5 Tips for Overcoming Facebook Ad Overwhelm | 65

In this Saturday's strategy session, I am sharing the 5 tips every teacherpreneurs needs to overcome the overwhelm when it comes to Facebook ads. 

In this episode I talk about: 

  • Why it is important to have a plan

  • Why every teacherpreneur should know their numbers in their business

  • The importance of not letting perfectionism creep in and take over


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia. And this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting idea for Facebook. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences. This freebie is for you.

I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to. From warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences to cold interest-based audiences. I cover all three in this freebie head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Welcome. Welcome back to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host Jenzaia, and this is a Saturday strategy session today. We are going to be talking about my five tips for overcoming ad overwhelm. When you're first starting out with Facebook or Instagram which by the way are the same thing so I did an episode about this.

It was episode number 37. You can go back and take a listen. We'll make sure it's linked in the show notes where I did three different tips. So that was like a part one, I guess, unintentionally. And this can be a continuation part two. So I've got five tips for you today. Let's jump in. 

Tip number one is to have a plan. You need to know what you're promoting obviously and how it fits into the bigger picture. And so another episode that's really great for this would be going back to episode 44, which is my holistic marketing strategy. And having that plan of how your content marketing, your email marketing, your community building.

And of course your paid ads, all layer on top of each other. Extremely important to make sure that your ads are doing what they are supposed to be doing and that everything is building on each other so that you're nurturing your audience. You are building relationships with your audience, and of course, you're selling to your audience.

So have a plan. And know exactly what you're trying to get out of these ads. Are you trying to grow your warm audience? Are you trying to nurture your audience? Are you trying to build your email list? Are you trying to promote a launch event like a webinar or a challenge, or are you trying to sell something, a product, or a course or service?

So knowing exactly what your goal is and having a plan is going to really help tip number two. No your numbers. So it's extremely important that you know your numbers before you even start running an ad. And so what this looks like for a lead magnet campaign, so where you're trying to grow your email list, what this looks like is knowing how well your landing page converts does it convert at 5%.

So they convert at 30%. Does it convert at 90%? Well, I've never seen 90%. I've seen 80, but I've never seen 90 %. So does it convert it at 5% or 30% or 80%? Where is it converting? Because that makes a huge difference. You probably don't want to run ads to a page that isn't converting at least 30%.

Even if you've never run ads before, it's also important to know your numbers of what would be an acceptable cost per lead or cost per acquisition cost per sale. So, again, with that list-building example with my clients, we usually start at $2 per lead. Our goal is to pay $2 per lead. Now that doesn't always happen.

For example, in my business, I pay somewhere between two and three times. Generally speaking, some of my other clients, pay between 40 and 80 cents per lead, generally speaking. And so knowing those numbers helps you to know an appropriate amount going in, but we, I always start generally speaking with about $2 a lead because industry-standard denotes that for a free PDF.

About $2 per lead is kind of what's expected. And then if with that first campaign, you're like, oh, well we're getting 75 cent leads. You can adjust that number going forward, but knowing what your kind of base-level or your base expectations are helps to know, okay, this is what makes sense. If it's something like you're selling.

So one of my clients originally was selling a $38 bundle. We knew that for at least one sale, it may cost up to $38. And what were we willing to spend to make that sale? Was it $10 with a $28 profit? Was it $30 with an $8 profit? So knowing what you're willing to spend to get that sale is going to help you to know if your marketing is working or not.

If you're only willing to spend $10 for that sale. And you actually are spending $20 per sale. Well, then, you know, something's not working and you need to adjust the other pieces. The other leavers that you can pull again, knowing your numbers, what conversion rates are you looking for? What costs are you looking for?

What is success going to look like? Even if you've never run a campaign so that you have some benchmarks and you may or may not hit those benchmarks? But you want to be able to say, okay, yes, it's looking like we're hitting them or no, it's not. And this is the direction that we're going to go. Okay. Tip number three is to stick with it.

Now I do not mean to stick with failure and to say. Oh, well Jenzaia said stick with it for 90 days or I have to keep going. No, I do want you to stick with it for 90 days, but I mean, the strategy as a whole, if you've decided you want to try Facebook or Instagram ads for your business to grow your email list, I want you to try to stick with it for 90 days.

And then within those 90 days, you're going to be testing, tweaking, and repeating. So you'll try something and it may not work. And then you're going to look at the numbers, say this isn't working and then make some changes, make some updates, tweak, and repeat the testing. And then test again, tweak again.

Repeat tests, tweak, repeat test tweak. Repeat, because marketing works. We know. We know from the big companies we know from multiple different online businesses that marketing and Facebook ads work. If they didn't work, if marketing didn't work, it would have been thrown out long ago. But what makes marketing work is following the numbers, making those adjustments, and sticking with it.

Now, if after 90 days it's not working and you're like, okay, this isn't, this isn't working for my business. Absolutely. Do not continue as something that isn't working and you're trying, and you're not finding the problem. Absolutely. Do not keep going at it, but it can take 90 days for a strategy to stick.

And so do your best to stick with it. Test tweak, repeat for 90 days to try and find the ad images. The ad, copy the messaging, the angles, the landing page layout, the images. On the landing page, the actual way that you're wording your offer, try to work through all of those different pieces in that 90 days so that you can say, okay, there really is a problem with my lead magnet or Nope, it's working now.

