Supercharge Your Nurturing with Facebook Ads to Your Long-Form Content | 89


Chances are you’ve heard everyone (and their mom 🙄) talk about the importance of long-form content. Podcasts. Youtube. Blogging. Everyone is saying it’s a must. But when it comes to your long-form marketing plan, it gets a little quiet. 

How exactly do you attract people to your long-form content? Do you simply cross your fingers or hope your SEO strategy leads them there? 

In many ways, the traffic to your long-form content will happen organically through SEO optimization, sharing on social media, and email marketing. But, there is another way to drive traffic to your long-form marketing: Facebook Ads.

Am I ready for Facebook Ads?

There are several types of Facebook Ads. When we are talking about directing people to your long-form content, these are known as nurture ads. The goal is not for anyone to buy or sign up. All we want is for them to be nurtured with your free content and become familiar with your brand.

So, how do you know if you're ready to run a nurture ad to your long-form content? These are not hard and fast rules, but typically I tell my clients they should be consistently publishing long-form content at least once a week. I also recommend that you don’t start with nurture ads, but instead list-building ads. It’s easier to feel confident in your ad strategy with list building because you can see tangible results.

How to Run Nurture Ads to your Long Form Content

As I said, nurture ads are not about sales or sign-ups. But, they are great for getting in front of a cold audience. In the age of TikTok, Reels, YouTube Shorts, and all the other fast, easily consumable content, it can take up to forty to fifty micro touch points before someone invests in you. 

If that makes your jaw drop…same! 

Nurture ads can be a great way to hit on some micro touch points and build brand awareness.

I recommend picking a piece of long-form content that is performing well organically. Also, ask yourself, “What content takes them from never having heard of me, to wanting to engage and invest in my business?” Then, you are going to drive traffic to that piece of content. Here's how that will look -

  • For blogs, you will send them directly to your blog.

  • For video content, upload the video to Facebook and make it viewable there.

  • For podcasts, embed the audio to your website (like I did on this page!!) and send people to this webpage. 

I have seen success with longer captions on nurture posts, but it’s something you will have to play around with. As I said, ads and the way people interact with them are changing with much shorter content, like Reels!

Overall, your nurture ads will have a shelf-life of four to six weeks. Keep this in mind when creating your long-form marketing plan. I advise clients to pick one to two pieces of long-form content to run each month.

Alright, I am going to leave you with this action step. Ready? Right now, I want you to pick one piece of content (just one!) you will create an ad for. Look at the stats on your blog, podcast, etc., and make a choice! Then, send a screenshot of your content to me on Instagram @heyitsjenzaia. That way, we can celebrate you completing the action step together.

xo, Jenzaia 


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Episode Transcript:

Hey there I’m Jenzaia. I'm and this is market scale growth. A podcast created for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to have a bigger impact on the world. Achieve freedom, and flexibility, and ultimately make more money. With weekly strategy sessions and inspiring stories from fellow teachers, just like you. My goal here is to help you create a customized marketing strategy so you can grow your teacher business beyond your wildest dreams.

Okay. So before we hop into the episode, I just wanna remind you to download my free guide to Facebook targeting audiences. It has been created specifically for teacher business owners, and I go through the warm lookalike and cold interest-based audiences you need to set up to run Facebook and Instagram.

There are checklists and brainstorming pages so that you know it, you have everything. As an exciting, special I'm opening up some audience audit calls where you can hop onto a 15-minute zoom call with me and you'll get my eyes on your audiences so that you can make sure not only do you have all of the audiences, but they truly are.

Perfect for your business. So head to to book your free audience audit call today. Okay, now into the episode. 

Hello. Welcome to this Saturday strategy session. I'm your host Jenzaia. Welcome. Welcome. I'm so excited that you're here. And today we're gonna be talking about supercharging, your nurturing with Facebook ads.

So if you've been around here a while, you know, a couple things, number one, I believe wholeheartedly in holistic marketing. So not just taking a single approach to your marketing strategy, but really rounding it out and including a variety of different pieces to your marketing so that you're nurturing people, you're building relationships, you're building community.

