Live Launching vs. Evergreen - Which is Right For Your Business | 75


Let's chat about one of the biggest question in online marketing! Should you do a live or evergreen launch. I first want to break down what the key differences are between a live and an evergreen launch. Let me also say that BOTH have their perks and challenges. 

In this episode I talk about...

  • The benefits of doing a live launch and why building a little anticipation is a good thing

  • How evergreen launches help you stay open to leads all the time

  • My best tips for combining both for a striving business

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is market scale grow a podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs, looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram ads.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that, you know, you have everything, but as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15 minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all the audiences, but they truly are perfect for your business. 

So head to to book your free audience audit call today. Okay. Now into the episode. 

Well, welcome back to market scale grow. I'm your host Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session today. I'm really, really excited to chat to you about live launch or evergreen and which one is right for your business. So at this point you've been building your email list. You have your messaging down, pat, you know what your audience wants because they've been asking, so you're creating your course or your signature service for people. And you're trying to decide, should I do live launches or should I put it on evergreen. And there is no right answer. I'm going to flat out, start with that. There's no right answer. There's a lot of it depends just like anything in business. There's a lot of what feels right for you, but let's talk about the differences of live, launching an evergreen in how to make the right decision for you. And then at the end, I will tell you what I actually recommend that you do. 

So a live launch. This can be. a live training like a webinar or a masterclass. It can be a live challenge that's happening in a Facebook group. It can be alive video series where you're sharing multiple videos over multiple days or can even be something like a conference or a summit that you have many different presenters that are coming together.

And then at the end of that event, you pitching your bigger product now for live launch or an evergreen scenario. I do recommend that it's for something that costs at least $497. So like that $500 mark or high. And once you're getting to like the $2,000 mark, there's some different funnels that I would recommend.

I'm not saying that evergreen or live launching doesn't work after 2000, but you're going to start to get into territory that may require an application, or it may require a consult call, or it may require other things. So it's not that these couldn't work, but I am really talking about products in that 500 to $2,000.

So at the end of your live event, you're going to pitch now the difference between that live event and an evergreen event is that an evergreen to get vent is prerecorded. It's not happening live and people can kind of jump into it. Whenever is the right time for them, it's available on demand. And so you see.

On somebody's Instagram or a Facebook ad or whatever it might be that they have this training, you sign up and sometimes you can see it like right away, snap your fingers right away. It happens. And other times there are predetermined times where you have to pick and then you can schedule it for those preselected times.

And then you have to show up, but it's still prerecorded. It's not a live event as like a pro tip, sign up for the very next one. If you possibly can, if you see like what's happening in seven minutes and then the next ones are days away, sign up for that one, right. In a way, because you're probably going to forget, and it's just better.

You're in that moment right now. So if you want that training, try and sign up for the soonest time possible. That's like as a user hint. So that's the difference between a live launch and evergreen live launch is happening live. People are showing up live and evergreen is that it's just available. On-demand whenever somebody wants it. It's prerecorded. What are the benefits to each of them? 

So, Live launch. One of the biggest benefits to live launching is the hype and the excitement that you can get around the event, around the launch, around the program, you can get current students or current audience members, really excited, inviting their people in, and there can be some really, really amazing energy that's happened.

On the other side for evergreen, it's a little bit harder to get that energy going, but as I kind of either alluded to or fully said, I can't quite remember at this point ever green it's available on demand. So when somebody says, Ooh, I have this problem, I'm looking for a solution. Here's my solution. I can watch that training right away.

Whereas with live launches. You have to wait until the doors open, right? And so you may catch people out of sync and it may not be the right time for people. And I really, really believe in honoring buyers where they are in their, the cycle, so that they're feeling empowered to purchase when the time's right.

And that they're not saying, well, the doors are gonna close and she's not opening for another year. So I have to do her. But it can work. There are some really big names in the industry that only opened their programs once a year. And it really, really works. And people spend the entire year getting ready for that moment.

And then when it opens they're so ready. So it does really depend on. It depends on who your audience is and what you're making of it. A huge benefit to the evergreen model is that if you're promoting it consistently and effectively, then you can be constantly filling your pipeline. And by that, I mean, you're constantly bringing new people.

Into your world into your orbit. You're consistently putting people through that evergreen masterclass, and then they're consistently getting into the email sequence and they're consistently coming in and going through your funnel. And so with that ever remodel, you have continuity in the process, whereas with live launching it's happening at specific times.

