Behind the scenes of a FB Ads strategy session with Hayley Klees | 81

Ever wondered what it takes to set up a Facebook ad? It can feel like an enormous task! Recently, I met with Hayley Klees for a Facebook Ad Strategy Session. She was super kind, and let me record our entire session so that you could get a behind-the-scenes look at how to set up Facebook ads.


Before I dive into the highlights, I wanted to give you a little info about Hayley and her business. Hayley coaches burnt-out teachers who want to leave education or supplement their paychecks. She helps them step into the virtual assistant world.

When we met, Hayley was interested in setting up ads to attract more teachers to her offers. Here are some of the key things we discussed during our strategy session:

Pixels for Facebook Ads

One of the big questions Hayley had was about Facebook pixels. These pixels track who is visiting your website and what actions they take on your website. This is extremely helpful because it allows you to target your audience in a specific way.

For example, Person A may only visit your website, but Person B may sign up for a freebie on your website. Person B would be a better target, or a “warm lead”, for certain Facebook ads. We talked about what pixels for Facebook ads were, and I walked her through some setup procedures:

👉 Setting up a Facebook Ad account

👉 Installing the Facebook pixel to her website and email provider (Convertkit)

👉 Checking the pixel was installed correctly with a Chrome extension 

👉 Adding lead descriptions to certain pages, so it would accurately tag people

Create Facebook Ad Audiences

There are three different audiences for Facebook ads: custom, look-alike, and saved. I explained the different types to Hayley during the call, and then we set up her different audiences. This assures that when she runs her ads, they are being seen by the best people (and she's not wasting money). During the strategy call we…

👉 Created custom audiences using her email subscribers, and people who have interacted with her Facebook Page and Instagram

👉 Determined the best interests and demographics to place on the audiences

👉 Set up the custom, lookalike, and saved audiences

Running Facebook Ads

Lastly, we talked about what type of Facebook ads Hayley would run and what audiences she would run them to. I firmly believe that the best way to run Facebook ads is by leading people to an email list. I have a few reasons for this, but the main one is that it’s the best way to see your efforts pay off.

We also talked about…

👉 Which audiences you should target for different ad types

👉 When you should stop an ad, and how to avoid fatiguing your audience

👉 How to check on your pixel and ad data

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia and tune in next Saturday for more business tips and strategies!

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I'm Jenzaia. And this is market scale, grow a podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs, looking to have a bigger impact on the world, achieve freedom, flexibility, and ultimately make more money with weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers. Just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just want to remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest based audiences that you need to have. To be running Facebook and Instagram ads.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that, you know, it, you have everything, but as an exciting special, I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15 minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only you have all the audiences, but they truly are perfect for your business.

So head to to book your free audience audit call today. Okay now into the episode.

Hello. Hello and welcome to market scale grow as you know, I'm, , I'm your host and this is a Saturday strategies session, but it is not any Saturday strategy session. It is a special, exciting episode because today I've invited my first ever guest.

Yes, I know I have guest episodes that air every other week with inspiring stories, but usually my strategy sessions are a solo. But today is our first one. And then I'm going to be having more guests come onto Saturday, Saturday sessions in the future. So my guest today is Haley CLIs. She is a content strategist for TPT authors.

She was formerly a sixth grade ELA teacher, and now a small business owner. She helps TPT authors feel less stressed and overwhelmed by creating a game plan for their stores and their blogs and email marketing. Hailey loves to play volleyball and is a former collegiate athlete and coach. She truly believes that being a business owner is a lot like coaching, where it's important to know your audience and what they need at certain times of the year.

If Haley's not working, you can find her outside because she loves sunshine and being active. As this is a Saturday strategy session and super special with a guest, Kaylee actually created a freebie for you. So stick around to the end of the interview, where you can grab the link and enjoy this amazing freebie from Hailey.

That's enough for me, probably. So let's dive into the episode. Welcome to market scale grow today. Hi, have a very exciting episode. I'm talking with Haley. So do you want to introduce yourself and then we'll kind of explain what we're going to be doing? Hi. Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much for having me.

So I am a TPT virtual assistant coach. And so basically what I do is I help burned out teachers who are ready to either supplement their teaching income or leave the classroom all together, learn how to use the skills that they have in the classroom by working for teacher pay teachers, sellers. So hopefully today we'll be able to talk about setting up some Facebook ads and how you can work all your magic.

Yes. So, um, Haley was actually on the podcast way back last August. Episode number 34, and we'll make sure that that's linked. So you can hear the first bit of her story, but you have transitioned from content creation and planning that out to more of helping VA. So that's really cool though. Seen the transition in your business, but if you want to hear more about the beginnings of her story, then head to that episode, and today we are going to be doing a strategy session.

So I think we're going to go into Haley's account. We're going to set things up and then we will see where it takes us. But this is what a strategy session with me looks like, I guess sounds like, cause we're on a podcast, right? So. Yes exactly. I'm so excited. I've never run Facebook ads before. So I'm excited to be the newbie and learn everything from you today during this strategy session.

And one of the most important parts of starting Facebook ads is getting everything set up. And I think that it can be very overwhelming. And so we're just going to run through a checklist to make sure all of the different pieces are connected properly. We'll talk a little bit about the pixel and domain and verification and all of those, what appear to be overwhelming steps.

And it's a lot of steps. So I'm hoping that we can break this down and make it really easy so that people have like a checklist that they can go through and walk through with us. Um, so we're going to start by, if you can share your screen. Uh, and then we're logging in to the Facebook ads managers. So if you are kind of following along on your own journey to get to the ads manager, you're going to go to forward slash ads manager, and it should pull up the Facebook ads manager.

And that is where we start our journey. You may see some ads there already. If you ran out, Haley has never ran ads, like she said, so it just says, get set up to run ads. And we're going to start on the left-hand side. There's like three bars right under the house. Yeah. And then you want to go to business settings and this is going to open up like.

All of the different pieces and making sure things are connected. So the first one where it opens is people and that looks good cause your name's there. That's what we want. Uh, if you go down two pages is the next place. So under accounts as pages here, you want to make sure that your Facebook business page is connected.

Is this your business page? Yep. That's my business page. Perfect. And then we're going to skip down a couple, two Instagram accounts and we'll do the same thing. Just make sure that your Instagram account is connected. You don't need to worry about logging in. It's fine. Oh, okay. Already it looks like it's already connected and it looks like it.

