What's Working Right Now in Marketing | 80

Each quarter, I release a case study on marketing strategies that have worked really well for my clients. This quarter, I have been blown away by some of the results, so I can’t wait to share what worked for these clients.


First, I want to brag a little about my amazing clients and their recent successes.

One client was seeing an 11% overall click rate on her ad, which is insane! Typically we’d expect to see a 3% rate.

Another client was actually getting a return on her tripwire, which is super rare through Facebook ads.

These successes were amazing, but they definitely didn’t happen by chance. These clients utilized strategic marketing strategies which helped produce these results, so I want to share how you can replicate their experience.

Strategy 1: Know Your Audience

This is business 101. Both of these clients had a solid understanding of the audience they were speaking to. They knew the language their audience liked, and what pain points they experienced. This knowledge helped them craft advertisement copy that appealed to their audience and ideal customers.

Strategy 2: Proven Offers

When you decide to market a service or product, especially through ads, you’ll see higher success with a proven offer. For instance, if you are making social media graphics promoting a freebie, and are seeing few subscribers, you probably don’t want to invest money yet in ads. Why? There is a reason it’s not reaching people organically. It doesn’t mean you have a bad offer, but it means something needs to be tweaked.

However, if you are getting a good number of subscribers through organic marketing, then you can utilize the same messaging and graphics again in a paid setting. You’ll likely see higher success.

Strategy #3: Emotional Tugging

I’ve seen many clients have success with ads that have an emotional pull to them, especially humor! One of my clients loves using dog graphics and memes in her ads, and she always sees great results with it.

Of course, you can also tug emotionally at things like stress, overwhelm, sadness, and more. But at this moment, the marketing strategy I’m seeing work best is humor.

Strategy #4: Face-to-Camera Marketing

For a while on Facebook, I was getting a ton of Amy Porterfield ads where she is simply talking into her phone on selfie mode. Sometimes she’s even recording in her bathroom! 

This strategy, while I call face to camera, where you are recording yourself giving information or even stating a controversial opinion has been performing really well. The good news is that you don’t need a whole camera crew to create an ad. 

Strategy #5: Copy Length

It’s always wise to play around with the length of your copy in advertisements. I will say though, most recently I have seen longer ad copy performing better. The key is to make sure the first sentence is scroll-stopping with a really engaging hook. Then, the rest of your copy should offer valuable information to your audience.

Want more marketing strategies? Each quarter I release case studies on the marketing strategies that have worked with my clients and give you a sneak peek at the behind-the-scenes of their business! Check them out here.


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Episode Transcript:

[00:00:00] Hey there, I'm Jenzaia. And this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious teacherpreneurs, looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest based audiences that you need to have set up to be [00:01:00] running Facebook and Instagram ads.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that, you know, you have everything, but as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15 minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all the audiences, but they truly are.

Perfect for your business. So head to marketscalegrow.com/audienceaudit to book your free audience audit call today. Okay. Now onto the episode. 

Hello? Hello. I am super, I'm always super excited about these episodes. This week. I was looking at ads that did really well in quarter two, and I just wanted to talk about it.

So if you didn't know each quarter, I release a [00:02:00] case studies guide or something along those lines where it has three to five different ad examples that did super well in that quarter. Plus some top tips. Sometimes we do a client deep dive. It really depends. And it's just so that you can see what was doing really well.

And so what I wanted to do for this episode was dive into some of these campaigns and. What I saw and what was so amazing. And then to really talk about what has been working in quarter two, and what I think is going to keep working, going for. Let's chat about some of these results. I had clients in the last, like six weeks who were getting insane, like never seen before results.

For example, I had one client that had an ad with an 11% click through. Right. 11%. Now my goal for the click through this was all clicks, not link clicks. So my goal for the link or sorry, all clicks, the click-through rate, all clicks is like [00:03:00] 30%, 30%. And she was getting 11. And from that her link click through rate.

So as I'm sure, you know, all clicks are them clicking on anything. And then the link clicks. Clearly just clicking on the link. And so of that, it was like eight, almost 9% of people were going on to. We're actually clicking on the link to see her landing page for 9% of people. And for that, the link click through rate.

