Holistic Marketing Tips In a Crisis | 64

In this Saturday strategy session, I am bringing you inside of our Facebook community. I recently went live inside the group and wanted to share these tips for all of you tuning into the podcast as well. 

We talked all about holistic marketing and I share what I like to call Glass Ball Marketing. We all go through ups and downs in our personal lives and our businesses and when times get tough we want to make sure that we are focusing on one part of our business that is our glass ball. If we drop it, it breaks. 

In this episode I share my three tips for keeping your marketing going during difficult times:

  • Batching is key to consistency

  • Hiring help when you can (probably before you think you should)


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we jump into the episode, I am super excited to share a brand new freebie with you. It's my targeting idea for Facebook. If you've dabbled in Facebook ads or you've done them and you've tried them and you're just looking for some fresh inspiration for your audiences. This freebie is for you.

I share my top Facebook ad targeting groups for you so that you can have inspiration and find those people that are perfect for what you have to offer from warm audiences to cool lookalike audiences, to cold interest-based audiences. I cover all three in this. Head to marketscalegrow.com/audiences to grab your copy today.

Okay. So it's birthday month. I am a February baby. I'm super excited. We are totally celebrating in the Facebook group. It all starts February 27. Go on the whole week. There's going to be live training. There are going to be some fun activities. There are going to be some giveaways. So come to the group and join us for all of the festivities.

The link to join is market scale grow.com/community. I can't wait to see you there.

Hello. Hello. Welcome to market scale. Grow my name's Jenzaia. And this is a Saturday strategy session. It's an exciting one because I am actually live in the Facebook group, recording this for you. And it's going to come out on the podcast in two weeks. So if you're in the Facebook community, You can or maybe are going to watch this.

Um, we in question, let me know where you're listening from and if you're watching. Replay. Yeah, you're watching the replay then hashtag replay. And if you are listening to it on the podcast, well, come join the Facebook community. You can join it at marketscalegrow.com/community so that you don't miss the next one.

So today live, we are chatting about what I called glass ball marketing strategy, but I'm probably for the lot, for the actual podcast episode, we're probably going to call this something. Holistic marketing when life is hard because we're really going to be talking about what to do when life gets challenging or throws you a curveball or a crisis of some sort.

So let's start with a little bit of a story. It is absolutely not my story. It's something that I've seen on the internet multiple times. It's that prof, who has a container of some sort and he pours in rocks and then he asks his class, is this container full? And they all go, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't put any more rocks in there.

And so he pulls out some pebbles and he pours the pebbles in and they fill up all the space between the rocks. And then he says, again, is it full? And they go, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, what is this about? And then he pours. Sand. And that fills up all the space around the pebbles. And again, ask the class if the container is now full and they go, come on.

I'm like, yes, yes. There's absolutely no way you can get anything else in there. And so this cheeky, prof pulls out a cup of coffee and he pours it onto like, And he goes, okay, now as a full-on they're like, yes, yes, fine. Like, what is this all about? He goes, well, this is your life. The containers are life.

And those big rocks are all of those important commitments, the family, and like family vacations and those monumental moments, birthdays, and Saturdays, ice skating and all those big things that you don't want to miss with your kids and with your family and the pebbles are those other less tangible moments, but still really, really important where you are like just hanging out, watching TV or a movie on a Saturday night, just like every Saturday night, but you're with your family are other moments like friends, birthdays and those kinds of things.

And then the sand is all those other things. All of the other things, sweeping up your kitchen, doing the laundry, making your bed, all of those daily tasks. That really doesn't mean anything. So what you need to make sure is that you're filling your life up with those, those big rocks. First, those important life-changing moments, the birthday parties, the family trips family in general, and not filling it up with all of the daily meaningless tasks, not filling it up with just laundry and dishes and sweeping her for all of those things.

One kid asked, well, what was the cup of coffee for? And he says, well, there's always time for a coffee with a friend. And I think that that is a really good analogy for life. And I'm going to explain why I kind of brought this up a bit later in the episode, but just wanted to tell that. So the glass ball theory is a little bit the same.

You have things in your life that are the glass balls.. That you're, if you're juggling, imagine life and all the commitments that you have as juggling. And if you are juggling, some are glass balls and some are rubber balls, and those big, important commitments, your family and your like friends that are like family.

Those are those glass balls that if they drop and break it's unrepairable, and then there are the other things like your laundry or a Saturday night movie that are more rubber balls than they can be. If they fall. And so when life gets hard and when your business kind of seems to need to take a back seat, I want to talk about marketing in those moments.

And so just to be clear, I am absolutely not talking about like, keeping your business running while your house is burning down or when your child is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness or injury or anything like that, a hundred percent focus on your family, focus on the needs at that moment. But what I'm talking about is more challenging situations that take up more brain space, more mental energy and are pulling you away.

So for example, in my family recently, we had a fairly serious situation that happened to one of my four siblings. And it took a lot of time and energy on all of our parts, just to make sure that everything stabilized and everything was okay. And that we could all move forward in a safe and happy and healthy way.

