How to lean into the numbers and scale your ad campaign | 71


In this Saturday's Strategy Session,  I explore how to lean into the data from your ad campaign in order to scale big! I’m always talking about making data-driven decisions and leaning into what’s the numbers show is working… but what exactly does that mean? Which numbers should you be using? How and when is the right time to scale?

What numbers should you be tracking?

As with most things, this may depend on your business. Remember that the numbers tell a story, so for each action, your audience will be taking there should be a metric tied to it that you can measure. Here are a few that I like to use:

  1. CTR (Click Through Rate - Link Clicks) —> this is the percentage of people who click on your ad to see the landing page. You want this to be at least 1% (and likely higher for warmer audiences)

  2. Landing Page Conversion Rate —> this is the percentage of people who land on your pages and take the action you want! For a lead magnet, you want this to be at least 30%

  3. Thank You Page Action Takers —> Depending on what you’re asking people to do on the thank you page, you’ll want to see 1-15% of people taking that action. Remember that the easier the step (think “join FB group” or “follow me on IG”), the more people will actually do it. Harder actions, like buy now or complete an application/book a call, will likely have fewer people taking action.

The two ways to scale your ads

  • Vertical Scaling —> increasing the budget to your current audiences to reach more of the audiences that are working well

  • Horizontal Scaling —> adding new audiences/targeting groups to expand your reach

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!




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Episode Transcript:

Hey there, I'm Jenzaia and this is Market Scale Grow. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy. So you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay, so before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting ads. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm look-alike and called interest-based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram ads. There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that you know it, you have everything. But as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15 minute zoom call with me, and you'll get my eyes on your audiences. So that you can make sure not only you have all the audiences, but they truly are perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit call today. Okay, now into the episode.

Hello, and welcome to Market Scale Grow. I'm your host Jenzaia and this is a Saturday Strategy Session.

Today, I'm going to be talking about something that I talk about all the time, but like I'm really going to dig into it. So we are talking about leaning into the numbers, figuring out when I always I always always, always say this, that you need to lean into the data and consistently follow what's working. So exactly what does that mean? And how do you make that happen? And how can you use that to scale your ads? What does it actually look like to lean into the numbers and scale your ads? So let's get started. First of all, what does leading into the numbers mean? Well, that means figuring out, well, first of all, you need to be tracking your numbers, let's back up even more, you need to be tracking the numbers. And for every single step of the customer journey, there should be some sort of metric tied to it so that you can measure it and say, Yes, this was successful, or no, it wasn't. So let's talk about a lead magnet funnel, for example, where you have a Facebook ad or an Instagram post, let's stick with Facebook ad Facebook ad that leads to a landing page that leads to a thank you page that leads them to then book a call. Okay, so that is basically my personal lead magnet strategy. There is the Facebook ad that drives traffic to the landing page where people sign up and opt in. And then on the thank you page, it says like go check your email for the download. And also, if you want to get on a 15 minute free audience audit with me, then here's the link book a call. So each one of those steps should have a metric tied to it so that we know it's successful. And then leaning into the numbers means doing more of those things that are working. So the Facebook ad, one of the primary metrics that I look at with Facebook ads is the click through rate. This will be the CTR link, click, and it is the percent of people who are clicking on the link to go to your landing page, you want to see your CTR link, click Add at least 1%. And that means that for every 100 people that see your ad, at least one of them is clicking through to the landing page. If it's lower than that, then something isn't working, your messaging isn't resonating. The images aren't drawing attention. The headline is in capturing people stopping the scroll. And so you need to stop there and figure out what isn't working. But if something is working, and the numbers are saying yes, yes. If your click-through rate is three or 5%, then lean into that. And you can start to slowly increase your ad budget. The landing page. This metric is the conversion rate. What percentage of people are giving you their email address and signing up and saying yes, I want the freebie I like to see this ad at least 30% Before I start running ads, and that's where you're leaning in. If you start this organic promotion of believing it and you're getting that 30% of people opting in and saying yes, then you can lean into that and start running ads or start promoting it in additional ways. So you're going to do more of the thing that's working. Now on the thank you page, the metric that you're tracking is the percent of people who would book a call. And so this is going to vary greatly for your business, and it's a little bit harder to lean into it. But if that freebie is working, if booking the call is working, then it might be worthwhile of trying to drive traffic directly to booking a call. And this all depends on your funnel and what it looks like and everything. But that's really what it means to lean into the numbers to know your ad is working, you're gonna look at that number, and you're going to do more of it. Now, let's go back to that landing page. Let's say when you look at it, it's only converting 10% of people, what a lot of people will do is scrap the landing page and start over again, all you really need to do is work on the messaging, specifically the headline, and then also the call to action. Are they really drawing the people in? Are they really having people like calling them and speaking directly to them? That is the most important messaging on those landing pages. So if you're not getting at least 30% of people opting in and start tweaking those things, change the messaging, change the angle, really, really speak to people, the pain points, what are the benefits of actually downloading this thing, talk to them, and then the button don't make it something cutesy make it really, really clear, yes, I want this or Yes, sign me up, make it very, very clear and obvious of what they're doing and where they need to click to get the thing because the harder it is for somebody get it the more they need to scroll, the more convoluted the entire thing is, the less likely they're going to do it. People are lazy, and not very observant and lazy. Noise about when toys. But seriously, people want it to be really easy. And we are as a society expecting instant gratification more and more. And we're getting that because of video games and Netflix. You don't even have to watch commercials, right? So we get this instant gratification and they think give us the entire series of Bridgerton or whatever you're watching all at once. I didn't have to wait eight weeks and watch one episode and one episode on one episode. I got them all and I binge-watched them in like a day and a half. And then I watched them again. So we were just as a society, we were being more and more conditioned to get that instant gratification and not have to wait and have no patience. And so we don't have the skills to like search through a landing page to figure out how am I supposed to get it, I can't even tell you the number of times that I've looked and been like, Ah, this isn't worth it like eh nothing, right? So make it as easy as possible for people. And if your page isn't converting at least 30% Make it easier, make it more clear, try different angle try different hook. Right. So now what does it look like to scale your ads are getting 1% click-through or higher your landing page is converting at least 30%. And on the thank you page, a good percent of people are doing that next action, whether it's entering your Facebook group, or whether it's entering your Facebook group or whether it's joining your Facebook group or it is booking that call or it's following you on Instagram, whatever the action is that you want them to do, a good number of people are actually doing it.

