Amplify Your Customer Journey with Facebook Ads | 62

In this Saturday's Strategy Session,  I dig a little deeper into thinking about your customer journey. Basically, how your customer goes from learning about you to trusting you enough to buy that first purchase. This is known as the know, like, and trust factor. 

In this episode, I share about...

1. Making sure you have the right offer that is proven.
2. Creating several lead magnets and testing them out until they convert at that sweet spot.
3. Using Facebook ads to bring in new people. 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia. And this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting ideas for Facebook. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences. This freebie is for you.

I share my top [00:01:00] Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer from warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest based audiences. I cover all three in this. Had to to grab your copy today.

Okay. So it's birthday month. I am a February baby. I'm super excited. We are totally celebrating in the Facebook group. It all starts February 27 going the whole week. There's going to be live training. There are going to be some fun activities. There are going to be some giveaways. So come to the group and join us for all of the festivities, the link to join is I can't wait to see you there.

Welcome to a market scale grow. My name's Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session today. We're going to be talking about customer journey and a bit of a big picture look at it. So my very first thing that I want to talk to you about is reverse engineering, your customer journey, and what that means is starting with the end in mind, and then working backward to make sure all of the pieces fit together.

The end is what people will be buying from you. What does that big offer your course or your membership, your coaching package, your service? What are you trying to get people to purchase from you? I highly recommend when you're first starting out, especially that you have one main offer that you get established before you start adding in other pieces.

I do think that most [00:03:00] businesses will flourish with a value ladder and multiple offers if they're added in strategically and slowly over time. So what I mean by that is if you're trying to get 17 different offers up and running all at the same time, people are going to be confused. You're going to be confused is too much work, but if you strategically create one-off.

Get it up and running and bringing people in and it working really well before you add in any other pieces, everything is going to flow better. So start with your one main offer. First, decide what that is. Again, course, membership, coaching package, service, and then build all the other pieces from there.

The first thing you need to do after you've created your offer is to decide what the lead magnet is. How are you going to get people onto your email list who want to buy that thing? And that's important. Sure. [00:04:00] You can just get a ton of people on your email list, but do they want to buy the thing you have to offer?

Because let's be honest. If people aren't buying from you, you kind of just have a hobby. You need to be making money. You need to be generating sales. You need to be getting people into your program. And so the people on your list are going to be one of your main sources of warm leads into your offer.

And so making sure that they are going to be interested in it is super, super important. Often you will need to create 2, 3, 4, 5 different lead generation tools, lead magnet for your business to figure out which one best leads to this. So you might do a quiz and a PDF download and a video training, and then you realize, well, tons and tons of people are doing the quiz, but nobody ever buys versus the mini training or the video training.

It's a lot slower [00:05:00] trickle of people going into the video training, but almost everyone who watches the video. Goes on to buy from you. And so that's the kind of information you kind of data that you won't know until you've created your different lead magnets. And you've been running them for a while and tagging people in your CRM and making sure that you're tracking what lead magnets really are pushing people to the sale.

So now, you know, your offer and, you know, your lead magnet or lead magnets. The last thing you need to decide on is your awareness piece or your interest pieces. And how are you going to get new people aware of your business, interested in your busy? This often will come down to your social media strategy, your long-form content strategy, your community-building strategy, how you're getting people, new people into your audience, and to become interested in you and like you so that they'll get on your email list so that they'll buy from you.

And so that is how you reverse engineer your customer journey. [00:06:00] Figure out your offer, figure out your lead magnet, figure out how you're going to bring new people in. Now, how do we add Facebook ad traffic to help with these different pieces? Well, the very, very first place that I recommend adding Facebook ad traffic is to your lead magnet, to your list-building efforts.

So in the middle of the funnel, because as your list grows, you will see more stability in your business and more financial security, and more. Just growth all over as your email list grows. And so I think that it's the most important one to start with and to get up and running, generating consistent leads in your business.