And of course you're selling and making sales. The second thing that you know is I believe in setting up your lead generation or your list-building campaign. First, when I first started running Facebook ads, I really struggled because I was in a program that said start with these like $5 day ads where, um, I was boosting Instagram posts and I was running traffic to my blog and yes, in a big picture in that holistic marketing, those things were helping and my ads were doing well.

However, it didn't feel like they were doing well because I couldn't see any tangible results. . And so what I like to have my clients and my students start by doing is creating their list, and building ads, because there's tangible results there. You can see people coming onto your email list. You can see your email list growing and it feels good, right?

There's that psychological reward. But once you've done that, well, you need to fill. The funnel, if you will. And so, as part of your holistic marketing strategy, your content marketing is a big part of that. And so today we're gonna talk about how you can use Facebook ads to bolster your content marketing if you will.

And so this strategy I called supercharge, you're nurturing, and basically, you are driving traffic. To your long-form content. So before you start running ads, I strongly recommend that you have consistent long-form content that you are creating and putting out there free high-value content that people can consume.

Whether it's a podcast, a blog or video content, like a YouTube channel, it doesn't really matter. As long as it's consistent. High value and free content that people can consume as you know because you are listening to it. I have a podcast. I love podcasting. I like talking. So it really, really works, but I actually feel like maybe the best one is actually video content because people then can see your face and hear your voice.

And there's like an added level of relationship-building trust building that comes with that video piece. There is an intimacy of podcasts because people often will be listening to you with their earbuds in and, uh, doing things like exercising or working around the house. And so you kind of like becoming part of their life and part of their world.

Right. And I. Know, from personal experience, that there's times when I've listened to a podcast episode and I can so clearly remember exactly where I was. And then sometimes I won't quite remember the information, but. I will have connected the super important thing that I learned on a podcast with something like the tree we walked past on our hike.

And so I see the tree and that brings back the podcast. So that's kind of cool and I couldn't do that with video. So it's all up there. It really does depend on your preference. If you're gonna do video, then YouTube would be my suggestion for you though. Live streaming on. Instagram or Facebook or TikTok or wherever, uh, the newest trending places that I'm too old to have learned about yet is so you can pick your, your, your platform.

Um, But Google does have that in-need search feature. Okay. So I'm kind of really off-topic right now, but making sure you have consistent long-form content and what do I mean by consistent once a week minimum once a week, if you wanna start slow and start with once a month and build up to twice a month and then four times a month or weekly, whatever you wanna call it, that's fine.

But by the time you're ready to run ads, I highly recommend that you are a pro at creating, and producing high-value content. every single week. And my coach said something really fascinating to me today. And that was, um, that content and copywriting to go with the content. So copywriting is writing sales pages, writing emails, and writing captions for your social media.

Like pretty much all of the writing. We would consider copywriting that content creation and copywriting are essential parts of her business. And. I never really thought about it that way, but it's so true. Like my content and the caption for social media, the blogs that I put out, and the emails that I put out are the backbone to my business.

And it just wouldn't be you're, you can't really build a business the same way if you're not doing that, especially online. So I just want you to consider that like, it should be the backbone of your business and everything stems from that content. So once you are in the habit of creating that consistently high quality content every single week, and you have your lead generation ad up and running, one of the next steps that you can implement is to nurture ads.

So these are ads that are designed to drive traffic to your long-form content. So in my case it would be long. I'd be driving traffic to listen to my podcast. You might be driving traffic to watch your videos or to read your blog. And so this has a couple of different effects. Number one, it is nurture. You are nurturing your audience.

Number two, you can send these out to cold audiences for a relatively inexpensive amount. Then you're bringing more people into your audience, into your world, into your orbit, and consistently bringing fresh people into your orbit is really, really powerful because if, if they never heard of you, then they could never buy from you.