You want it to be at 1% and she was getting nine. Like it was mind boggling how amazing this ad was doing. And I was like, can we increase the budget? Can we increase this much? Can we increase the budget? Cause this is just mind boggling. I think I sent like four. Messages through slack, just being like, oh, look at these results.

Like here's a screenshot. And then I had another client who was getting leads for a dollar six, but she also had a tripwire. So she has a tripwire on the backend, which is on the thank you page instead of it just saying like, thanks, here's your download. It actually is, Hey, you really like [00:04:00] this freebie?

Well, why don't you buy this? So her leads were costing 1 0 6, but then we added in the trip wire. Actually profiting like 124% for the month, which is again insane because tripwires, you're hoping to break even like hoping in most cases and like a return on ad spend of 80%, a hundred percent like amazing, amazing.

We were profiting on this trip wire, which is so cool to see like, absolutely love it. How are we getting these results? Why are they so amazing? Like what is happening? So let's start by talking about some circumstantial pieces. So the first one is the time of year. Both of those ads that I'm talking about are perfect.

Perfect. Perfect time of year. One of them was a summer resource specifically designed for the end of the year. And then the other one. Was it language arts piece that was [00:05:00] targeting not like end of the year, but themes or topics that you would be teaching at the end of the year in a lot of cases, or if it was taught earlier in the year, it's like perfect for review at this time of the year.

And so first of all was just timing. It was really, really good timing. Second of all, both of these clients were amazing. Super super dialed in knowledge of who their ideal audience is. They know exactly who they're talking to and how to talk to them. So when we have our messaging meetings and when we talk about targeting these people and we're looking at the ad copy, and we're looking at.

They can say like, yes, I feel like this is going to resonate with my audience. These are the types of things that really usually work with them. And this is what I like. Or if I present them something and they're like, oh, well, we didn't say enough of these words. Or we. Come at it from this angle. And I know that they really respond well to those angles.

And so both of these clients are [00:06:00] so, so dialed in to their ideal client. It's amazing, which allows us to message them really, really well. And it also helps us to target them really well. And then the third thing is social proof. Both of these are. Proven offers that have testimonials attached to them that have comments.

When you go and look at the blog posts or the social media posts that they've previously done for this to promote these, these products or these freebies, there is social proof. People have actually commented and said things like love this. Totally want it. Yes, please. Those are a couple of things that I just really want you to think about when you're choosing ads right now.

It's extremely, extremely important. Number one, that it is a proven offer. You have people who want it, whether this is a paid or free offer. I don't want you to look at them differently. I really want you to look at it as if you're selling [00:07:00] your offers paid and free, and you really, really want to figure out how to get buy-in from your target audience.

You really want to. Especially on freebies, flip it from it's free. So obviously download it to get in at the value and what the benefits for your audience are if they download it, because that's truly what people get. Yes. They consider the price. There are some things that I like for free, you couldn't get me to Pierce like anywhere else in my ear for free.

I wouldn't do it. There's no like, no, thank you. Right. Um, so there's some things that, that just like, there doesn't matter how free it is. It won't people won't do it. And so you have to remember that beyond it being free, there has to be value. There has to be a benefit. The second thing I want you to remember is that you need to know your audience better than anyone [00:08:00] else.

You need to be able to speak to them better than anyone else, and like to message them, target their pain points and get your messaging. So, so, so dialed in that they just are. Oh, my goodness. You are talking to me. And then the third one is timing. Especially as teachers, there is a cadence to our year. There are seasons to our year.

There are themes throughout the year. And so knowing what topics or subjects your audience may be. Looking at it this time of year and knowing what they may be teaching at this time of year, knowing what kind of training or support they may need at this time of year is going to increase the value of what you're offering and therefore make your ads more successful.

If we've been running instead of a summer, end of year themed freebie. If we'd been running like a Halloween freebie, I highly doubt it would have done it. Because teachers just aren't looking for Halloween things right now. Right? [00:09:00] So knowing your, what they are going to be looking for at that time of year, what are some other things that in these cases did?

Well? So one of the two, the, the one with a tripwire, she loves using humor and. Emotionally tugging at people through, um, specifically dogs. Um, if you want to go look, the show notes will be linked in the description below, and I'll actually put images of these two ads so that you can see them in the blog post.

