Supercharge Your Long-Form Content Nurturing | 59

In this Saturday's Strategy Session,  I share three strategies for supercharging your long-form content nurturing with Facebook ad campaigns. Facebook ads are an amazing way to grow your traffic because, seriously, it's not 2018 anymore. Having a holistic marketing approach that combines long-form content, email marketing, and paid ads can be the secret sauce to growing your business in 2022. 

But beyond that, you need a strategy that gets even more eyes on your long-form content. Whether you choose to blog, podcast or create video content, your goal should be to be growing your audience every single month.

Supercharging your nurturing is the fastest and easiest way to grow your audience!

In this episode, I share three ways to supercharge your long-form content nurturing.

  1. Have a plan for your content marketing strategy - determine your 3-5 content buckets and stick with them. Educate your audience, entertain them and use emotion to help them form attachments to you (and your content)

  2. Find your best performing content and run an ad to it - content that does well organically is more likely to do well when amplified with paid traffic. So find what your audience loved and then create some traffic campaigns to get more eyes on your content.

  3. Retarget the right people to the right place - pay close attention to what people are doing. They will give you signs of how interested they are and if they need more nurturing or if they’re ready to be pushed to the next step in your customer journey.


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Episode Transcript:


Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market, Scale, Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you, my goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences. This freebie is for you.

I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences to cold interest based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie head to to grab your copy today.

Hello and welcome to this week's Saturday strategy session. My name's Jenzaia and I'm your [00:01:00] host and I'm so, so thank you that you're joining me on market scale grow today. It is 2022 and we are in a very different marketing climate than we were a few years ago. So stick with me here. I think for a lot of us. Bro marketing has been like under our skin and like really, really annoying us for a while now, but it wasn't until recently that things really started to change. Bro marketing, if you don't know, is almost the equivalent of like bug bug, bug, bug, bug, bug bug until they buy. 

And there was just this very powerful, very fear based, very, very scarcity based way of marketing of, if you don't get in your business will die and you won't be able to do anything about it. And all of the secrets are inside and [00:02:00] only the insiders can know and get it. Or you'll never have it kind of that sort of messaging. And that really bothered a lot of people, especially women. We are softer, more nurturing, more relationship based to begin with. And so these relationships that were fear-based and really held onto the time-based and the scarcity based, and we're better on the inside and you can't be as good as us just don't sit well with women. 

And so this shift has been a huge shift in the past six months to wards, more relationship based marketing, where these one-on-one relationships are just becoming more and more important, almost akin to pre-digital era when traveling salespeople would go and form relationships and talk to people and interact with them and actually become friends with them instead of [00:03:00] just like pushing the sale on that. 

So today I want to talk to you about how you can supercharge your nurturing and how you can get more eyes on your content on your long form content, your blog, your podcast, or your video using Facebook ads and what that will do for your business. And so backing up just a little bit, if you don't know anything about my Marketing philosophy. I strongly strongly believe in a holistic approach to marketing, which means you have a content marketing strategy with long form content. You have an email marketing strategy, you have a community building strategy and you're layering it all together.

And you're also pulling paid ads in there and everything is working together to make a really strong. Marketing platform or marketing strategy, and you're not having to do a little bit of all of the different things. Everything is working [00:04:00] together. 

So listen to episode 44 is one of my most popular episodes ever. People love the idea of the holistic marketing approach. And I really think you will too, with that your content strategy, your long form content. So again, not to your blog podcast or video content, one really important thing that you need to do in relationship based marketing is to build relationships.

And the beginning, part of that is brand touchpoints and brand touchpoint is any time somebody interacts with your brand, whether it's an Instagram post, a live video that you do a YouTube video, your podcast, a guest episode, that you do a blog post, any interaction that they have with your brand, whether they realize it or not is a brand touchpoint.

Most people need to hear about something at least seven to 14 times before they're going to buy. And that is hearing about your offer. [00:05:00] So they need probably double to triple that number of brand touchpoints before they're ready to buy, because the first handful of brand touchpoints, the first handful of times that they see something of yours, they probably aren't even going to recognize it.

And then slowly they'll build recognition of your brand. Oh, yeah, this is the person who does X, Y, Z fill in the blank. Right. And so putting consistent long form content out is extremely important. Nurturing your people with your email marketing is extremely important. Building those communities is extremely important, but it can take a really, really long time.

So using paid advertising is one way that you can speed up the process. So what I really like to do is to use ads to promote the long form content, which would mean driving. More people to read your blog or listen to your podcast or view your video content. So the first piece of information that's [00:06:00] really, really important about this strategy is that you are driving them to your website that has a pixel installed.

So no matter what type of content you're providing, whether it is a blog post or a podcast or YouTube videos you want to drive them to your website. The only exception here is if you're doing Facebook or Instagram lives, then you can drive them to that video on the Facebook platform, using a video view ad that's acceptable, but if it's hosted on YouTube or as a podcast or as a blog, you want to make sure that you're driving the traffic to a web page on your website.