Perfect. And then we'll go to where it says add accounts. It's up above Instagram. Oh, gotcha. Nice. So you already have an ad account created, you know, when you created this. I have no idea actually how to be completely honest. I'm not really sure. No, no. That's perfectly fine. Um, exactly what we want to see here. And then, um, so then on the left-hand side, under data sources, the next thing that we're going to check is the pixel.

Would you also already have a pixel? Perfect. Now, can you go back to ad accounts? And this is a step that I actually still forget sometimes. And you want to make sure that your ad account and your pixel are talking to each other. Oh, I did. Okay. In the middle of the page, there's like a triangle and then it's up a bit higher.

It says add assets beside it. Oh, okay. Got it. So it's like a triangle. Okay. And so you're going to go to add assets here. And then what you want to do is toggle on your ad account and then press add. And this lets your pixel and your ad account talk to each other so that any data that the pixel collects, it gives to the ad account so they can actually use it otherwise.

Otherwise it's just collecting data and then you can't pull those audiences into. Your ad account and you can track things. Yes. I always wondered about the pixel and how to set that up and make it talk. So that was pretty easy. That didn't seem too hard. No. And then the last thing that we're going to do here, there's a little bit more, cause I just looked at the landing page.

You sent me and your pixel actually isn't installed on the landing page. So we'll get it onto the landing page and then we can check your website too. Okay. So scroll down a little bit more under brand safety where it says domains. And so here, you're going to want to add your domain. So you press the blue add button.

There's a couple of different ways that we can do this. So the first way is adding a code, like a piece of code to your header of your website. Okay. And then the second one is through your DNS server. So that would be like logging into blue host or a Google pans and whatever. So whichever way you want to do it.

Okay. I'll use SiteGround for my host. I just had to log in the other day. Um, so that one might be easier just at the moment. And so what this is doing is saying, telling Facebook that yes, I have permission to, to, to track this information and yes, this is actually my website, so that I can't just like Amy Porterfield, for example, like use her website or whatever, right?

Like this says, yes, I'm allowed to do it. That makes sense. At the very top here, it says, verify your domain and then select one option. You're going to click that drop down menu right now. It says, Adam Meditech, you want the one that says update the DNS TXT record. Okay. That makes sense. And then you're going to step number two.

Copy. If you just click on that dark part, it'll copy it. Okay. And then we're going to go back to. and then, so here at the top it says a and then four A's and then C name, the last name is TXT. That's the one you want. That's the one I want. Okay. And then in the value, you're going to paste that and click create.

Okay. And then we'll just leave this open for now. Go back to the business settings page and then refresh. Oh, gotcha. And then at the bottom it says, oh wait, sorry. You have to change the dropdown menu again, back to DNS. Um, and then click verify domain. Yeah. Okay. We'll leave it for now because it, and like number four says it can take up to 72 hours.

So you're that, um, mismatch record mismatch just means that it just needs a little bit more time. So we'll go to a couple other things and then we'll come back. Okay, that sounds good. Um, okay. I'm just going to pull up your website, right?

I put a K instead of an age range. Okay. Is it a WordPress website? It is. Okay. So if you can open that, then we will install the pixel onto your website. And the pixel is basically just a tracking tool. Correct? Exactly. Yeah. So what it does is it actually like a little tiny invisible pixel as in like pixel art, like a little square that loads on the page invisibly again, um, it loads and every time that it loads, it tracks that information.

And so if you open it and it's like a page, so on every single page of your website, we'll put in a, what's called a page view event. And so then every time somebody sees it, they'll be put into it. I like to look at them like buckets. So like I put in this bucket of people who like to have done that action.

And so on, like, like I said, every page will have a page view, but then something like a landing page. Thank you page. So after they opted in, you'll put a different pixel piece in a different event. That says that that person's a lead. And so then they'll be put into a bucket of people who are leads. And so that's how it tracks, what you've done is based on the events that you have installed on to your website.

Gotcha. Okay. Cool. That's awesome. So my favorite way to do this is by installing the plugin called pixel cat pixel cat. Okay. Like I like the animal Meow. Um,

That's a little, yeah, that guy right there with the, he's got a funky hat and a monocle purple background. Nice. So after you've installed it and it's active, it actually shows up in the menu bar, usually pretty close to the bottom. Nope, I see it. And so you can just open it. And then you'll see on the main page, there's two kinds of sections.

There's pixels and events. Okay. So what we're going to do is add a pixel. Okay. And then you'll go back to the Facebook business page. Yeah. Sorry, the business settings. And then back under data sources and pixels, and then at the top, there's that blue number. Yeah, exactly. So that blue ID number and you'll copy and paste it there.

So for anyone who's following along to try and find that pixel number, it's near the top, right. Under the name of it. Um, and it's like, it says owned by and then it'll have your name and then it says ID. And then it has a blue 16 ish digit number. It's really long. And so when you hover over it, it'll say click to copy, and then you just have to click on it to copy, and then you install it on the WordPress page.

Um, you just like to add it in there. It's super easy. Just paste it in and press save. Exactly. And then underneath there's a second bar that says events. And so that's where if you have a thank you page, you would go in and you'd add, you would pick the triggers on the page view. And then the second dropdown is the pages and a list.

All the pages you have. So you could find that thank you page or whatever. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Then the third dropdown is the event. And that's where you would say, like, this is a thank you page, like a lead or whatever the person may have done. And so that means every time that people land on that specific page, you're like, yeah, I know that this is a lead.

Gotcha. Because they went there. Exactly. Pixel was it. You don't have to add the page view by installing the pixel. It automatically, every single page now has the default page view pixel. So you only have to add extra pixels, like extra events. So that of event, a purchase event, um, depending on what it is, Uh, huh?

Yeah. So cool. Okay. So that's good to know for future reference. Okay. So I'm just going to refresh your page. I'm using a plug, a Chrome extension called Facebook pixel helper. That shows me very little information, but it does show me that the page view pixel is installed. Like I have a green check mark, go to if you're ever having problems with the pixel, the Facebook pixel helper extension is one place that you can go just to see.

Is it, is anything happening or is it completely broken? That's so nice. And then if you want, we can convert it to, okay. Yeah, sure, absolutely. Let's do it. The Convert kit is not what I want to say. User-friendly you have to install it on. Landing page individually. Oh yeah. So it's kind of a pain. So if you just want to open, yeah.