But when you bring these fresh new people in well, you're, you're just widening the top of that funnel. And the more people come in means the more people that are gonna come out the bottom. . And so one of the great things about nurture ads is they don't have to look like ads. So let's chat about how you would set this up.

So you've picked this amazing podcast episode. Um, I'm gonna go with episode 44, that's the holistic marketing episode. It's one of my favorite ones that I've ever done. And so I would be driving traffic to my podcast now for a blog post. It's really easy. You drive traffic to the blog itself, the URL.

To the blog for your video content, if possible, you wanna be driving traffic to view the video within the Facebook platform, using a video view campaign. So you may have done the live stream on Facebook to begin with, or you may have uploaded it afterward, or you may have uploaded the video as an ad, but the best way to do it is to keep people on your face.

Or Instagram platform and create a video view. Add you can drive people off like traffic off of Facebook. Um, if you have to, but, uh, if you can keep them on Facebook, that's best with a podcast. It's a little bit more challenging because you don't know what app people are using. And. And you also can't pixel the apps.

So if I send someone to apple podcasts, I can't, I can't track that, but if I send them to my website, I am able to track them. I'm able to use my pixel and to create an audience of podcast listeners. And so when I'm running an ad, I send people to my show notes. So. For example with episode 44, the show notes for that are market scale, 44.

And that sends people to that episode on my website. And then they've been pixelated, if you are running video content and you don't wanna upload it onto Facebook, you could do something very similar where you embed the video. With the podcast. I embed the podcast player in my show note. So they don't even need to there are links for them to go listen on Apple or Spotify, but they don't have to, they can just click play on my website.

Right. So if you have video content, I recommend you do the same thing. You figure out how to embed the video. On your website. So you can drive people to that website to show notes or video notes or vlog notes, whatever you wanna call them. And then you have their pixels. And so that's my first recommendation is to send them somewhere, either keep them on the Facebook ad Facebook platform or Instagram platform.

And if you wanna drive them off of it, make sure it's somewhere that is the pixel. So these are traffic ads. um, unless you're viewing a video. So if it's getting them to view a video, then that would be a video view ad. When you're sending someone to your blog or your podcast, those are traffic ads because the goal is to get more traffic to that URL.

Sometimes you can even make it look even more native and more organic. You wouldn't even put a button in, so there's no actual call to action. And in those cases, you may even run it as an engagement ad. And so if you're going to do it that way to make it look more authentic, more in, um, organic, you would have a longer form caption.

that goes with the picture and that's almost like a mini blog post. So the person can read the entire caption. There's a link inside the caption that says, want more, go read the blog post or go listen to the podcast, but they get basically a summary of it in the caption. So it's a long form of content. They read it and nurture it.

And the other thing that's really important and that's coming up more and more I'm noticing is the idea of micro touchpoints. And so each time someone interacts with your brand, it's considered a touchpoint, but what we've gone from in the last, I would say like 18 months is like mega or major, or just like full touch points.

If you will, where it's, somebody is watching your webinar or they're signing up for your email. And actually using your checklist and they're reading your emails. Each of those is pretty big touchpoint. And when we're talking about big touchpoints like that, it only takes seven to 14 touch points for someone to go from never heard of you before to Actual consumer or, and have purchased from you, but there's been a transition in the last 18 months that was caused by the iOS updates, the, um, the takeover of TikTok and reels, just the way we're consuming media and social media specifically in shorter birth. So we've gone from.

Those mega touchpoints are just like full-size touchpoints, too micro touchpoints. And these are little, little, little tiny things like scrolling past. Your ad and seeing like, oh, that's Jenzaia, but not actually like even looking at it or reading the caption or anything, just like scrolling and seeing it in the feed.

Another micro touchpoint could be looking at a landing page, not signing up, not joining the email list, nothing like that. Just like looking at the MI landing page and then moving on. So there are all of these tiny, tiny micro touch points. Seven seconds of a video here. Seven seconds of the video there, seeing your comment on someone else's video.