And it took away from my business because of the crisis that my family member was going through, which is totally fine. Totally understandable. But those are the kinds of things that I'm talking about, where. You can't keep everything going, but some of the things still need to, again, not those, like life's changing devastation type crisis.

Stop your business, do everything that you need to, to make sure that everyone is safe and healthy. Okay. So in your marketing, I talk all the time about holistic marketing strategy. You were content marketing, email marketing. Uh, community building and paid advertisement and when a challenging time comes and it seems like your business needs to take it back burner.

What I really recommend is to have a glass ball in your marketing strategy. And that is one of those four strands of your marketing should be a non-negotiable a glass ball that if it drops. It will break. So you don't want to let it drop and only one of them. So it could be your content marketing. It could be your email marketing.

It could be your community building. I don't recommend, even though I am a Facebook ad strategist, I don't recommend that you let your paid advertising be the glass ball. Um, I, I really do recommend it being one of the other organic forms, but it is totally your choice. For me, my glass ball in marketing is my content.

And that's this podcast. So no matter what's happening, no matter how hard things are, no matter what is going on, this podcast needs to come out. And that keeps me in momentum. And that's a really important part of this is when life gets hard and it's easy to feel like you don't have time or energy or mental space for parts of your business. It's okay to let those go. It's okay to sit on the couch longer than you normally would, and watch more Netflix than you normally would, and have an extra glass of wine or an extra cup of coffee, whatever it is that makes you feel safe and makes you feel capable and gets. Through the day, one day at a time and having this glass ball that, you know, continue.

So me having my podcasts that I knew was going out every single week meant that my business wasn't at a stand still. My family was being taken care of. That was one glass ball. My clients were being taken care of. That was my second glass ball and my podcast was happening. That was my third gospel, all the other things on my plate I let go of.

I didn't send out emails for two weeks. Um, Didn't post on social media. So I had a couple of weeks worth of content batched, and I let that run out and then I didn't post anything. I didn't post any new reels or anything. I didn't go live for a few weeks. All of those things just fell away because they weren't my glass ball, my glass ball, they can't drop is my podcast.

And so it is what needs to go out. No matter what. And so here's some tips for making it a little bit easier. Number one is to batch. So my podcasts, I generally batch by recording two episodes. And then I get like a week off. I'm trying to do better than that, but I'm not there yet. So, but batching your long form content so that you're doing all of your recording or all of your writing in one go, and then you can not down the road for social media, making sure that you have.

Posts and reels prerecorded, and just spending an entire afternoon, creating those things so that they're up and ready to go in a crisis or in a challenging time having content batch and ready to go, makes it a lot easier because it's there and it's on autopilot and you don't need to do anything. 

My second tip is hiring. When you are able to hire somebody who can take some of the work off of your plate, it makes it easier for you to take that time, whether it's planned like a vacation or unplanned, like some sort of crisis or difficult challenging situation. 

And then my third tip is to give yourself grace to. No, that you are still in momentum. You're still moving forward. Even if it's just like little baby steps at a time, even if you're only doing that one single thing that your business has not come to a standstill and that it will continue to move forward and just give yourself grace that you are taking care of yourself in that moment and that you are, um, doing what you need to do for yourself and for your family.

And that is something that was really, really hard for me. I, there was a lot of guilt while I was sitting on the couch another night and neglecting piles of work that I felt like I had to do. But in retrospect, what my brain and my body needed from me was that rest and that white space and that relaxation.

And that's another tip that I didn't even think to write down, but is to give yourself extra white space on your calendar, white space on your calendars when you have nothing planned, nothing scheduled and having that white space during a crisis or in the aftermath of a crisis is more accurate in that aftermath or the recovery that post journey of the crisis.

When you're starting to maybe feel like you can actually do things again, having extra white space on your calendar, it means that if a coffee date comes up, which is so helpful, if you just have a friend that you can talk to, then you can take it. And you're not overburdened with work, or if you're just not feeling it, you're feeling Bly.

You can't drag yourself out of bed or off the couch or whatever, then you can take it and you can take an extended lunch that you can go for a walk, having that white space on your calendar, following a challenging time or following a crisis is going to be really, really helpful. So again, my tips to help ease.

Yourself and to make things simpler and less stressful in a crisis is to be in the habit of batching things to higher so that there's less tasks on your plate and less balls for you to juggle, to begin with, to give yourself more white space and to give yourself. I hope that you found this helpful. And I look forward to being back with another live episode of market scale grow.

I'm planning on doing one once a month. So if you like this, definitely comment on the video. If you're hearing this on the podcast, come and join the Facebook group it's marketscalegrow.com/community. And this is the perfect time to do it because it is my birthday week and we're having a birthday bash and I would love for you to join us.

So obviously my birthday week is in two weeks from now, for those of you who are watching live or watching the replay before that happens. For the people who are listening on the podcast, come join the birthday batch. I'm super excited about it. And that's all for me tonight. So I will be back in your ear with another episode next week.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. For course, creator. Service writers and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to marketscalegrow.com/worktogether. Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session, to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JV.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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