My Hopes, Goals, and Dreams for 2022 and Beyond | 57

In this Strategy Session, we will be taking an inside look at my vision and goals for 2022! As we ring in the new year, I strongly believe in reassessing and prioritizing your goals for the year. I share my vision not only as a business owner but I also share my vision for my family life. I started my business to create the life I want to live and by looking at my vision and goals for this upcoming year, I want to make sure they all align. 

In this episode:

  • I share my vision for buying my dream house and retiring my husband

  • I lay out the goals I have for my business, including this podcast!

  • and I also share the small first steps I'll take to start making progress towards success


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers. Just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams. 

Okay. Before we get started, I'm really excited because I created a free quiz just for you. You can head to to find out if Facebook ads are right for you and your business. This two-minute quiz has a couple of questions that you can answer to find out if Facebook ads or something else is the next marketing strategy that you should be implementing in your business. So head to to find out today.

Hello. Hello. Welcome back to market scale grow. My name is Jenzaia and this is a strategy session. I really hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, that you took some time to spend with family and loved ones, and that you rested. And now in 2022, you're feeling ready to hit the ground running recharged. All that good stuff. 

In today's episode, [00:02:00] we are going to be talking about my dreams, visions, and goals for 2022. And before I really dive into what those are for me, I'm just going to differentiate them a little bit. So first-up dreams, these are like the big future images I have of my life. So I won't accomplish these in 2022, likely they are bigger than that.

They are how I see my life playing out in the long term. My vision is the steps that I'm taking towards my dreams and how I'm living my dream now. So these will be things that I will accomplish and choices I'll make and habits that I'll form in 2022, to take me to those dreams in the long term. And then goals are measurable, attainable things that [00:03:00] I will work monthly, weekly, daily. To achieve. And so all of them play into one another because my dreams are what helped me decide on what my vision is. And the vision helps me create the goals. And then each day I'm working towards those goals is taking me one step closer to those big dreams.

 Okay, so dream number one is more travel in my life. I love traveling and I haven't been on a plane since 2018 before my son was born. He was born in March 2019. And so I haven't been on a plane since the summer of 2018. And I'm like, so sad about that. I didn't realize it had been so long until I was prepping for this episode. And I'm so upset, but yeah, so go traveling, get on an airplane, see [00:04:00] something new, visit a new place, and just explore with that.

I also want to live abroad again. This is a big dream that my husband and I share. And that we've been talking about since before we got married and along with that dream. So that's my side of the dream is to live abroad and his side of the dream is to retire. And so part of our family dream would be to retire my husband and then move abroad for a year or two.

So that we can live that life together and experience that with our kids. A little bit of a smaller dream is more outdoor adventures. And just being able to spend weekends away in nature, whether it's a cabin or camping, going to places like Niagara Falls and Algonquin park, and yeah. Just experiencing nature and being outside and.

Immersing my children in that kind of lifestyle. And then my last dream is to buy our dream house with a [00:05:00] nice backyard and some big trees. We live in a lovely neighborhood right now, but it's a little bit newer. So there aren't a ton of big trees. Also, the hoses are squished together. So most people don't have nice big backyards.

So I don't want to feel like I have to have eight-foot privacy fences in my backyard. Just have a little bit of privacy. I don't want to be sitting in my kitchen looking into somebody else's kitchen. I just want some space where I can feel like our own little Oasis. So those are my dreams. Oh, with buying the new house, buying the dream house, I also would like to be mortgage-free.

So we are currently aside from our mortgage, we are debt-free and that's pretty exciting. Buying the dream house will obviously set us back on that debt-free journey. We're a couple of years away, like five years away from paying off our current mortgage. So getting a new mortgage is going to put us back on the, who knows how long [00:06:00] hamster wheel of paying off the mortgage, but the dream house will be worth it.

So I'm really excited. So paying off my mortgage as part of that, Okay. So how does that dream break down into my vision for living my life this year? So number one, hopefully getting on an airplane. We've been talking about going to visit my sister out in BC this summer. So I'm super pumped to go visit her.

And then maybe going to Europe or Australia, we've been talking about both of those two. So we'll see. 

My current work schedule. I am in the classroom two days a week, and then I run my business the rest of the week. Plus I spent a ton of time with my kids and I absolutely love that. That will be my schedule until June 2022.

And then. We'll see what happens. I will have the summer off. Of course, as a teacher, I will not be in the classroom. And then in September, as I said, I love this current schedule. I love being in the classroom. I love being in the school, but I [00:07:00] also love running this business and love the time that I'm getting to spend with my kids.

So I'm hoping to be able to find a similar balance in the next school year. So that would be starting September 2022. Next to go with retiring. My husband, we might be able to have him work a little bit less. And so we'll see his schedule on one of the days that he works is a little bit more flexible and so potentially retiring him off of that section of his work would be really, really exciting if I can make that happen in 2022 if we can make that happen in 2022 growing my business and moving forward.

