be full reviews. And. Q and a calls so that you can get your questions answered and feel like you are making these strides forward to building the email list that you ought to be making in 2022.

So if you are listening to this live on December 18th or tomorrow on December 19th, the doors are still open and then they will be closing for this first round. There is limited access because it is a group program. And I want to make sure everyone gets the attention that they need. So if this is something that interests you, head to jenzaiadimartile.com/dreamlistessentials, which will be in the show notes for you.

So again, clickable link in the show notes, way easier than you try to figure out how to spell all of these words and check it out. I would love for you to join the program again. It's for six weeks. We start on January 5th. We're going to be growing our email lists together. Okay. Now that that's out of the way because I'm super excited about it.

And I had to share, there's also a ton of snow here, which is making me really happy. It's right before Christmas, obviously. And I am a Canadian girl. If you notice how he spelled my name with Zed, not zee, I am a Canadian girl and I just, love snow. So on the day that I'm recording this, we got probably like an inch, maybe two inches of snow.

And it was that light fluffy. Beautiful. Beautiful snow. So I'm sure when I go outside, it's going to be all like icky and gross because people are walking and cars are driving and whatever, but from my window right now, it is beautiful. Today. I'm going to be chatting with you about 2021 in review and why I'm taking two weeks off because I am, this is my last episode that's coming out this year and then. I'm taking two weeks off of podcasting until the new year. So, sorry. I know y'all miss me, but I thought it was really important to you. So, first of all, I'm prioritizing family time, rest, and relaxation for not only myself but my team. And so that obviously includes my podcast manager, who is awesome.

And I just, I want her to be able to have some time that she's not worried about getting an episode out. Plus my episodes come out on Saturdays, which this year Christmas is on a Saturday and new year's day is on a Saturday. And. No, thanks. No, we're taking the two weeks off and we will be back at the beginning of January, January 8th will be our first episode back.

It's also a slow period for my business right now, after an extremely busy, busy, busy period. So from about Thanksgiving until a week or so ago, not even. Still now. So I'm recording this a little bit in advance, but even if I'm thinking of when this is happening, I'm going through a launch. Like when you're listening to this, this is a launch for me.

So that's an insanely busy period. So from Black Friday to holiday promotions to the launch, it's just been crazy busy. And so I feel like I need a slow period for my business. I also heard this on another podcast and I really liked it. It really resonated with me, but I want to be a good role model for my audience and listeners, and followers.

And what I mean by that is sometimes the hustle takes over and we feel like we just need to go, go, go, go. But taking that time off of your business is so important. So I am a Facebook ads manager. I strategized with my clients, but I've also let my clients know I am not going to be available on specific days, but however, I will be going into their account and checking to make sure any ads that are running are doing so properly and that there aren't any big catastrophe.

Unfortunately the nature of the business, I can't completely like shut off fully. I have to go in login at least once a day and just check on things and make sure everything's going well. But no client calls. I'm not doing any strategizing. I won't be setting up any new campaigns, nothing like that.

Really just main campaign maintenance. And I just also think it's important to be vocal about this in our world. That just because you work for yourself, just because it's your own business, it doesn't mean you shouldn't take the time off and give yourself the time to rest relax, recharge. And so that's my plan for the next two weeks from when you're listening to this is to.

Spend time with my kids, spend time with my husband and spend time with my sister who's flying in from British Columbia. I'm super excited about it. So that is why I'm taking two weeks off. And why there will not be a new episode until January 8th, 2021. 


I sign up for a group program and ads manager school-type program, where I learned all about managing Facebook ads for my clients. It was amazing. At that point. I had a couple of clients, my first clients, and I was still learning and taking that program, that professional development was life-changing. It helped me set up my systems and my procedures and to know exactly how to be working with the clients effectively.

So that was amazing. And I'm so thankful to those first few clients that trusted me. Some of them are still with me. Some of them are not because of the nature of their business. I'm so thankful to everyone who trusted me a year ago. And so thankful for those people who stayed with me and those who have referred the business since then, and just thankful for that trust.