And so these are. Also not a challenging ad to get up and running. So again, first one would be in that middle spot to your lead magnet. Then the second ads that I would start running [00:07:00] are awareness ads so that you can be drawing in new people to your business by promoting your content. So this is a part of your content marketing strategy.

So your long-form content like a podcast or blog or your videos, so drawing new people. Getting them interested in your content and then through your content and through your list-building ads, you'll get them on your email list. And then the final ads that I recommend you add in our sales ads, where you are retargeting people to your sales page to purchase because they've shown an interest in that product in some sort of way.

So maybe they've already visited the sales page. Maybe they participated in a masterclass you hosted, maybe they were part of a challenge that you ran, whatever it is. You can then retarget them with additional ads to sell. So those are the three different ways that I like to add Facebook ad traffic into your business.

Now, how do you know you're ready for the list? Building ads, [00:08:00] the ones that are going to be generating fresh leads into your business on a regular basis and what your lead magnet needs to be. This means that you were saying, that your landing page is converting at least 30% of people. Once you have a lead magnet, that's converting at least 30%, which is a pretty low target.

My personal landing page converts roughly 45 to 50%. And I've seen them as high as 85%. So shoot for 30% and then continue tweaking and optimizing until it's running the best you can get it. That's how you know, you're ready for ads. Once your landing page is converting, at least 30% of people, you can start spending $25 $35, $50 a day on gaining new leads into your business. Once that's up and running consistently, and it's going well, you can start adding in the awareness ads, pick the best content that you have popular content that's seasonal potentially, or relevant right now, or just the most recent content that you put out.[00:09:00] 

Add some traffic to it. Get more eyes on your blog, posts, more ears, listening to your podcast. Picking content that you know does well. Organically is a really, really good choice. And also just putting that little boost behind new content can help it to be seen by more people. Originally, you can also promote existing social media posts so either business page posts or Instagram posts. And my recommendation there is to pick ones that have done well organically that are your brand content pillars. So for example, for me, one of my pillars is building your list. And so an episode like this, or a post about this episode, or about what we're talking about in this episode will be on-brand for me.

And it would be educating people. That are interested in Facebook ads. And so it would be drawing in people and getting people to interact with it and engage [00:10:00] with it that are more likely to be my ideal client. I don't want to promote a picture of my dog or the meal ate last week, or just a nice picture of me necessarily because anyone and everyone could like those images.

Right. And it wouldn't just be my ideal clients. The second thing I recommend, if you are. Promoting existing social media posts is to try and pick something that is shareable, because then not only will you get the boost of traffic from the ad, but you also get a boost organically when people start sharing it out.

And so that will give you, even more, reach and organic reach is maybe not actually better, but more authentic. And that creates that social proof and people love social. Okay. And then my last tips are about those final ads. The sales ads, number one, use reach most likely the reach objective for [00:11:00] retargeting campaigns, especially initially because they are going to be really, really, really small audiences and any other ad objective Facebook may have just been images, be impossible for it to do its thing, you might be able to get away with a traffic ad. Again, it does depend on your audience size. 

The second thing is to test different timeframes for your audiences. So it may be sales page views for last seven days or sales page use for last 15 days or sales pages for the last 30 days testing those out and see which one is going to bring in the most sales is a great technique. Also, you can add in specific nurture content that will help to nurture people. So if in the last seven days they've seen the sales page, what they haven't purchased. They could look at this particular blog post.

And then they may go on to buy. And so playing with different nurture content and different timeframes will give you a really good idea [00:12:00] of what the best mix is to help nurture people through your customer journey and hit that end goal of buying. So I really hope that this episode was helpful for you if getting your Facebook ads up and running specifically those list-building ads, the lead generation ads.

That's totally my jam. I love, love, love, helping people build their email lists. We even have a specific package, the growth package. It's a six-week package where this is what we do. We get your list. Building ads up. So if that's something you're interested in head to, you will see the application and we will get started on growing your email list and generating consistently in your business.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. [00:13:00] If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. For course creators, service providers, and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session, to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team D [00:14:00] thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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