And then the last vision that I have is to. Launch dreamless essentials again, and then expand it to the full program that I intend it to be before the end of the year, but having quarterly launches of the dream list and getting that program really [00:08:00] solidified as part of my brand, as part of my business, and to get into a rhythm of running it as.

Okay, so next, we're going to talk about my goals. I have four goals for my business in 2022. Goal number one is to expand my podcast. Goal number two is to have a five-figure launch. Goal number three is to increase my one-to-one service price. I have a target price in mind, and to hit that price. And then goal number four is 50 lives on either Instagram or my Facebook group. So one thing I want to mention about goals, in my opinion, a goal should be something that you can measure something that is attainable and something you can say yes or no. I succeeded. I didn't succeed. So expanding my podcast, what success would look like for me there are weekly episodes also having [00:09:00] a guest expert coming on to share with you guys once a month and for me to be on other people's podcasts once a month as well so that I can be a guest and I can expand my audience through those two ways. I have some numbers in mind, like numbers of listens and downloads but I can't control those. So they're more like milestones to check off and not goals. So I'm not going to share them because they're, I can't control how many people download my podcasts. I can do things like having guests experts on and promoting it more effectively. And all of those pieces, amazing content that you want to listen to that might draw more people in.

But I can't really say how many people, so that is a milestone that I'm tracking, not a goal that I want to base my success of this year on, but anyway, so goal number one is to expand my podcast. 

Goal number two is a five-figure launch. [00:10:00] And what that would look like is surpassing $10,000 in a launch of the dream list essentials. As I said, in my vision, I foresee myself launching dream list essentials again in March, and then June. And then September, and then probably December, like once a quarter is what I'm envisioning. So doing those four launches, and this is a process, it's a snowball that I'm just starting to roll.

And so I will be working towards a five-figure launch and. each time I run the program, I'm going to be learning more and I'm going to be expanding it and growing it and learning so much about launching. So that's my goal. And then right now, the task that I need to do is run the program for the first time.

So we just had our first weekly call. We have five more calls coming up and [00:11:00] I'm hoping to learn a ton from my students so that I can improve the program. And make it even better for the second launch that's coming in March. So that's my Q1 goal for getting to a five-figure launch is just ironing out the kinks, making sure everything works, and getting people, getting people's feedback.

Goal number three is to reach my target prices. So based on industry standards, I have kind of target prices in mind for my one-to-one services. And over the past year, I've been building to those target prices, just increasing incrementally as my service, as I've had more clients and more experience. And I've gone through more training.

I've been increasing my prices. And so I have target prices in mind. And the next step to getting to those target prices is going to be creating a podcast mini-series to help me be more booked out. So the [00:12:00] point of the podcast mini-series is going to be to educate people about the service and answer some frequently asked questions so that they feel ready to buy when they come to me.

So they feel ready to invest and ready to grow their list when they, when the time's right, because. It can be hard to decide to do Facebook ads. They're expensive, they're scary. There's a lot to them. So I just want people to feel informed and educated and that getting that podcast mini-series up and running will, hopefully, the goal is to attract more people with it and then book out the services, and the more booked out my services are, the more experience I get and the easier it is to increase prices.

Okay. Goal number four, this is my last goal is to have 50 lives. To go live 50 times on either Instagram or in my Facebook group. And I started going live back in November and [00:13:00] I hated it. The way my schedule is, it's hard to come up with a consistent time because my working days at my school job actually rotate on a five-day cycle.

And so they change occasionally. So it's hard to get a time when the like, consistently, but that's, my goal is to have a weekly live show that I am producing so that it's just another piece of content and I want it to connect with this podcast so that it complements the information that's being shared. So that's my fourth goal right now, but the very first baby step on that is finding a time that I can consistently produce, like go live.

I want to be able to say like every week on this day, at this time I'm going to be going live. So that is my first little baby step to achieving 50 lives this year. Okay. I think we walked through all of my big dreams, my vision for this year. My goals. And I'm feeling [00:14:00] really excited about 2022. I really hope you're also feeling excited that again, as I said, at the beginning of the episode, you're rebooted, recharged, refreshed, ready to hit the ground running. And that 2022 is going to be an amazing year. Yes. 

So those are my hopes for you that you are ready, that you're going to have a great year and, If you have, if you would like to share your goals or your dream or your vision for 2022, please send me an Instagram DM I'm @heyitsjenzaia I look forward to hearing from you and happy new year.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by Dubsado, my absolute favorite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend Deb Sato for 20% off of your first month. Head to [00:15:00]

And use the code jenzaia at checkout, and don't forget to head to our community at where you'll find inspiring ambitious teacherpreneuers who are looking to grow and scale their businesses, just like you. See you soon!


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