Increasing the ROAS of Your List Building Ads | 76


I often say the primary return on a list-building campaign is growing your email list because there are countless benefits to adding new subscribers to your list. That being said, it is possible to increase the financial ROAS on your list building campaign.

Here are my top 5 tips to increasing the ROAS

  1. Follow the data

    The data will tell you exactly where the holes in the funnel are and what needs to be updated to improve the funnel. So look at the numbers and determine where you can improve the funnel. Remember to tweak one piece at a time and to fix the biggest problem spots first.

  2. Improve your messaging

    When a funnel isn’t converting how we’d like it is almost always an issue with messaging. Dialing in your messaging to call out your perfect person and speak directly to their pain points will undoubtedly improve the performance of your funnel.

  3. Make an offer (on the thank you page or in the welcome sequence)

    If you aren’t selling to people it is really hard to make money, so consider adding a small ticket offer to the thank you page of the freebie and/or selling to your audience in the welcome sequence.

  4. Add additional touchpoints to nurture your audience throughout the buying cycle

    New buyers need 7-14 touchpoints just to start recognizing your brand and likely many more to decide it’s time to buy from you. Adding in more nurturing to your marketing will help add those much needed interactions to warm up your audience.

  5. Do an audience audit

    The platform is constantly changing, so it’s important to regularly audit and update your audiences in the Facebook ads manager. If you want support with that, then book a FREE Audience Audit Call with me to get my expert eyes on your account!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia and this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest based audiences that you need to have set up to be running Facebook and Instagram ads.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that, you know, you have everything, but as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15 minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all the audiences, but they truly are.

Perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit call today.

Okay. Now into the episode, welcome to a market scale grow I'm your host Jenzaia and this is a Saturday strategy session 

 I have five tips for you to increase your return on ad spend. So often return on ad spend is also referred to as, as it's just the acronym return on ad spend. Um, so to 10 X your ROAS, or really just increased. So your ads are more profitable specifically today. I'm going to be talking about list-building ads and how you can make those ads more profitable. 

Let's get started with tip number one. And if you've been following along for any amount of time, you should probably see this one coming. But tip number one is to look at the numbers. Right. That is always, always, always my number one recommendation. Look at the numbers, your numbers, tell a story for every action that somebody is taking. There is a piece of data attached to it that you should be measuring.

And that's going to give you insight on how effective that step is. So for example, With a list building ad. So when you are promoting your free opt-in the first thing that somebody needs to do is to click on the ad to go to your landing page. And so the metric that we look at there, one of them is click through.

To see what percentage of people are clicking on the ad to go to the landing page. And that tells a story. If it's too low, we know that there's a problem with the ad. If it's really high that we know we killed the ad and it's doing amazing. So there is always a piece of data attached to your customer's actions that you should be looking at to help you to understand the story, understand the picture and just remember that data is not emotional.

Yeah. There's no feelings or anything attached to the numbers. There's just numbers and what they mean. And yeah. So look at the numbers, find the whole. And fill the holes. So if you realize that your landing page, isn't performing as well as you want, you're not getting at least 30% of people opting in when they're on the landing page, then you know that there's an issue with the landing page.

And that brings me to number two, which is messaging, messaging, messaging. The biggest problem that I see the most common issue when ads are not performing as well as we'd like is a mismatch. In messaging. So that means that the audience is not resonating with the words, the feelings, the sentiments, the pain points that we're using.

And so the solution to this is market research. It's so important to ask your audience how they're feeling, ask, talk to them, get their. Words get their pain points, get their feelings about the situation and use that to create everything. Don't go by what your gut is telling you or what you're feeling, let your audience direct you, because they will tell you what the problem is.

They will tell you how to find those solution. Right? Okay. Tip number three. To increase your return on ad spend is two. Add a tripwire offer to sell in your email sequence. And so to actually make money on your list building, you need something that you're selling. And so a trip wire, instead of just having a thank you page that says, Hey, thanks for downloading.

Go check your email box. A trip wire is a sales page. You're saying, Ooh, you wanted these templates. Maybe you'll like, they use templates. You can buy, you got those five for free. Well, now look, I have 50 more that you can get for $27 or whatever it may be. And that tripwire is a really great way to recoup some of your ad spend or hopefully all of it.

It's getting harder to do that, but still recouping even some of your ad spend. And then the other part of this was offering something for sale in your email sequence. So finding something, whether it's at St tripwire offer, or maybe it's your bigger offer, your course, or your membership or your signature service that you're actually selling in one of the emails, that's part of your welcome sequence.

For me, this shows up in my welcome sequence as the opportunity to book. 'cause they hop on a call with me and then we chat about my services and then I sell them on my services. So if you have a bigger offer than you may be quote unquote, selling it by offering a call that somebody can hop on with you or buy.