I'll just open the main one that I want. So in the convert kit, there's a spot where it says settings. Okay. And one of the settings, um, and then I it's either advanced or SEO and analytics, SEO and analytics. And then there's a space. If you scroll down where it says Google analytics, Facebook business, and all the other ones, if you just click on Facebook business, there'll be a spot for you to paste it in.

Oh, okay, cool. So it's the same thing. Just like copying that 16 digit number, pasting it in and then saving it at the bottom. And there you go. The one thing to remember about convert kits or to know about convert kits, I guess is a better way to say it. They don't track. Anything besides page views. Okay. So if you want to be able to track leads, then you need a thank you page on your WordPress website.

Oh, okay. And you need to redirect. So after somebody opposite, they get redirected to that. Thank you. Page on WordPress. That makes sense. Okay. And then you can track them with the lead pixel on WordPress. Okay. That, yeah, that makes sense. Okay. That's good to know. So convert kit only tracks page views, and you can absolutely run like a traffic campaign.

So you're just driving traffic to the page. Generally conversion ads are more effective. And so being able to track the lead and saying, yes, the person did that action that we wanted is usually more effective. And that's why having the lead pixel on the thank you page. Uh, huh, is preferable and running it to the thank you page on your website is preferable because people are the algorithm.

It knows how, and it looks for people who are going to do the action that it wants. Right? So if you're doing a traffic, the algorithm, a traffic ad, the algorithm is looking for people who will click on the land or click on the ad to go to the landing page. But if you're running a version ad the Facebook algorithm is looking for people who will go to the landing page and opt in and take action.

Exactly. And so its Facebook algorithm will be all the algorithms out there. They're all really, really good at noticing and figuring. People's behavior. Right? So they know that I'm the kind of person who opts into things. I opt into things all the time, but they might know that you are more likely to watch a video.

So you'll see more video ads, but I'll see more conversion ads. Right. And so having that, thank you page. We'll get it in front of more people like me who are more likely to actually do the thing. Okay. I'm terrible. I opt into everything because I love seeing people like their funnels and stuff. No, I know.

I'm the same way I need to clean my inbox so bad for my email. It's ridiculous. My personal cause. So everything that I opt into goes to my personal email and it's almost like I was like, I don't even want to look at it anymore.

I know I feel your pain. So that's the pixel. I'm just refreshing the landing page. And it's popping up there. It's saying that the page is working. Perfect. Okay, good. Do you want to try verifying your domain again? You would have to go to the dropdown, but yeah, it's weird that it needs to be there. The dropdown menu for verifying your domain needs to be the same one you used.

So if you installed that code into the header, yeah. Oh, yay. It works. Yeah. So now on this page, you see that it's verified and this means that you can run ads and use the pixel to this website. I mean, back to the Amy Porterfield example, I can run ads to Amy Porterfield's website, like a traffic ad. I can pay to drive traffic to anywhere I want.

But what I can't do is track that or, and I can't use the pixel in any way. Right? So like we were just talking, those conversion ads that use the pixel are more effective. Right. And so this having verified means, now you can use your pixel to track the information and you can add, you have, you've given yourself permission to access it, right.

Just the layer of privacy and security. So now what if I wanted to run ads to my funnel? That technically is a subdomain. That's totally fine. Would I need to set up a new pixel, like verify a new pixel thing? No, no, no, you wouldn't. Okay. Um, so your, your, your root domain, I think is what it's called is, has been verified and by verifying the root domain, you also have verified all subdomains.

Perfect. Okay. That's good. So, and if you click on the blue add button, the blue, uh, Yeah, so here, it says you can only verify, it actually says, oh, I can only verify the root domain. So, not a sub domain or a sub page. And so that would be like, you don't need to verify your website Fords slash blog posts, number one, right.

You only have to do that root domain and then everything falls under it. Oh, that's awesome. Okay. That's good. Yay. Yeah. So that makes it really easy. Yeah. That's if you have multiple domains, you can verify additional. So for me, for example, I have market scale growth for the podcast, and I also say to

And so I verified both of those domains because there's separate domains and you can verify, um, multiple domains and that's no problem. And I have the same pixel installed in both places because it's the same group of people. You can't verify something like TBT. So if you have a teachers pay teachers store, because that's owned by TPT, you can't verify it.

But yeah. So that's just something to keep in mind. You have to, you actually have to own the domain, but you can do multiple. Okay. And then do you have a TPT store? I don't know. Okay. Because I was going to say again, so then back to my example, my TPT store is primary math resources. Yeah. And then my business is Facebook ads like this business, right?

So I actually have two separate pixels. I have my math teacher's pixel and my Facebook ads pixel, but most people only need one pixel and they can install it on the convert kit and their website and lead pages and Sam card. And, and, and because it's all the same, all the same audience and you want. One pixel to be collected by all of those people.

So if you ever do have anywhere else, you want to add the pixel. You want to add the same one? Okay. That's good to know. Don't you don't need to create a new one? You only have a different one because the audience is completely different. Um, so if you open a business like for dog walking and you wanted to market to that, then you would need a new pixel.

Absolutely. Okay. Because that's a different audience than your teacher preneur people. Yes. Okay. Very cool. Good to know. So speaking of pixels, the last thing that we need to do to get your account set up is with the events. And so if you click on pixels on the left hand side, under data sources, perfect.

And then on the very, very right side at the top, it says open and events manager, you can just click open and events manager. And so what this is going to do is going to prioritize. The different things that people can do on your website. So if you scroll down it's right there. It says aggravated events, management or measurement.

Sorry. Okay. Yeah. Right there. Exactly. And then configure web events with a blue button. So if you click on your domain, what we're doing right now is we're saying this is the most important thing, and this is the least important thing. The best example I can give, which some people don't have never heard of, is that we have these like coin sorting machines at the grocery store.

We can take your piggy bank and just dump in all of the coins. Yeah. We used to have those. Okay. So then the whole machine shakes a little bit and the points fall through and we have, we have toonies, which are $2 and loonies, which are one and then quarters 25 cents a dimes nickels pennies.

Right. And there's each of those, each coin is a different size, right? So there's little circles and the coins fall through. Except the two knees get caught at the first level. And then the loonies get caught at the second level and then the quarters at the third level. Right? So this is kind of the same thing.

What we're going to set up is your own little filter and the most important thing that someone could do on your website is purchase. Now maybe you have the, I don't think you have a store set up on your website. You, I don't know yet. I want to get one set up eventually. Just I haven't yet. Yeah. But so what we, we still, even though currently there's nothing they can purchase you still, I still recommend you do it that way.