So she loves using dogs that are kind of expressing the same emotions that teachers would be using or feeling in the same scenario. And so that's really cool. And that's, uh, like amazing. Emotional tug that I feel and people can just connect to it and it makes them laugh or it makes them stop the scroll and be like, wait, what is this dog with sunglasses doing right now?

And so you have to remember that, um, the whole point of your, the image of. Video or the graphic that you're using in your [00:10:00] ad? The whole goal of it is to get people to stop the scroll. And so using humor or something that emotionally tugs is huge right now, the other type of ad creative that we're seeing, lots of are.

Face to camera, like somebody has their phone, they're using it to record. And they're just speaking to the camera and giving tips or advice on something that is going to be oppositional, not oppositional. That's the wrong word, but something that is controversial a little bit, or maybe it's their standout point that they maintain this point.

Okay. Topic in their brand and their teaching on it, and they help you to believe this thing. And so using either humor or emotional tugs or those more controversial points that will get people to stop and say, Hey, I need to listen. And I believe the opposite. So why are you what I want to know more about?

And then the other feature that I've been [00:11:00] loving and that has been doing really, really well is to create a video feature that's native to the ads platform. So you can add an image, you can add a video or you can create a video. And with that, there's some different transitions that are available within the ads platform that you plug your pictures in, and then it creates a video.

And so I've been using it. And more, they have like single image videos where it does like a, a transition and bring some texts onto the screen or just the logo, or it zooms in a little bit on, out a little bit on the video and we've been using and testing that, and that has been working super, super well.

It's a great way to turn something like a product video or sorry, a product image or another type of still image. Into a moving graphic and that really helps to capture people's attention. My other recommendation is to be [00:12:00] testing different lengths of ad copy. And I've been finding with my clients that depending on the audience, sometimes really, really short microcopy is what gets them.

But more often than not right now in quarter two long copy has been doing really. Where we're actually providing value or information within the ad copy, and that's, what's getting people to stop. So having a great hook, you always, always, always need to have a great hook. That's that very first line of the ad copy.

So once people have stopped scrolling from the first line. Yes. And so making sure that you really take your time and energy and then whatever you do right now, Gets people to read the next line. And then that gets people to read the next line. It's like a little bit of a snowball. So the hardest part is starting that snowball hooking your audience.

And then the more that they read, the more likely to read more and read more and read more. Okay. [00:13:00] That I've been finding to be really helpful. And then the last thing that we recently have been testing out is length of the headline. The sweet spot that we found is between 40 and 50 characters, which is not a lot, but between 40 and 50 characters, people see the whole headline.

And it's enough to really capture their attention, but not that there's like a whole novel sitting underneath the image. The headline is that bolded text underneath the image beside the button. If you're looking at an ad on Facebook between 40 to 50 characters, and you just basically say like summer end of year freebie or whatever it is, and that's.

Right. You let the image and the actual ad copy do the rest of the talking, but it really needs to stop people's attention and get their attention. So it could be like, like five end of year classroom tips, right? Like short, impactful, and also tells people exactly what they're getting. [00:14:00] No cryptic messaging, no rambling on.

Quick and punchy. And if you have space add in the word free, or only $37 or whatever it might be, or if it's a webinar or masterclass adding in like on May 28th, whatever the date is. Right. But only if you have space within that 40 to 50 character limit kind of thing. Oh my goodness. This has been a lot.

I really, really hope that this has helped you and to. See what's working and maybe some places where you can tighten up your marketing. You can pull in some of these pieces. If you want to see the case studies in full they're available at market scale, grow.com forward slash case studies. And then you can see the ads.

You can see all of the details about them. Go into more of what actually really worked. Ads specifically. Yeah. So I hope you're really, really enjoying your [00:15:00] summer a couple of weeks ago. I talked about enjoying your summer and marketing at the same time. So I hope that you've put some of those practices in place.

Next week. I have another exciting interview. It's like a solo episode interview. So episode ed review, so I'm loving it and, um, yeah. So stay tuned for that exciting interview that's coming and I hope you have an amazing interview.

Thank you so much for listening to the market scale grow. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Growth package is perfect. Of course, creators service riders and coaches looking to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet [00:16:00] that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine. To get started today, head to marketscalegrow.com/worktogether. Fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team J D. Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


Behind the scenes of a FB Ads strategy session with Hayley Klees | 81


Up Level your Podcast Guesting with Sara Whittaker | 79