So everything's working, you're leaning into the numbers, and you want to do more of it. So what does that mean? So there are two ways that you can scale. The first one is vertical scaling and vertical scaling is doing more of the same. And so that in this case is a good thing, I'm doing more of the same, you're leaning into the numbers, you have something that's working and so you're going to add more money to it. So you can increase your budget by anywhere from like I like to go about 20-25% every three to four days. And that allows the add some time to adjust increase your budget restabilized. And if you notice at any point that it's destabilizing, then you can slow down, catch your breath, let the ad catch its breath, and then continue that scaling process. But really, vertical scaling is just adding more money to the audience's you're already promoting to, and then the second way that you can scale is scaling horizontally. And this is where you're expanding to different new audiences. So you can do some additional research into targeting options on the back end, finding new pockets of people that might be interested in what you have to offer. Both of these types of scaling are beneficial. I often will start with vertical scaling, so increasing the budget and then expanding to horizontal scaling afterwards. In the long run. It's important that you do both of these and whichever one makes more sense to you in that moment is the one that's going to work best for your business. So just keeping in mind that when you decide, it's time to scale, then you're going to be doing it in those two directions vertically and horizontally. So I hope that this gave you a bit of a better understanding of what it means to lean into your numbers, some of the numbers that you'd be looking for, and then also what scaling really looks like and how you would go about doing it.

Your little piece of homework that I'm gonna give you right now is to map out your customer journey. What are the like first, second, third steps so like, for me, I said, the Facebook ad landing page, thank you page, and then what metric is tied to each one of those actions. So I would love to hear how your homework goes, send me a DM on Instagram. I love getting your DMS and I will be back in your ear with a new episode next Saturday.

Thank you so much for listening to Market Scale Grow. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect for course creators, service providers, and coaches looking to inject their lists with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people. This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine. To get started today, head to fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with Team JD. Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


Feeling Like You're Not Enough? My experiences and tips for changing your story. | 72


The Life Cycle Of An Ad | 70