You never, you don't need to come back and do it again. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. Purchase of the most important thing. If somebody doesn't purchase, then they'll move to the next thing. And if they don't do that, then they'll move to the next thing. Okay. That makes sense. Yeah. Um, so you're going to click to get these all set up.

You have your domain open, you're going to click on manage events and then edit. And then on the right-hand side add an event, there's a green button. Perfect. And then in the first column, you're going to pick your pickup. And then in the second one, you can actually type the words in, but the first thing we'll put in is a purchase.

And I think they're in alphabetical order. And then the second thing we want is to initiate a checkout. Now, for some reason, initiate checkout is already there. So what you can do is yeah. You can drag and drop. Exactly. And then we'll add the next one. And then the next one is lead. So this is if somebody ops in okay.

And then add events. And then the last one that you need that I recommend you have is page view. Uh, it might be view content. Let's see. Oops. Oh yeah, there we go. So what this is saying is that the most important thing somebody can do is purchase. And if they don't purchase, did they initiate the checkout?

If they didn't initiate checkout, are they a lead? Did they opt into something? And if they didn't opt into anything, while they viewed content, they had to view content. So everybody will get caught in that last bucket. Okay. But you don't want, if you had it the opposite way around where view content was at the time.

Then that would mean everybody was there and then it would miss anything else because it only tracks that the top makes sense. It says, oh, they made a purchase. We don't care what else they did. Right. Oh, they didn't purchase it, but they initiated checking it. We don't care. We don't care what else they did.

Right. So you want it from in that order, initiate checkout is like, they clicked on something they wanted to buy, but didn't actually follow through with putting in all their information and clicking buy. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. And for, in most cases where I've seen these happen with woo commerce or Shopify, they handle all of those different pieces.

You connect your Facebook and your WordPress and your Shopify together. And then Shopify is the one who determines what an initiated checkout is. And so unless you're building the entire thing from scratch, which I don't recommend, unless you're doing, you probably won't actually need to worry about those intricacies, but just having it set up, like this says, yes, purchases are more important than just looking at the page.

Okay. That totally makes sense. Yeah. The different layers. And then do I just click apply? Yes. And then yes, I confirm these changes and apply. Very cool. Yay. Okay. So do you want to chat with audiences or do you want to chat about funnel strategy? Um, can you give me a brief description of both of them? So then I can figure out which one would be.

Yeah. So with the audiences we can go in, there's a specific spot in here we go in and we look at the differences between warm look like and cold audiences, and we'll set some of them up with the funnel strategy. We can just kind of talk about how you're getting traffic, what the full funnel is going to look like and the different pieces and different steps.

Hmm. I feel like the audience might be the better direction to go. Yes. That's what I was leaning towards. Let's do the audience. So the left hand side, where there's the little house underneath those three little lines again, the business are all tools. Yep. And then audiences should be an option that you have there.

And so as I alluded to there's three different types of audiences. Okay. Uh, I call them warm look and cold, uh, Facebook calls them custom audiences look like audiences and saved audiences. So let's start with custom audiences so you can click the blue, create a custom audience. Cool. And then these are your warm audiences.

These are people who have interacted with you in some way already. Okay, cool. So the four that I always, always, always set up are our website, customer list, Instagram account and Facebook page. You can only check one at a time. Oh, um, well, let's start with websites. So this is all of the people who have gone to your website in the last, it says currently 30 days, but we're going to change it to 180 days, 180.

And is there a reason why just so we can have more data? Yes, exactly. And so initially 180 days is fine. As you're running more ads, you get more traffic. You'll probably want to create different size buckets. So you can do 90 days, 30 days, 14 days, seven days, even one day, if you really wanted. And these are like a rotating kind of bucket.

So on day one, the first day I look at it, I go in and then if I don't look at your website again, again, again for 180 days, I fall off. Gotcha. Okay. But if I'm 63, I will look at your website again. Then I go back to day one. Oh, okay. And then I stay in the bucket until it's 180 days. Since I've looked at your website and then I fall off.

Okay. And my, my day one could be somebody else's day 17, right? Like each person is kind of on their own little journey through. Yeah. So then at the bottom it says audience name, and you can call it something like website traffic or pixel traffic. Um, and then I always put the number of days in brackets afterwards, so 180 days and then create an audience.

Okay. So then if you click on that website, traffic and the audience yeah. On the very, very right-hand side, there's a box of actions, and then you want to create a lookalike. And so a look like an audience is basically a reflection of this audience. So the website traffic that we just created is people who've actually been to your website.

What the Facebook algorithm will do is it will say it'll compile all of those people and it'll say, This is the profile of, of those people. And then they'll go find a million, a couple million more people just like it. Oh, okay. That's what they'll look like to audiences. That makes sense. Exactly. Yeah. So it's kind of like one of those weird fun mirrors where like your, your audience is like little tiny and it like makes it gigantic.

Right? Cool. Yeah. That's a good analogy. I like that. So the top one's already picked out for you to select your look like source. You already have website traffic there. So then the second one is to select the audience location. And so you can, um, just type in the United States, you are able to put more than one country here, but.

Very, very, very rarely seen it actually work. Okay. So just stick to one, just stick with the United States, especially because you're in the states. So like I'm in Canada. I do two separate looks like I always do an American one and a Canadian one. Whoa, cool. Okay. Because I know I have a significant Canadian audience.

So if you did have a Canadian or Australian or whatever, additional audience, and it would make sense to go in and create that look alike, but if not, then you don't have to. Okay. Okay, cool. Um, so you can click away from that white box that's there and I don't usually change anything else. Just click on it, and create an audience.

Now we're going to click on the blue, create the audience button on the left hand side, and then go to the custom audience again, click back. I'm not sure why that happened. Okay. Oh, here we go. Okay. Yeah. So your customer list is your email list, so you can download the CSV file and actually upload it as your customer list.

Okay. That's cool. Um, and then the other two that I always do are our Instagram account and Facebook page. So if you want to click on either one of those, and so this is very similar to your, um, website where you it's like that, that rotating waterfall kind of thing, where people come in on day one and then if they do not interact with you again, this one is 365 days is the max.

So for an entire year, oh, wow. Then they fall off at the end of that year. So do you keep it 365 or do you change it? Yeah, I keep it because you want it to be the biggest possible audience. And then similarly, if I'm running specific promotions, then sometimes I'll use Instagram for 90 days or 30 days or whatever.