Inviting them to complete your application. It really depends on your, your fun on how you have a built out, but just make sure that you're actually selling to them, I guess, is really, really the point of this one is actually sell to them because yes, I always talk about how putting more people onto your email list is a return on your ad spend.

It's a nonfinancial one, but it's still a return on your ad spend is seeing your email list grow. But the caveat there is that it's not a financial one. And you want, if it's not a, I mean, it is a business. If you're not making money, I know some people like to say it's not, but really a huge part of your business is trying to make money and so you need to sell. So whether it's a tripwire offer or as part of the email sequence, make sure your're selling.

Number four is to increase your nurturing or your follow-up or your retargeting. So this basically is filling out your funnel. When you first get started, you'll have your, your initial ad and your landing page and your thank you page.

And that's probably it, but what you need to start thinking about is how to fill out that funnel. So if somebody sees the ad. And goes to your landing page, but doesn't opt in. Is there some content from your blog or your podcasts that you could send them and you could start retargeting them with that content and hopefully continue to engage with them over time so that they will eventually get on your email list or so that they will eventually buy from.

What can you do to fill in some of those gaps to nurture them? And then on the backend, how can you fill out your follow-up piece of the funnel? So maybe you have three to five emails, but what else can you add that is going to help. Push them towards, and I don't mean push as in like shove against their will.

I think, I mean, it more like the sheep herding way of, you're kind of like doing a dance with them. That's leading them towards even just like thinking about how sometimes we use our body to help our children shuffle in the right direction that we want without actually being the one who moves them. I'm just like, Nope, this is the direction I want you to go today, honey.

Please tell me I'm not the only one. So anyway, what additional follow-ups can we add to our funnel that lead them in that direction to buying from us? And when we're first starting. Our funnel is going to be bare bones, but once that's up and running, we're looking at the data. It's on point. We're getting the people that we want.

How can we add in additional touch points to further engage your audience, further nurture your audience, to further follow up with our audience so that they are more likely to purchase from us, thus increasing our ad spend or our return on ad spend. Sorry. And then my final piece, and I put this here for a couple reasons.

Number one, be as it deserves to be out of here. It's not often that this last one is really the problem. I also put it here because it's something that I do want you to think about. And I feel like sometimes the last thing that's said on a podcast is what really, really sticks with us. But the last one is to look at your audiences, your actual Facebook ad audiences, to look at them and.

To just check and see how they're doing. And Facebook has made some really big changes to audiences recently. And so they're not all necessarily performing as well as they used to. There's some targeting options that they've removed. And so that's made some audiences either changed dramatically in size or completely stopped working.

And so just checking in on your audiences to make sure that they're still functioning, but no. Much more likely if you're having an issue with your return on ad spend and you're not getting the numbers and data that you want, it's much more likely that it's your messaging or your offer positioning.

It's not likely your audience. If you do want to go through those audiences and to have expert eyes on them, don't forget that I do offer free audience audit calls, where we will look at those audiences, chat about your funnel, and then together we can create a game plan for your audiences. So that going forward, you know, that they are optimized for the 2022 current algorithm. It's May, 2022 right now.

So right now, I will help you optimize them. So head to market scale, for an audience audit. If you want to book one of those calls and we can look at them together, we can also chat a little bit about your messaging and how to make sure that that's on point. Okay. So just to recap quickly, give five ways that you can increase your return on ad spend are number one, looking at your numbers, following the data, believing the data.

Looking at your numbers. Number two, messaging, messaging, messaging. Do your market research, update your messaging, follow your audience's lead here. Number three, actually sell. So originally I said like add a trip wire or a sell in your emails, but then as we were chatting, what I realized I was trying to say is actually sell to them.

You can return, you can get a better return on your ad spend when you're selling. Actively then when you're not. And yeah, so actually, so number four is to fill out your funnel. So once your main backbone structure of a funnel is working, you're getting the people clicking on your ads. You're getting people opting in, you're getting people moving through your funnel.

At an adequate rate, you want to fill it out, add in touch points, add in nurturing, add in, follow up to try and help lead your audience in the direction you want them. And then number five is to check in on your audiences, your Facebook ad targeting audiences, and make sure that they are optimized for the 2022 algorithm.

Okay. I really hope that this was a useful and helpful episode. If you found the episode helpful and it impacted you in any way, take a screenshot of you listening to the episode, share it on your Instagram stories. Tag me. I'm at heyitsjenzaia. I would love to see you sharing it. And that is a really, really great way for.

More people to find out about the show, to start listening and to be impacted by this awesome mess. Thank you again for listening. I'll be back next week in your earbuds with an exciting guest expert. I'm so, so excited for this interview. So stay tuned until next Saturday.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect for course creators, service providers and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JV.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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