And so it's possible that. You're filling your funnel full, full, full during the launch. And then if you're not adding anyone else, there was like lulls. And so it can create kind of an up and down rollercoaster effect of lots of new people and then nobody, and then lots of new people. And then nobody now, again, I really, really emphasize that there is no right answer to this, but here's what I recommend.

I recommend live launching a few times. To get your messaging down, pat, you can feel the energy in the room. You can talk to people who did buy and people who didn't buy and find out that information. And it also gives you a chance to figure out the pacing and the material and the program, and to have that group of founding members.

And it may be a smaller group, but it will still be a group of people who will love on you. And they are going to be your loyal raving fans after you've live launched a few times. That's when I would consider switching to evergreen, but not throwing live, launching out the window. I recommend a hybrid approach.

So. The live launch is almost like a front door in where you open the gates gigantic and you make a big, huge production of it. And that I would recommend having. Once a quarter for your signature offer, but then you also have a backdoor sneaky entrance in if you will, that you're consistently offering up to people.

Now, people don't necessarily know that the doors are open to your signature program, because what you're offering them is your free training or the free challenge or the free video series. You're not saying watch this video and come into the program. You're saying, watch this training, get some amazing value.

And then the training does pitch at the end. You have to make sure that there's a pitch at the end of this training. So the hybrid model allows you to have that back door consistently open. So you're consistently filling your pipeline with people who are watching that training, and some of them are going to join and some of them will just be on your email list, but then those people who just sit on your email list and didn't buy originally, they're going to get your weekly emails.

They're going to be nurtured by you. Maybe they'll hopefully find your podcast or your blog and your Instagram and the. Join in on that journey. So that the next time you open your doors, the front doors and you live launch, they're ready to buy, or maybe they'll go back and they'll watch your evergreen masterclass a second time and then there'll be ready to buy.

Right? So it's, this is again about honoring people where they are in the journey, but also building your list at the same time. And welcoming people into your program when it feels right for. Also, if you have that back door and you find launching to be exhausting or unenjoyable or whatever it may be, then instead of launching once a quarter, once your evergreen funnel is, is going smoothly, you can pull back and launch twice a year or maybe even once a year.

And you can still have that consistency because that's a huge problem with the live launch model. At least in my mind, is there a rollercoaster. Income that comes with it. You have these amazing huge months because you just entered, like you just welcomed 10, 15, a hundred new people to your program, but then as you're running your program and you're waiting until your next launch, it's dry using the evergreen model allows for consistency in your income.

And then when you live launch, you have that nice peak that brings in like a bonus. Right. One more thing to keep in mind is urgency. There is clear, obvious urgency in a live launch. The doors are open for this week and then they close. And I do recommend about a week as in my personal experience. With working with all my clients a week seems to be a good amount of time.

It's long enough that people are still engaging and still interested, but it's not so long that people fall off the wagon and they're like, Ugh, I don't want to hear anything more about this. Right. So three to five days a week is where I would recommend that you have your doors open. It's also a short enough time that people are like, okay, I need to do this.

Right. Like I need to get it done so that I don't miss the doors closing. With the evergreen method, you still need urgency. And that's where things like deadline, timers or expiring bonuses can be really great because you pull people in, in a similar way and using that expiring bonus or the deadline funnel that says, oh, this offer's only available for you for the next three days or the next, whatever it may be that you feel is right the next week, giving them that time.

To really make the right decision and empowered decision. But then also saying, if you don't make it up by this time, then you either don't get the bonus or unfortunately the doors are closed to you. And so that gives that same sense of urgency that you would have with a live launch, because even though people are seeking out that training on demand, There are saying, I have a problem.

They still need that extra push. So just remember to work urgency into your funnel in some capacity to help push people, to make that decision. In the right, like in a reasonable amount of time and do not, do not, do not feel like you need to figure both of these types of launching or offering at the same time, figure out which one would work better for you, whether it's an evergreen funnel or a live launch funnel, and do that and figure it out.

Spend at least a quarter, even two quarters, three quarters entire year. Figuring it out, making sure that it's running smoothly and that you've worked all the kinks out before you move to that hybrid option, don't go too fast. Baby steps in the right direction is what I always, always recommend. Okay.

That's all I have for you about live launching versus evergreen today. I hope that you found it really, really helpful if you have. Any insights, or if you loved this episode, please share it on Instagram. I love seeing when you post your screenshot of the episode on Instagram and I always reshare them.

So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being part of this community and I'll be back with another exciting episode next Saturday.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. For course creators, service writers and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JV.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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