But I do always like to have that big. Overarching 365 day bucket of people to pull from. Okay. That makes sense. Yeah. Well, that's a big, that's a long time. And when it says everyone who's engaged with your professional account. Yeah. So if you click that drop down, there's tons of different pieces, but engaged is anything from actual engagement that we consider engagement, like, like comment share, but it's also someone who's visited your profile.

Someone who has clicked on the image to see it bigger. Um, anyone who's watched some of a video or anything like anything that you could possibly consider an interaction is, is an engagement in this case, sending a message. So not necessarily just taking action, but even if they've just looked at it for 10, 15 seconds, this would pick them up.

Okay. That makes sense. Well, so when you think about it, that way, like you, your followers, if you have like a thousand followers, well, you probably have a couple thousand additional people who have interacted with your account that aren't following you. Right. That's true. Yeah, absolutely. It's a much bigger bucket of people.

Yeah. Especially when you think of how all the different people who have looked at and liked commented on any of your content for the last year, right? Yeah. Because, I mean, I know sometimes when you look at your insights for Instagram or social media, it will say like, this is the percentage of followers.

This is the percentage of non followers. And it's crazy how, like, even those non follower numbers can get up there so quickly. And you're like, wow, like didn't ever, I've never really thought about that, you know? Yeah, exactly. Cool. And especially with the reach of like reels right now, That's huge. And I know that five years ago straight, like a still image, just we're getting that kind of reach.

Right? Like it's just part of the trends. But if you think of all the people who have watched your reels, like it's, it's huge. Yeah. That's really, that's encouraging too, because you know, sometimes you post something and you get like five likes and you're like, wow. Okay. But then when you can actually see more of the data with this it can encourage you a little more.

And I think something else, like this is leaning into the funnel strategy, but something to remember is somebody who has liked a post of yours or has commented on one thing or sent you a single DM. They're very top of the funnel. And so this specific audience of anyone who's engaged with your account for the last 365 days, your goal is to show them additional content.

That's going to help nurture them through your funnel. Right? So you wouldn't necessarily want to show this audience your sales page to your 9 97 course. Right? Like someone who's liked one Instagram post is probably like, why would I buy from this person? Right. But what you can use this audience for is showing them blog posts, showing them more social media content, trying to get them on your email list so that you can show them even like a masterclass, that's going to nurture them to make that sale.

Right. So. This audience is really good for that very, very, very top level of the funnel, and then trying to pull them down the funnel and nurture them. That's perfect. Yeah, because we all know, you know, it takes multiple times for them to see something or to, you know, engage with what you're putting out there.

They're not going to see your one post and be like, oh yes, let me buy this. You know, like they've got to see everything else and make sure you're legit before they actually decide to Mitt. Cool. That's helpful. So is this good to go? I, it is. Yeah. So you can press create audience here and then it's going to give you three different options.

And the first one is to create a lookalike. So you want to click on that. It didn't give us these options before, because you had no audiences. So that very first audience, it doesn't. But for all of the custom audiences that you ever set up in the future, it should give you that option. And you, I always create a lookalike of a custom audience.

I was going to ask that. And so that's just so that it can reach more people with like, okay. And these are quote unquote, technically cold audiences. It's possible that like a warm person falls in here, but the intent of these is for them to be cold audiences of people who've never heard of you before.

Never seen you before. And so you're reaching new people. No, down here, it says select audience size. Why would a, like, what's the difference between where it's at now at 1%, if someone changed it to 10%. So the 1% is a smaller sized audience, but it's closer to your original audience. The bigger your percentage is, the bigger the audience it gets.

But because it's bigger of an audience, they have to, the algorithm has to say like dilute almost that original profile. I got to make the bigger one. Okay. So it's better to stick with like the 1% the smallest. Yeah. Especially when your original audience is smaller. So to make a lookalike audience, you need at least a hundred people in your original audience, and then as your original audience.

So that Instagram traffic, for example, as that audience gets bigger, the algorithm gets better and better at creating that profile. And so once your Instagram bucket is at a thousand, 10,000, a hundred thousand. Exactly. And then, but if you only have 150 people in that bucket, which probably isn't the case for most people in Instagram traffic, but for something like your website, like I probably get a hundred hits on my website in a month.

Right. So I don't have a gigantic website bucket of people. So you want to keep that smaller. So the smaller the original audience, the smaller you want this look like percentage to be. Okay. And then the number of lookalike audiences, it just kind of pulls differently. Pieces of that profile. Oh, I see.

Okay. Different pieces. And if you were to like slide, slide, the percentage thing over to like two, 3% and you did multiple looks like it'll do like zero to 1%. One to 2%. Gotcha. Okay. And so it is, but it's the same thing. It's kind of diluting that profile to find multiple pockets of lookalike. Yeah. So sometimes that's not the best option.

You want it to be more specific with the smaller numbers. Yeah. So again, especially when you're first starting out, um, and if you have a smaller ad budget, then keeping that local, like closer to the original is likely and not always, but likely going to result in better results for you from what it looks like.

So yeah, because pre audience, and then we'll do the same thing for your Facebook page. So then you want to yeah, exactly. And then, you know, it'll, it'll be personal and in your business. And then if you, like, for me, like 12 different pages come up, so you have to like find the right one. And then some of my clients have two business pages and so all of them pop up there.

So just make sure that you have the right one, and this is very similar to the Instagram one. It's anyone who's engaged with your page in any way. It doesn't have to be someone who likes or follows. It can be anyone who just visited or engaged in like the typical sense or whatever it may be. Um, and then again, 365 days, you can make that smaller in the future.

And yeah, and this is just as a reminder, this is a Facebook business page. It is not Facebook groups are not your personal page. It is really that business page, a business page. Okay. And you can create the audience and then again, create the lookalike. Okay. And as a little tip trick, hint, I don't know what to call it.

If you record a video, either live or just posting it on your Facebook business page, welcoming people into your Facebook group, do you have, um, I don't yet it's in the works possibly. We're still deciding if we want to do a Facebook group or not. So if you do decide to do it on your Facebook business page, you can report a video being like, Hey, welcome to the group, which is a little bit weird.

I realize because, but then what you do is you share it to your group and pin it as an announcement. Okay. Because then you can create an audience of people. Who's watched that video? Oh, okay. And then the people who are inside your Facebook group, because there's no other way that I found no other easy way, that I've found that you can really collect that group of people.

