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Podcast Shownotes

Grow Your Visibility and Income as a Guest Speaker with Jenn Espinosa-Goswami | 139
When you think about getting visible, guest speaking might not be your first thought. However, guest speaking opportunities can not only increase your visibility but also generate additional revenue for your business.

The Importance of Blog Writing for Business and Marketing with Branda Villacob | 135
You’ve probably had someone tell you at some point that you need to start a blog. However, blogging has a bit of a bad reputation these days. Blogs are seen as tedious, time-consuming, and outdated. So, is it really worth it?

Diversifying Your Income with Lauren Fulton | 128
If you’ve been a business owner for a while, you know how much your income can fluctuate. I recently sat down with Lauren Fulton from The Rebranded Teacher podcast to talk about diversifying your income. Lauren knows from personal experience just how unstable owning a business can be.

Building a Lead Generation Strategy with La Classe de Mme Caroline | 126
When you start your business, it can feel like throwing spaghetti at the wall. But over time you realize that spaghetti throwing is a waste, and if you want to push forward in your business, you have to get strategic. This is exactly what I talked about with La Classe de Mme Caroline during a live strategy session.

Building a Sustainable Business with Multiple Streams of Income with Jillian Fernandez | 122
If you are a teacher business owner, you might think there is only one way you can make money outside of your teaching job: selling resources. However, building a sustainable business means having multiple streams of income, so you are never reliant on one revenue stream. On episode 122 of the podcast, I talked with Jillian Fernandez about sustainable business ideas, and how to diversify your income.

The Balance of Nurturing and Selling - A Strategy Session with Tia Parnell | 117
On Episode 117 of the Market Scale Grow podcast, I sat down with Tia from Parfaitement Parnell for a strategy session. Maybe you can relate to how Tia was feeling. She wanted to get more visible online and promote her resources, but she didn’t want to feel like she was always selling. So, we created a strategic digital marketing plan together to help her find a balance between nurturing and selling.

Things You Need to Know Before Creating a Course | 115
Have you ever wondered what it really takes to launch a course? Creating a course is a go-to idea for many coaches and big-wig marketing gurus when they talk about leveling up your business and generating more income. But is creating a course really as easy as they say?

Let’s Talk Sales Page Copywriting - Live Coaching Session with Heather | 113
This is a special episode of Market Scale Grow because I sat down with Heather from Full SPED Ahead for a strategy session. When you listen to the podcast episode, you’ll hear our entire behind-the-scenes chat - everything from sales page copywriting to clarifying your message and website design.

Creating A Content Plan That Works - Live Coaching Session with Suzanne | 107
If you’ve ever felt like you’re absolutely drowning in your business or totally lost - you might be in need of a business strategy. (Also, if you’ve never felt that - consider yourself lucky! It’s super common.) Sometimes, though, you need to see how something is done in order to make it happen in your own life.
On this podcast episode, I sat down with Suzanne from Plain Speech for a strategy session, and she agreed to share her session to help others who might be struggling with a similar issue.

Know, Like & Trust Factor with Ashley DiMercurio | 105
When you first start your business, it seems pretty simple. You talk about what you sell, and people will buy, right? But there is a lot more to marketing than simply promoting your services or products (actually, it might even be the least important thing you do). If you want to know how to grow your business, you need to think beyond selling.

Outsourcing Your Marketing with Lindsay White | 99
When you first started your entrepreneurial journey, it probably wasn’t long until you realized there was a lot to do and little time to do it. Besides the lack of time, you are often figuring it out on your own in the beginning. From social media to email marketing to blogging, you’re trying to be the expert on it all. So, how do you know when it’s time to start outsourcing your marketing?

Creating Systems that Work for Your Business with Holly Haynes | 95
This week’s guest expert is Holly Haynes, the CEO and founder of Crush the Rush. I loved chatting with her about creating systems in your business to increase productivity and make consistent progress growing your business. She is an expert in making the most of limited time and we talked all about how to implement and create theme days into your schedule, so you always know exactly what you’re working on.

4 Steps to Get Started Freelancing with Aubree Malick | 87
There is a lot of talk about freelancing and starting a freelancing business. So much talk, that you might have wondered how to start freelancing yourself! Recently, I chatted with Aubree Malick about exactly that. How do you get a start with freelancing?

Creating a Course To Add Passive Income Into Your Business with Lindsay Bowden | 83
Have you ever been interested in passive income or creating a course online? You’re not alone. The course creation field is blowing up and for great reasons. Recently, I interviewed Lindsay Bowden - a self-proclaimed mompreneur who taught for 8 years. Now, she owns a multiple six-figure online business and was able to retire her husband. How? You guessed it - online courses.

Three Phases of Marketing Mastery | 82
Whether you have been in business for a while, or are just starting, you might be wondering - Am I making the most of my marketing? Am I spending my time (and money) wisely?
When you determine which step of digital marketing you are at, then you can make the right steps towards growing your business and making the most of your time.

Behind the scenes of a FB Ads strategy session with Hayley Klees | 81
Ever wondered what it takes to set up a Facebook ad? It can feel like an enormous task! Recently, I met with Hayley Klees for a Facebook Ad Strategy Session. She was super kind, and let me record our entire session, so that you could get a behind the scenes look at how to set up Facebook ads.

Up Level your Podcast Guesting with Sara Whittaker | 79
Recently I sat down with Sara Wittaker, a former elementary school teacher turned podcast manager and CEO of Podcasting for Educators. I picked her brain on how to get on podcasts as a guest. Let me tell you, she had a ton of great information to share. I especially loved chatting with her about growing your visibility with podcast guesting. We had such a great conversation all about the dos and don’ts when it comes to being a great podcast guest.

Scaling Offers Sustainably with Melissa Lin | 77
Are you thinking about taking your business to the next level but aren’t sure how to scale? Or maybe you’ve tried to scale but it left you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and burnt out? In this week’s episode of Market, Scale, Grow business coach Melissa Lin and I talk all about scaling your offers in a sustainable way to increase your income without burning yourself out along the way.

Organic Pinterest Strategy for Beginning Teacherpreneurs with Chelsea Hall | 40
Do you know you neeeeeeed to be using Pinterest, but have no idea where to start? Or maybe you’re like me and love using Pinterest to pin ALL THE THINGS, but feel overwhelmed by all of the content you need to create?