With the pixel so that you can collect as much data as possible from these people. You're gonna want to do this in a couple of different ways. So one is post engagement ads, and this is where people will interact with your content. You want these ads to look as natural as possible. So often I don't even include a call to action on them.

[00:07:00] It's just medium to long copy. Gives another spin on my podcast and gets people interested. Hopefully they'll click on the link in the ad, copy to go and listen to the entire episode. Hopefully then they'll subscribe and become loyal listeners like you are. The second way is to your traffic ad, which has the intention of driving people or taking people to the landing page. This one does have a call to action, but very similarly I'll use medium to long form copy that talks about the podcast episode. And I do specifically pick one episode so that there are pain points and top like key details that I can use in the ad copy. And this is important because people want like a purpose.

Something that they can grab onto, and it helps you identify the types of people, what they're specifically interested in, in your business. And so if you're just [00:08:00] generalizing and sending people to your podcasts as a whole. People aren't going to latch on to anything. It's almost like you just send them into a store blindfolded and say, go buy me a pair of shoes, but they have no idea what section of the department shoe store shoes are in.

Be the same as me sending them into my podcast and being like, listen to the episodes on data, but then not pointing them to specific. Episodes about data. So picking a specific episode and gearing that ad to the episode. Now, the reason I use medium to long form ad copy for this is that in case somebody doesn't actually click on the link, my hope is that they'll read the ad copy and learn more about me learn more about my content buckets.

 That it's a form of nurturing, even if they don't click on the link. As for the creative, I will usually run a sound bite from my podcasts. Sometimes I'll do a very natural handheld video where I'm looking at my camera as if [00:09:00] I'm recording an IgE story. And then also a still graphic, like just a plain image really depends on the episode, which one does the best. But usually, the video does video tends to outperform images and soundbites, but it's important that you test it for each one of these. So when you're running these ads, if you're running a post engagement ad, generally speaking, you'll be able to get post engagements for anywhere from five to 10.

And if it is a traffic ad that is taking people from Facebook to your landing page, I would be looking to get clicks for 25 to 50 cents, hopefully, cheaper, but definitely not more expensive. Another way that you can supercharge your nurturing is to promote video content on the Facebook platform. So going live on Facebook or Instagram is a really, really great strategy.

And then especially for videos that have done well organically to [00:10:00] create video view ads is a really good way to find people who are interested in your content. I will usually run these ads optimizing for through play, which is somebody watching at least 15 seconds. But in the ads manager, you can actually break it down and see who watched 25%, 50%, 75% or a hundred percent of your video.

Actually, I think it's 90% is the last. And seeing those different ones. So then you can say, well, a hundred people watched 25% and 50% or 50 people watched 75%. And you know that somebody who watched 15 seconds is not as likely to take the next step with you as somebody who watched 10 minutes of it. And so that metric and being able to group people into interested a little bit, watch 15 seconds and interested a whole lot watched almost the entire 10-minute video.

You can start running different ads to start nurturing [00:11:00] even more of that first group of people who only watched 15 seconds, or actually getting people onto your email list that are in the second group, like, okay, they watched 10 minutes of my video. Let's try and get them on my email list now because they're very interested in what I offered. 

And so you can segment people with video view ads really nicely, and they're also a very cost-effective ad to run. Often. You've got video views for one to 200. Per through play, which is amazing. Obviously, the other really good thing about both post engagement and video view ads is it keeps people on the Facebook and Instagram platform, which has become more and more important ever since the iOS updates happen back in April of 2021, because now when people leave Facebook or Instagram, depending on the device that they're using, whether it, like, if it's an apple, a mobile apple device, a lot of people are, have opted [00:12:00] out of tracking about 90% of people have opted out of tracking. And so you can't see what they do afterward. So keeping them on the Facebook ad platform is a really great way to build your warm audiences.

And then, like I was saying before, you can start to retarget them with additional nurturing content and your lead magnet. Ads, which I highly, highly recommend that everybody is running. Okay. So action steps for you today. 

Number one, get your content marketing strategy in place. If you don't already have one, I recommend that all businesses, all online businesses will not all most online businesses, coach, course creators service providers. Should I be creating some form of long form content every single week? So whether you're putting out a blog post or a podcast episode or long form video, at least once a week. 

Second, find the best [00:13:00] performing content and start to put ad, spend behind it to gain more traction and to further nurture people who are in your audience. This is helping people to get to know you better and have additional brand touchpoints. 

Step number three. Retarget those people who have interacted with your nurture content and get them on your email list with your lead magnet campaigns. Okay. So I hope that you found this episode informative and that you were inspired to take some big action towards our long-form content and supercharging your nurture next week. I have an exciting interview for you. So stay tuned for that. And until next time, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week.

Thank you for listening to today's episode. Today was brought to you by my [00:14:00] absolute favorite customer management tool. If you're looking to streamline and systematize your service-based business, I highly recommend dubsado for 20% off of your first month. Head to

And use the code Jenzaia checkout and don't forget to head to our community at where you'll find inspiring ambitious teacher burners who are looking to grow and scale their businesses. Just like you see you soon. .


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