Three Tips to Nailing your Messaging | 58

The truth is every piece of your marketing comes back to your messaging. It is truly the foundation of your marketing.

Nailing your messaging allows you to…

✨ relate to your audience and nurture relationships

✨ write amazing copy

✨ create graphics that stop the scroll

✨ show up and serve your people

When it comes to nailing your messaging, you need to:

  • Do your market research - not many people love doing market research, but it’s impossible to know what your target market without ACTUALLY talking to them. My favourite ways to do market research include IG polls, Google forms & coffee chats with audience members. As much as you might want to skip this step, DON’T

  • Follow your data and study it closely - the numbers don’t lie… at first, you may not love what they’re telling you because it will probably take a few iterations of your messaging to get it right. But look at the data and follow what it is telling you is working

  • Rinse and repeat - regularly revisit your ideal client profile to update it and ensure you are still meeting their needs and speaking directly to them


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Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Hey there I'm Jenzaia. And this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences. This freebie is for you.

I share my [00:01:00] top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences to cold interest based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie head to to grab your copy today.

Hello, hello and welcome to market scale grow. My name is Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session. Today we are going to be talking about three tips to nail your messaging. This is one of the most important steps to running Facebook ads. And it happens long before you ever open up your ads manager long before you write any ad [00:02:00] copy or create any images because.

It's that foundational piece that comes before all of that. If you don't know your messaging, you won't be able to write copy that resonates. You. Won't be able to create images that stop the scroll. You won't be able to create audiences that have your ideal clients. And maybe you'll do it once, but you won't be able to do it repeatedly.

So three tips to nail your messaging, grab a pen and paper, because I think that this one is going to be full of tips that you can use and that you'll want to implement. So tip number one is actually do the market research. I know, I know, I know market research is one of those terms. That's maybe overused, maybe too many people are like just saying it empty, but it's so so important when you do the market research, you're actually talking to either your audience or your current clients or past clients or prospective clients. You're [00:03:00] talking to these people who are interested in your brand already and finding out why, what it is that they think makes you special. What are the words that resonate with them?

What are the struggles that they say that they're going. It's so important to do that market research, ask the questions, actually talk to the people when you're first getting started, this may take the form of Instagram polls. It may be questions that you're asking on IgE and having people fill it out.

It may be a survey that you're sending out to your email list or asking people who are following you to fill out or at the end of a program that people have completed. All of these are types of market research. The next level of market research would be like hopping on a call with people, a coffee chat or an actual interview and asking them these questions, do the market research.

You will get [00:04:00] so much amazing, amazing information when you actually ask these people. When you take the time to listen to what they're saying, doesn't matter if you think, you know, it doesn't matter how many Facebook groups you've. Scrolling and reading, actually talking to the people is going to make a huge, huge difference.

So tip one is actually do the research. 

Number two, follow the data and know you are going to get it wrong. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth six, who knows how many times? What I mean by that is when you create your lead magnet, your landing page, watch the conversion rates. How many people are actually opting into what you are providing, watch the data you get from your email service provider.

How many people are opening it, how many people are clicking, look at that data and take it into consideration. What kind of titles are getting more clicks? What kind of [00:05:00] links are being like click through more often, look at the data and it's okay. If your first lead magnet, your second lead magnet, your thirdly magnet, don't hit them.

Continue to push forward, continue to try and to just look at the data and say, yes, this is working. No this isn't working or this part is working, but this part isn't working and know that the numbers tell a story and that you'll learn something from listening to them. And that each time you refine your messaging, each time you refine the texts that you have on your landing page or the image you're using or whatever piece of it that you're improving.

You're going to get new information out of that, that is going to help you to nail that messaging. And you can take that information and use it in your Facebook ads. Use it in your other marketing pieces. So follow the data, the numbers don't lie. The numbers don't lie. And then tip number three is to rinse and repeat your ideal [00:06:00] client, deep dive.

And so an ideal client deep dive is when you sit down and you just dump everything that's in your head about your ideal client? Who are they? Age, location, gender, occupation, family status, income, all of that basic demographics. But then you also go into hopes, dreams, fears, obstacles, what keeps them up at night.

Like all of those different things. Rinse and repeat it every time you get a bit more information, add it to your deep dive. I would say, especially when you're first getting started every three to six months, you should be redoing that ideal client, deep dive. Then once you have it more dialed in more like ready to go.

Updated every six to 12 months, but just dialing it in and figuring it out. Who are these people and what do they need from you? Not even, what do they need, what do they want from you? And how can you give them what they actually need? Disguises, what they want. Again, [00:07:00] my three tips are number one, actually do the market research, number two, follow the data, and know that it's okay if you get it wrong the first bunch of times. 

And then number three, rinse and repeat your ideal client deep dives regularly. So this was a quick, short, easy, hopefully, implementable episode. Thank you so much for being here. If you are unsure of market research questions or how did you an ideal client deep dive, definitely reach out to me on Instagram.

I would love to help you through that. I'm at heyitsjenzaia. I will be back with another strategy session in your ear next Saturday. So thank you so much for listening.

Thank you for listening to today's episode today was brought to you by my absolute favorite customer manager. Tool. [00:08:00] If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend dubsado for 20% off of your first month. Head to market scale,

And use the code jenzaia at checkout, and don't forget to head to our community at where you'll find inspiring ambitious teacher burners who are looking to grow and scale their businesses just like you. See you soon.


Supercharge Your Long-Form Content Nurturing | 59


My Hopes, Goals, and Dreams for 2022 and Beyond | 57