But if you have a video that's technically on your Facebook business page, it's still tracking when people watch it inside your group. Exactly. And so then those people in your group can be collected into an audience and you can re-target them with ads. And I know a lot of times there's groups that have questions, like give me your email address or whatever, but it's just one more layer of being able to bring it back to them.

That's good. Okay. A little tip. And if you give it to your clients, if you have any clients running Facebook ads, I was like, Hey, have you thought about doing this right? That's smart. I like that. Okay, cool. So the only other custom audience would be your email list. I think you have ConvertKit open so you can download the CSV file from there.

Let's see. So, um, so down, scroll down and convert ConvertKit uh, whereas if you click subscribers, the check mark beside subscriber. There's like a checklist over on the left side, left side, right there. Yeah. And then it'll say select all subscribers in your account and that blue bar that popped up and then under bulk actions, there'll be an export looking at you expert.

You don't know how many times I've, so I've used a converter kit, a Weber flow desk, Mail MailChimp, and at least two other ones that I'm forgetting right now. And they're all like, slightly different. So I'm a champion. Oh, Kajabi is another one and Katra is another one. I've become an expert at like, okay, where do I need to go to find the CSP somewhere?

Yeah. And some of them it's like downloading all right here. And then other ones it's like yours where it's like, you've selected 30 people on this page. Now click here to do all of them. It's going to send you an email to oh, okay. And yeah, that's the other thing. Some of them it's like. I've sent you an email and some of them it's like, here's the download.

And some of them it's like, you're just a user. I've sent the actual owner, the CSV. So then I have to send a photo. No, but it all just depends on what it is. And then you'll see, and this, um, FLOTUS cause the same way, but convert kit and FLOTUS is about, like, this link is, is good for five days and you're just like, you need to send it to me within five days or else you're going to need to do this again.

Exactly. Anyway, I was like, totally chatting and I have no idea if you actually got them, I have not actually got the CSV yet, but let me see. It might actually be, I have so many email addresses. It could be different, oh, there we go. Okay. It's my other email address. It feels like my life. I can't keep up with God, the CSVs.

So let's go back here. That's actually the other one they have. Yeah. So then again, create the audience custom audiences and then customer list. And then this is just talking that first page is just talking to make sure it's in the right format because you downloaded it from the it's fine. So just press next.

I feel like this is only if you're like making the email list yourself. And then the second one does your list include custom values is like, if in your list it says, this person has paid me a thousand dollars. This person paid me $97. This person's paid me, which yours would not have. So you're going to say no, that's something that with almost all email service things, I don't think I've ever seen one that just does it.

They all like, that's a manual thing you have to do. So it's always a no, that's weird. Yeah. Okay. So then you're going to upload the file in that first box. Should I rename it? Yeah. So I always name it, email lists, customer lists, whatever. And then I put the date that I downloaded it because there is a way for you to download another CSV file and update it and then next, and then here, you want to make sure that the columns are mapped properly.

And so this just is saying, so that first one are those actually email addresses. Yes. Is that second one actually a country? Yes. And then at the top, there's a spot where it says mapped to, and then action needed six. You want to click on the action needed. And if you can map more of it. Then that's going to make it more accurate.

So that first, the very, very first one is first names. And so you should be able to pick first names here. Don't worry about that one. Don't worry about tags. You can upload the city and the state. Those will be ones that they can map, and this just is helping. So what Facebook will now do, I guess it's an algorithm, it's not an actual human doing this.

It will now do, is it'll go in and it'll say, can I find somebody named like Sarah, can I find Sarah with this email address? Can I find Sarah with this email address in this city? Right. So the more pieces of information, like if it's Sarah with this email address at this city, in this state, in this country, with this, whatever, all of those different pieces of information, whereas if it just.

This email address. Cause you have to have an email address. So if it's just this email address, then maybe it won't be able to find the person. Gotcha. So the more you can map the better, the better, the more specific and detailed yeah. And this is totally reliant on your service provider. So flow desk, I can literally map first name and email address and that's it.

Whereas like a convert kit, you got a city, state or country. I've seen zip codes included there. I've seen people who have a first name and last name, like as all it's really, really dependent on the email list people. Okay. That makes sense. Um, then you're gonna click import and create, and then you want to create a look like.

Oh, cool. Well, that's not too difficult. So with the website, traffic, Instagram, and Facebook, those were like on a rotating basis. Like I said, like day one, your email list is not. So to update that and add information, you would need to go back into Greenberg kit, download the list again, and then you can click on the audience, like the email list audience and edit it, or like right there.

And then it'll say replace customers replace customers is great because you did it today. I got, um, but you would be able to click replace customers and then upload the new CSV file and then it would update it. Okay. Cause I was asked that if like, you know, as new subscribers come in on the email list, does it automatically pull it over here, but no.

So you would have to hold the manual process. Wait until, you know, you get a few more and then once you get a large chunk, then maybe kind of come back here and replace it. And so far, for myself, when I, when I'm not running ads, I update it once a quarter. Okay. When I am running ads, I update it once a month.

Okay. That's good. And that's my recommendation to my clients as well. That, yeah. And that's the same thing I would say to you. And if let's just say you were part of a summit or something and you got like 500 new people from this summit or this bundle package or whatever it is, I would recommend going in and updating it after that.

But if you're kind of just chugging along with Instagram and you're getting one or two new subscribers a week, and so you get like 10 new ones a month, then there's no reason to, I mean, you can absolutely, you could do it every day if you want it. But if, if you're only adding like 10 new ones a month and that's why I recommend waiting a quarter.

Um, so just depending on the number, I had a client, she wanted me to do it every week. We were spending a couple hundred dollars a day on ads and building the list. So we were getting like a thousand new people every week. So that was right. So I like the quantity. Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. Right? Yeah. And again, the more people you have in that email list, the more accurate it is.

So, um, it needs at least a hundred people to create the lookalike. And then once the lookalikes are created, as you get those more people onto your list, It gets more and more accurate. Okay. Now that this is all set up, like in a week or so when I want to come and look at this data, how do I do that? So there's not a lot of data you can see here about the audiences.

Like you, can't the only one that you could get information about, like specifics would be the email list, because that's a list you have got, um, for privacy reasons. Facebook won't actually let you see all of that, other those other things, but you can see it in the events manager. So on the left-hand side events manager will show you how many hits your pixel's getting.