Um, all these little, little tiny touch points are adding up and it's now taking 40 to 50 of these micro touch points to do that same journey to go from never having heard of you to a sale. And that's part of the reason why. nurture ads are so important because to get in front of somebody 40 to 50 times to get in front of somebody, 40 to 50 times, organically is time-consuming and it's exhausting.

And the amount of content you would need to create is overwhelming. And so nurture ads by putting a little bit of ad spend. And it doesn't need to be a lot anywhere from like two to $5 a day. We'll help this process by creating these nurture ads where you're driving traffic to the high-quality valuable content that is going to make your job of hitting those 40 to 50 touch points so much easier.

One of the common, most common questions that I get when I'm talking about nurture ads is how many should I be running at one? When you're first getting started, you can pick maybe one or two pieces of content and build your way up to four to six. I wouldn't recommend running more than six different pieces of content at a time, especially because these ads can't run forever.

They usually have a shelf life of about four to six weeks. And so if you're constantly running six different ones, you would be changing. The content is very frequent and it would get overwhelming. And so picking one or two really, really, really valuable pieces of content each month and making it part of your, your content strategy or your marketing strategy each month of deciding what content maybe you're pulling from the previous month, or maybe you're pulling from the previous year, or just like best performing podcast from your entire podcast history, doesn't really matter.

Where you're pulling that content from as long as it is truly high-value content, you don't want to, um, pull an episode that was irrelevant or not valuable, or didn't do well organically pick, pick things that your audience will resonate with, and that will be truly nurturing and also consider what kind of content.

Would take somebody from never having heard of you to be interested in buying from you. What, what piece of content would have, that link now? A couple of caveats and these are big caveats. The first one is your goal is to nurture people. That is your only goal. And one of the big, like, I don't wanna say like arguments or fights that I get with people, but a conversation that we have regularly about this is I want them to sign up for my email list.

I have the form in my blog post. Like that the goal? Why is nobody signing up? Because that's not the goal of this ad. These ads are designed to get people to consume your content, to be nurtured. There may be people who do sign up to join your email list. That might be something that happens, but it's not your goal.

Here. You have a list-building ad to get people on your email list. The goal here is to just grow your audience, Tory them high-value content, and to serve them, engage with them and get more touch points. So they become more familiar with who you are, what you offer and. Want to buy from you whenever they're ready down the road, but do not, do not go into this with the expectation that you're going to turn this ad on.

And all of a sudden you're gonna have tons and tons and tons of leads coming in. I do recommend that you're running these ads to cold audiences. So either look like audiences or interest-based audiences, but you can also run them to warm audiences, people who are already in your orbit already in your audience already, even on your email list, because it's a good idea.

And I talked about this in a previous episode, all about honoring. Where they are in the buying cycle. And adding this nurture in for warm audience members will help to continue to nurture them as they move through your buying cycle. And so you can also strategically pick content that would nurture someone who is not yet on your email list, but then pick other content that would strategically nurture someone who's already on your email list towards the purchase.

So thinking about which content would be best and what they would resonate best with is a great idea. So I know I've thrown tons and tons of information at you. So your action step right now is to pick at least one, not even just at least to pick one high-value piece of content that you've created, that you are going to create a nurture ad for.

So this is traffic and driving more traffic to that high-value piece of content. That is your action step. And I would love for you to reach out, send me a DM on Instagram. I hate it. If you run the ad, I would love to see it. I'd love to hear about it. And thank you so much for joining me today. I will be back next Saturday with a new episode for you.

Thank you so much for listening to market scale growth. If you're ready to build your email list and generate consistent leads on autopilot, then we would love to partner with you. Our growth package is perfect. Of course, creator. Service riders and coaches look to inject their list with fresh leads so that they can amplify their amazing program and get it out to new people.

This six-week package is perfect for you. If you have a proven lead magnet that you're ready to turn into an established lead generation machine to get started today, head to, fill out the application and someone from my team will be in contact with you to schedule a free strategy session, to ensure that it's a good fit and to get you on the path to consistent lead generation with team JD.

Thank you again for listening and I look forward to working with you.


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