Like it's working. That was tip number three, tip number four. And I know that this one's going to be a hard one, but don't let the fear or the need for perfection to when. Facebook ads can be extremely scary. There are so many unknowns, there are acronyms and options. And so, so, so many different things, and it can be hard to not even take that first step because you're so afraid of all of the different pieces, but just remember, and I said this in episode 37, too of these are learning experience.

I do not recommend it. And you can, but I don't recommend that you go in spending a thousand dollars on that very first day. You've never run Facebook ads before. You've no idea what you're doing. I just throw a thousand dollars at again. You absolutely can. But what I really recommend that you do is you make a budget that you're not afraid to lose.

That if you spend that $25 on day one and you get zero new people on your email list, that's okay. Because you're learning and something didn't work something wasn't right. And we can tweak and we can repeat. And make it better. So that the next day you get five people on your email list. Now just a word of caution.

I know I made it sound like run for one day and stop and run for one day and stop not actually recommended. You should be running your ads for, uh, at least 72 hours before you make any decisions about them. Generally speaking, but because it takes the Facebook algorithm about 72 hours to normalize and to equal.

Um, but after that 72 hours, if you are in your changes are now getting you like five or 10 leads per day, well, that's better than when it was getting easier or leads per day, but you still should be testing and tweaking and trying to improve right now. Don't let the perfectionism. Is just another way of getting paralyzed in that fear of, well, this ad copies in perfect or this image isn't perfect, or this audience isn't perfect or whatever, but testing is a huge part of marketing.

And what blows my mind on a regular basis is the ad copy that I thought would do the best or the image that I thought would do the best. Doesn't this strange picture of a dog wearing glasses on a motorcycle that I'm like, this is crazy. And how can people ever relate to it? All of the clicks and all of the attention.

And I now love when my client asked to use those dog pictures and I'm like, okay, your audience loves them. Like, yes, let's do this. Right. But the first time I was so hesitant, cause I was like, what? This is crazy talk. But if I hadn't been willing to test it and to try it. Then I never would have known. And if you look at being stuck in perfectionism, if you get stuck saying this isn't perfect, I could do better.

Then you may never find those winning audiences, those winning ad campaigns, the winning images, and the winning copy. It can be paralyzing. Absolutely. But the way that you get the perfect ad campaign is by trying things that aren't perfect. 'cause you don't get to decide. What's perfect. Your audience decides so tough love there, but don't get paralyzed by afraid because you don't know.

Because it is a learning experience. And then on the opposite end of that, don't get paralyzed by perfectionism because truly you're not the one who gets to decide if it's perfect or not, it's your audience. And you have to release that into the testing and tweaking and repeating phase and test tweak.

Repeat until you find what your audience says. Yes. We're responding to this. Yes, we want. Now tip number five is that you don't have to do it all alone. There are a couple of ways that you can get support. Facebook itself has a course called the blueprint, which you can do for free. You can become blueprint certified and that costs money, but to go through the lessons and the learning is free.

So you can check out Facebook's blueprint. You can also hire somebody. Now in total transparency here. Hiring Facebook ad support can be extremely expensive with monthly fees and ad costs. So I don't generally recommend you hire ad support until your business is hitting six figures. The other option is a course or a group coaching program.

And I have exciting news about that dream list essentials, which is my signature. Program. It is a hybrid DIY course and the group coaching program that is reopening its doors in March. It's coming soon. So excited. Dreamless essentials are like I said, a hybrid DIY course, where there are modules for you to walk through and videos for you to watch yourself so that you can start implementing some of these things.

But it also comes with weekly live coaching calls where you can come and get your questions answered. It also has one-to-one support where you have access to me to pick my brain and we can talk through your strategy and your messaging. And you will get my eyes on your ads and your images and your copy.

One on one, you also get a weekly ad audit. Once your campaign is up and running, I will go into your ad account I will audit it and see how it is doing and let you know what changes and tweaks that I might recommend. You also get one-to-one Voxer access to me. So there are tons and tons of support available.

And if you are interested in dream list essentials, make sure you sign up for the waitlist. Some information is going to be coming out to waitlist members later this week. I'm super, super excited about it. Yeah. Sign up the link is in the description, or you can go to marketscalegrow.com/dreamlist.

Yeah. So sign up for the waitlist and that is. As I said, you don't need to do it alone. You can go through the Facebook blueprint course, you could hire support, or you can join a program, like dream list essentials so that you're getting the support that you feel like you need. And that will help you to say, okay, well, these are experts, no matter which way you go about it.

These are experts who are in Facebook ad campaigns every single day. So they see the trends in marketing, they see the changes in the algorithm. They see the updates to the platform, they know what they're talking about, and it will help you to release some of that fear, help you to feel like you have that support and that you aren't doing it alone so that you can make the best choices for your business.

So I hope that these tips were helpful just as a quick recap, tip number one is to have a plan. Tip number two is to know you're numbers. Tip number three is to stick with it for at least 90 days. Test tweak repeat. Tip number four is don't let the fear or the perfectionism when taking those baby steps and learning experiences as they come. And then tip number five is that you don't have to do it alone. 

Thank you so very much for joining me for this Saturday's strategy session, I will be back in your ear next week with a new episode.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect for course creators, service providers, and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to marketscalegrow.com/worktogether. Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session, to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JV.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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