Okay. Yeah. This is what I was thinking. Yeah. And so it's in the events manager and this will kind of show you how many times, like how many people are seeing your pixel and not information there. Cool. Okay. And you can see, like you've had three page views. Those are probably you and I refreshed your page.

Right. And then, but as more people come, your graph will start to look more like a normal graph and not just like a straight line as there's more days and stuff, obviously. So that's pretty much, oh, actually going back to audiences. Totally forgot. The one that people love the most, you know, audiences, the cold audiences.

Oh. So this is the, the reason I say that, um, is because people just like, when you imagine an audience, this is what you're actually doing. So you want to go to not special audiences. Okay. Special audiences are like, if you're talking about politics or credit cards or no. Yeah. None of those things where they're, they're much more regulated.

You want to go to saved audiences. Oh, okay. And this is where you like to play with all of the things to find interest based audiences. Gotcha. So I leave the audience name till the end. Okay. And then I don't usually add a custom audience there. I will add people so you can leave it as just the U S but here, I usually do U S Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, which are the five major English speaking countries.

Okay. You said Australia, uh, United Kingdom. You do have to type it. Um, and then New Zealand,

and then on the right-hand side, if you scroll up a little bit, it says, estimated audience size. So right now we're at like 150 million. Wow. So the next few things that we're going to do, you're going to bring that down a little bit. Yeah. So if you scroll down the age, I recommend you move it to at least 22, if not higher, but 22 almost guarantees that you got rid of the 18 year olds, the 15 year olds who were pretending to be adults.

And then depending on where your range is, um, 40, 45, 50, whatever it is. Yeah. And then for gender, you can leave it as all male or female, I guess men and women is what they've used. Yep. Uh, unless you're promoting to people in a different language than English, you don't need to do that and add in the languages of English.

Um, I haven't really seen a difference except for when it is like a different language. And now you can already see just by changing the age range, we're down to like 8 million, right. And then down, even further to where it says detailed targeting. And this is where you get to let your imagination go crazy and put in things that people might be interested in.

So you can type in things like teacher or lead generation or whatever it might be. Now, the teacher itself doesn't show up anymore. Oh. Um, but on the right-hand side, you can see how some of them talk about their interests. Some of them say job titles. You want to lean towards the ones that say interests. And what interests have been determined by the Facebook algorithm based on pages.

People like things they talk about, yada yada yada job title is literally what somebody has typed in themselves as their job title. I gotcha. That makes sense. Okay. So then you can type in a word again, or you can click on that button that says suggestions beside brows, and it's going to come up with other ones as like, oh, this might be similar.

What do you think about these ones? Um, so some that I've used relating to teachers, teachers pay teachers comes up and, and we are teachers.

Can you do random things like Target or Nike or yes. Um, I wouldn't put them in here with those, with that one. I would do it separately. Audience. Okay. Okay. That makes sense. Um, can you scroll up and see what the size of this audience is? Oh, nice. So we're down to like 4 million, 5 million. Um, right now the recommendation is the bigger, the better, the bigger, so like 10 million, 15 million is good.

I am totally fine with still like around the 5 million mark is good. Do you think so? Okay. Yeah, but what you can do is you can go back down to those interests and you can try and find more interests. Excuse me. You want to stay with the, kind of like the same topic though, by putting targeting you're pulling in like a whole different group of things.

Right. But if you found more that were like teaching related. Then that would be okay because you're still pulling up teachers. Like, could you, I mean, I'm just trying to think of treachery things like flare pens or like, I think scholastics are in there actually. Now that I'm oh. Or scholars' choice, one of them, but yes.

Um, Scholastic teachers are at their Scholastic book fairs. These are all gonna add like, just a little bit, right? Like that one added a hundred thousand, which isn't fun, but it's just a little bit, right. Yeah. And just continuing to add different ones, seeing what happens. Um, yeah. The other thing that you can do, if you scroll down a little bit further, click away from wherever it's clicked right now underneath it says to a narrow audience.

So if you click on a narrow audience, you could put in. Something else here. So if you wanted specifically like math teachers, you could put math in here. Oh, okay. You're looking specifically for business owners, a really good one is Facebook business page admins or something like that. And then, so, cause right now it's just anyone who's interested in teachers teaching, right?

Yeah. But if you do not like business pages, you're more likely to get people who are business owners, but it also might make the audience too small. That makes sense. Yeah. And having that bigger audience right now is definitely a better choice. Facebook is thriving on big audiences, big audiences. Good to know.

See, I did not know that. So now that you kind of have an idea of what the audience is, you can go back up to the top and you can name your audience. Something like teachers or whatever you wanted it to be. Yeah, I think, and then I usually put the size of the audience in brackets. So like this one, I put 4.5 million, something like that, somewhere in that million, middle of the range that they give me.

And then at the bottom it says, create a saved audience. And you think that's a good number to start with? Yeah. Okay. I will be fine with like a nearly 5 million people audience. Cool. For sure. Yeah. Do you create a lookalike from that too? Or is this just no, no. That you, you can only make a look like from the warm custom audiences.

Okay. This is like a very cold audience. Okay. Okay. So this is called the audience. No, lookalikes only look like warm audience lookalikes. I've heard them referred to as warm on not more money and say cool audiences. And I've heard them referred to as something else that I can't. It's totally escaping me right now, but the idea of like a cool audience, I like, because, because it's almost a reflection of your warm audience.

It's not freezing cold. It has a little bit more like an edge on those cold audiences. Um, but it's kind of in that middle, somewhere between the warm audiences and those cold audiences who have never heard of you before. Yeah. That makes sense. Cool. Okay. That is your audio. Yeah. Um, do you have any other questions about all this stuff that we've done so much?

I think I'm good with that. The Facebook pixel. And so anytime I want to check the data for this Facebook pixel, it's under events manager. And if, for some reason that shortcut isn't there, um, then you can just scroll down the list of all tools, like go back to it, the all tools like the alternate via there, there's like a list of all kinds of different things.

So if for some reason events manager isn't one of the shortcuts at the top, you can find it in this list. Okay. Right there. That makes sense. Cool. Okay. Same with audiences. If you ever wanted to create a new audience, you can go back in there to the audience page. Um, and then the audience is yeah. Underneath the, uh, the advertised one.

Cool. Okay. Now I'm just trying to think, like, is it better when you are creating audiences to create like all these different types or like, just should it, should I only focus on my cold audience for certain things or only focused on my warm audience for certain things or all of them. So for your lead magnet, for example, generally, what I would recommend you do is that you send out the ads to your warm audience first, and then it will get to a point where your warm audience has seen the ad multiple times.