There were some really, really, really challenging moments in that quarter as well when things weren't going right. And problems arose. And I'd never faced these things before. My business was still a little baby boutique agency at that time. Like it wasn't even a boutique agency. It was just a baby agency.

And I had no idea the problems and no idea the struggles that I would face. And so there were some big, hard moments and I learned so much. I felt like every single day I was learning more and more and more, and it was amazing. So that was quarter one.


I called my huge growth. I picked up quite a few clients in quarter two and I was able to grow my impact as well. So that's when I started my podcast and I really started to form relationships and collaborations with people. And I was able to experience that kind of growth. 

Quarter two is when the iOS changes happen. And so that was like another learning curve that got thrown at us and everybody he was preparing and figuring out and not really knowing.

And so there were a lot of changes that happen and learning more new things on the fly, having no idea. And then our world as Facebook ads managers, Facebook ads, strategists, the world just got turned upside down. So that happened 


Quarter three was a much slower season and that was totally by choice. I took some time to enjoy the summer and back-to-school season.

I hired my first podcast manager. And that's when I started growing my email list and emailing regularly, but it was still like a slow season. And it gave me time to really solidify a lot of my systems and my procedures and to work out kinks so that everything was flowing smoothly and peacefully. 


 Where we are now!

This was a season of change, I would say because I started to develop my framework and I started to really zone in on what services I enjoy doing and which ones maybe not so much, and how I could do more of what I love and less of what I don't like. And that is how the dream list essentially came to be.

Because I love helping people grow their email lists. Lead generation ad campaigns are some of my favorite. And so shameless little plug. If growing your email list in 2022 is one of your top priorities. Definitely check out the dream list essentials because I've poured my heart and soul into planning this program and it's going to be live.

So you'll get all of your questions answered and it'll be great. So, and shameless plug, I. Also in queue four really started to pour my time and energy into my Facebook group. So if you know anything about my holistic marketing strategy braid, there's the content marketing. So my podcast is in Q2, and then there's the email marketing.

And I did that in Q3 and then community building, which I started my Facebook group. I didn't start the group. I just really started putting time and energy into the group in Q4. And so that's kind of the timeline that I took of one quarter. To get each of these pieces up and running and flowing seamlessly to other things that I did in quarter four that were huge.

I joined a group coaching program that I am loving, and now I have a coach that I talk to on an almost daily basis. And yeah, I absolutely love it. And then the second program that I joined was we should all be millionaires, which has this growth scale. That takes you from zero to a million dollars.

And I'm really excited. And I was able to find where I am on the growth scale and is giving me all of the steps to moving forward. So love, love, love my group coaching program, which is the breadwinner energy group coaching program with Tae Daniels. And then also We Should All Be Millionaires with Rachel Rogers.

So two things you should check out if you're looking for support and growth and awesome in 2022.

Okay. So that's kind of a recap on how my year went so much growth, so much change, but then also slower seasons and seasons of lots of reflection and systemization and procedure base. And so it's so cool to actually look back on the year because you hear other people talking about it.

Like sometimes it's going to be a season of this, and sometimes it's going to be a season of that and to be able to look at my year and really say like, yeah, I had those seasons. I think that's super cool. So anyway, that's my year. I really, really hope that, that you take some time over these holidays. To rest and relax and celebrate the new year and to come back to your business in 2022, refreshed, relaxed, and ready to. So as always, thank you so much for hanging out with me. Enjoy the rest of 2021, and I will see you in 2022.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by Dubsado, my absolute favourite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Dubsado. For 20% off of your first month. Head to marketscalegrow.com/dubsado that's D U B S A D O and use the code Jenzaia at checkout. And don't forget to head to our community at marketscalegrow.com/community where you'll find inspiring, ambitious teacherpreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you. See you soon.


My Hopes, Goals, and Dreams for 2022 and Beyond | 57


Facebook ads as part of your New Year holistic marketing strategy | 55