And you, you don't want to be annoying, like you don't want them to see the ad 7,000 times and be like, oh my God, Haley go away. Yeah, that's happened. Right. So we've all been there where we've seen the thing 20 times and you're like, okay, I'm done. And you're like, I'm done clicking on this, stop showing it.

Right. So, um, in the ads manager, when you're running a campaign, there's a spot where you can see the frequency and that's the number of times that somebody has viewed the ad. Oh, okay. Like it's an average, obviously the on average people have seen the ad three times or 1.2 times or whatever it is. I like to keep that number somewhere.

Like I turn an ad off if it hits somewhere between three and four. Okay. Um, so at that point, once you're cool, your warm audience has seen me ad three or four times and you would want to start. Pushing it out to the lookalike audiences and the cold audiences. And I push them out to those at the same time together.

Okay. Yeah. That, and you don't, you could, if you wanted to do it to all three types at the same time, um, but if you have a smaller budget or you're a little bit more nervous, you're not sure. Or whatever the case may be starting with your warm audience is never a bad idea. Okay. Yeah. That's like, because my warm audience is smaller.

I probably wouldn't need to run it that long. Right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's like my warm audience. I would say it gets exhausting or like, I fatigued them with my ads. It takes like a week or two, depending on my budget. Um, and I would, I would say like budget wise, you're looking at 20 to $25 a day. That's okay.

That's kind of what I was thinking was like 20 a day. So 20 and 25 a day. But keeping an eye on that frequency, especially with your warm audiences, it's much, much harder to exhaust a cold audience because there are millions of people. Right. That's true. Um, so it's harder to exhaust those audiences, um, and that's where you like to scale and you grow bigger by reaching more of those cold people.

Cool. So I guess really my last question then is. When someone like me, is it better to run ads to a lead magnet to get people on your list? Or like, is it better to run ads to my sales page for a product and get them purchasing? My personal preference is email list, email list. Okay. For a couple reasons, number one, it can be hard to optimize ads to a sales page.

It can be hard to, yeah, it can just be like a really long process of figuring it out. And when you're first getting started, there's a lot of things that need to be fixed. So. It can take some time before you start to see results. And that can be really hard and can make you feel like you're doing something wrong, the ads aren't working and that you're just wasting money.

So by running the ad to your lead magnet, there's fewer things that you need to kind of figure out. So if it's not working, it's probably the landing page. I think that there's not many other moving parts. Um, and especially if it's something that converts, like when you post it on Instagram, people are like, yes, I want this.

If you have good, good, opt-ins organically. Once you turn on ads, it should continue. Um, so there's fewer, there's fewer moving parts, usually with a lead magnet. But second of all, well, you're not going to be making money with a sales page. You're making money. You're not, but you can see. People coming onto your email list.

And so it's a different type of return on your ad spend, but emotionally you feel like, okay, I got something from, yeah, it feels like you're still doing something, right. Even though you may not be getting a sale, you know, that it's working because people are coming onto your list. Exactly. And so it feels like it feels better and it feels success is easier and you can feel it happening and you can see it happening.

And I think at this point, a lot of people understand and realize that growing your email list is a long-term benefit to your business. Exactly. Yeah. So by having that email growth, you can logically understand that, okay. Maybe I'm not making the money too. But within time, I will. Yeah, because that's why we all know how important email is, is these days in society of our social media, that we don't own anything psycho, like from a psychology point of view, when you're actually seeing something happen, you're like, okay, I'm supposed to be getting emails, lists.

Like my email is supposed to be growing. I see my list is growing that success makes you feel like, okay, I can keep doing this. Whereas if you're running it to a product or something, that's not working, or if you're promoting a blog post and you're like, well, I don't, I don't know, what am I getting from this?

Like, true. I D I, I maybe, maybe a sales coming in once a week, but it feels like I'm just like, money's just bleeding or would that blog post, or if you boost a post on social media, like when you boost on Instagram, I don't w was I supposed to get from this $20? I don't know. And then it makes you feel like, because you don't know your, I don't know, was I successful or not?

Was it a good choice or not? Where's that email list? You're like, okay. It is growing. It's working. This is a good thing, right? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's my recommendation and my reasoning. Why behind that? That's good. I think that's very helpful. Not only for me, but for other people too, because you know, you never know where to even get started with the ads and what to run the ads to.

So that was very helpful. Thank you. Going back. I'm so glad. Yes. Well, thank you so much. I feel so much better about having it all set up on the Facebook pixel. Like I knew about the pixel. Wasn't really sure how to do it. So I feel great about that. I feel like when I'm ready to start running my ads, I'll be 10 times more confident in starting it versus before.

They're really, really good things too. About all the stuff we did today is whether you start running ads in a week or you start running them in six months. Like it. Go in the background, the pixel collects data and does its thing, but you don't have to worry about it. Like it's done, it's done, it's there. And so you can just like, know that when you're ready to start and you can just go in and get going.

You don't have to worry about, ah, what do we need to do? How could I set up the pixel? Because it's already, like each piece is so stressful and just like taking one piece off is so helpful. I found it, and it really wasn't as difficult as I had imagined. So, I mean, you did a great job of walking through it.

And I think like you talked about you, how to check lists of like, this is how we're the steps we're going to take, you know, like that was super helpful and just kind of calmed my nerves too. And knowing that we were doing the right things. Oh, I'm glad to hear that. Like I said, I think I said it at the beginning, but it's just a Facebook ad.

So, so much. And it feels like saying, oh, eating an elephant one bite at a time. Thank you. Look at the elephant. And Facebook is just like an elephant. So like, I can't do this. No. Right. But when you really get into it and you're just like, like anything else, you just like to do one little piece. It is manageable.

You can do it. Um, this is a podcast episode, so. If people would like to find you to learn more about what you do, where can they do that? Yeah, absolutely. So, um, I would always say follow me on And then same thing for tech talk. I am over there trying to grow it, but just having fun over there.

Um, but feel free to comment, reach out, DM, whatever I promise. I'm a super nice outgoing person and love talking to anyone. Wonderful. Thank you so much again. Yes. Thank you. And it was. Catching up with you again,

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. Of course. Service writers and coaches look to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

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Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


Three Phases of Marketing Mastery | 82


What's Working Right Now in Marketing | 80